Page 62 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 62
_Opinion Peace committee needs support As the end 0'-1982 draws near, the Elderdice Peace committee has begun planning the peace week for the spring of 1983. It has started with little attention from the WMC campus. Ironically the entire world, as one community, faces a critical time in international relations and military power. It is a time when all persons should be extremely aware of the conse- quences of the continuous build up of nuclear and conventional military power among the leading nations of the world. Can we continue to idly watch relentless stockpiling of weaponry without the onset of war? Can we survive any conflict in which the massive tonnage of these stockpiles are employed? The answer is more and more becoming a definite no as our representa- tives in Washington show little resistance to the Reagan military strategy. When a national leader calls a missile, designed to bring destruction to human life, a "peacemaker," the Citizens of that nation must question the reasoning that is the basis for that leader's judgement. They must stand up for a resolution that will seek more peaceful alternatives for a balance of world powers. That time of questioning must begin now, and it .must begin within members of the cltizenry . including the members of WMC. Now is when all students, faculty, and adminis- Main Street trators should.give support to the group of people who Council wish to initiate a positive step in a direction of peace - Jennifer: Richard Pryor that group being the Elderdice Peace Committee. Yes, Story 01 Herpes in war will always pervade some sector of the world. But to reform The Toy the citizens of the world must look to measures that will Susan Bachrach minimize the need for, and the probability of, war. McDaniel Fri. & Sat. 7& 9 p.m. Sun.- The inroads to a world less vulnerable to annihila- lounge Thurs. 7:30 p.m. tion by military weaponry have been made, but they from page 1 Tonfte Sun Mati ... ($1.75) 2 p.m. 7 p.m. time, where students had to are few and short. Support for such well intentioned groups like the Elderd'ce J:leaceCommittee wilt hasten: :~mn~~~~:r~~~~~~~j~i~~i.:-.-..-.-.-.•-.-.-..;...~,-..-.-.-..-.-.-............•............. the long and laborious journey that must be made to apathy, which is present 1 assure a more safer, and less aggressive relationship, today on campus, is a prob- Tessem Stoneware among nations. lem that the council will try to It is hoped that the Peace committee wilt look eliminate, says council presi- Pottery Outlet beyond the means of war (ie. nuclear weaponry) and dent Steve Sturiale. seek resolutions to the ends that bring about the Another result of the 1972- employment of those means. One such possibility lies 73 college reorganization was' Quality Pottery at Inexpenaive Price8 in active research of the World Federalists Association. the formation of the Ali-Col- The WFA advocates strong mediation by a governing lege Council, which had re- 111 John Street, Westminster body, such as the United Nations, to circumvent a sponsibilities and functions Near Southern States military crisis that would bring mass destruction for similar to those of the Student Mon. thru Sat. much of the world. Yet, before any of this can happen, Ufe Council. Because of this 876-8844 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. groups like the Elderdice Peace Committee must have overlapping, the college dis- ............................................... strong support from those the committee seeks to banded the Student Life serve, and it must have that support now - at a time Council. when support is needed most. A few years tater, however, the All-College Council in tum Little George's disbanded, said Dr. John, Convenience because of lack of authority: The the other college committees did not want to lose power by Stores Subs, Sandwiches, Sodas, etc. Phoenix tions to a new group. seri- delegating some of their func- "We weren't taken ously," said Dr. Zepp about Open 7 Days A Week the council. Editor. ·..·..··· · ·· Robert Holt Finally, last year, the Long- 6:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. Managing Editor ··..·· Teresa Norman Range Planning Committee is- Asst. Managing Editor 'Oan Gilmore sued the recommendation, ~------ -- ~-- -----~-, which the faculty and the News Editors David Bogdanski trustees later approved, that Copy Editor · · Greg Elba the Student Life Council be : 10% WMC discount with this Ad : Sports Editor ·..·..·..· ·· Bruce Mable - reestablished to improve Photo Editor .. .. Steve Brady communication among stu- I I Cfiristmas 9'!"i".9s fro~. I : Asst. Photo Editor Martin Schulman dents, faculty, and the admin- I 1._ Business Manager ·· Oeb Armsworthy istration. Publishedby and for the studentsof WestemMarylandCollege. It was briefly pointed out in I I" ~ I I The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily the meeting that the new I I reflect those of the staff or administration. council, like its forerunners, I I We welcome commentsand/or suggestions.Pleaseaddressall will have to deal with the r tltt ~rttn ~atnr lUI. : problem of overlapping func- mail to The Phoenix, Box 1. Western Maryland College, tions, because it duplicates I 'if"-<~~ I. Westminster,Md. 21157. some of the responsibilities I I BJ Member of the ASSOCiatedCollegiate Press that the Student Affairs Com- : atrou from lPlIblic .£ibrary at Locus! :Mall : I mittee of the Board of Trust- I lJI-'-H4.I~, JI~..JIU$7 (.t~/876·8989· ees has now. .L.---'"-~---_~~~ ._;._ -'_:;,;,....:::-'-__J ~
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