Page 198 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 198
_Opinion_~ _ Laidlaw bids adios Letters to the Editor and discipline slides Many familiar faces will fade from the regular WMC No thanks on the frat earrings campus routine this year. Those persons will be mostly Dear Editor campus are important, , feel they either local or national, to support graduating students. However, one person within the adminis- Fraternities on Western Mary- have been put down by public this bizarre type of brotherhood. tration will also depart from The Hill. It Is a rather notable land College's campus are a very opinion. The reason for the poor Two friends who call them- departure. During the summer, Elizabeth J. Laidlaw will leave as significant social factor to both pubuc opinion however, stems selves "brothers" due to their the associate dean of student affairs. The Dean's resignation is men and women. Many upper from the foolish and sometimes closeness is great. However, a accompanied with much regret by most of the students who classmen as well as new fresh- feminine actions of both fraternity group of men who do not hardly have become acquainted with her. men members of fraternities, members and pledges. For ex- know each other from the start Surely not every WMC student has agreed with some count on their fraternity in order ample, one set.ot turkeys on this and then insist on being called particular judgement made bv the Dean. Yet it must be to find friends, brothers and at- campus went as far as having acknowledged that Dean ladlaw has been faced with one of the tractive young ladies. Because of about half Its pledge class get ~rothers bec?use theX ~re show- char- Ing unconscious feminine most difficult jobs during her 14 years of service ij.t WMC. It can this strong reliance on the con- earrings. Earrings, as everyone acteristics by wearing earrings, be said without a doubt that she has ernestly confronted many cept of "fraternity." I often wan- knows, are for women, and of are a group of losers. On a last a thankless task during her term. In handling the duties of the der what fraternity members have course, for those individuals con- note, save your money and your office, Dean laidlaw's successor has a very tough act to follow. to pay in order to be cool cerning thei~ sexual preference. I ears! More importantly, the resignation of Dean laidlaw marks ~Ithough fraternities on this think it is very odd for a fraternity, the departure of the last unwavering holder of discipline and Name Withheld by request good conduct from the WMC executive administrative staff. In Guilty protected, innocent neglected this respect, we all face a time of uncertalnty. The diligence with ~~:~iC~~e a~a;iII:t :~~:~tte~~rw~u~~s Th~a~:~iX~~ Dear Editor, cluded spots than the front of the action" is taken, the only ones many others at WMC who openly acknowledge with gratitude Recenlly, I had the misfortune student center. Also, if you are the service rendered by Elizabeth J. Laidlaw and wish her much of walking back from my girl- thinking about taking someone in Who know about it is the Board and the convicted student, who happiness in the forthcoming years friend's room at 11:30 p.m. It was front of the disciplinary board for has nothing 10 lose by saying r....;.....;.-----......;;,.;..------ __ --":,~:ata~~fO~U~:c~:nl ~ harassing you, or assaulting you, nothing happened, because the UNDeRSTaNDiNG THe members of a different fratemity or raping you, your only hope is truth will never get out. lots of witnesses, that you have At the very least, the discipli- FaLKLaNDc§ CRi&ia in front of the student center at least more than the accused nary board should be some kind verbally After abusing me, they has. If you cannot get the wit- of detering factor. Yet many per- iT'a ReaLLY VeRY SiI'JPLe: ;;UnS~da~~adw~l~d o!h~:i~:~~ nesses, a tape recording of the ceive the board to be a farce events, or a photographer sta- and a joke, thus allowing people tioned in the bushes to capture to violate another person's physt- .each punch on film may do the cal and material rights without ~~, __.:--""'_~.~~ __ _ _ ~~~~e.,~.N...:--.~a:~N~- ~~;~:~~~~:;~;~~:~ trick. but then again, I would not appropriate action being in the -=-' -~...o.~ - ,_ . cided to take action against guarantee anything happening to realm of possibility. It is difficult these people. Rather than pro- the guilty. You must realize, that enough for the victim to decide knows who is even if the board ~ mating any violence between my to bring charges against a viola- ENGLaND i3 §TI fraternity and their's, I took them lying (as Dean Ladlaw confided ter, but the final assault is sitting - HoLPiNG tHe aea. _ :::;;~N in front of the disciplinary board to me that it was rather obvious), in front of the disciplinary board they cannot act upon it. Thei sole defending oneself as if you were . :;'" ~:':.;-. . ;;;;'&'i' I figured fight would prevail over purpose is to act upon the wrong, but was mistaken. the accused and wishing to your- , After a good talk with Dean evidence. So don't get beaten up self that you carried a tape 1He UNi7€O &TaTea. as Laidlaw, I learned that the board without a lot of evidence. recorder, and were constantly My second U,§uaL, ia HOLDiNG !He BaG. cannot tell me what action was administration point is that upset the dogged by a photographer, and be cannot taken, but she did tell me it was with the students for not having accompanied by at least one appropriate action. I also learned the backbone to stand up to friend at all times. The process in disciplinary from someone else that this per- students who have violated rules which the seems to cause board functions stu- The • son is going around saying nom- and laws. The system may cause dents to deal with rule and law and that he didn't ing happened any student who has stood up for breakers on their own. The board Phoenix even get in trouble. I also have their rights to never do so again virtually forces students to either grounds to believe what he said, My mother, my father and I sat in forget about the incident or take after this because the weekend Dr. John's office the day after the matters into their own hands. incident and listened to Dean ~~t~~~:d~t~~i~~~::~,k :ofi~h~ The bottom line is that changes Editor . Robert Holt Mowbray. He emphatically reas- must be made. The school suf- Managing Editor ... . Teresa Norman sanctions must not have been sured my parents that steps fers when irrational students are News Editor. . Greg Elba stiff enough to keep him out of would be taken and these people allowed to violate whomever and Sports Editor. . Rob McQuay trouble. would be dealt with. To the whatever they want. Stronger ac- Photo Editor... . Andy Chang I believe that I am trying to knowledge of the student body, tion must be taken. If no action is Photo Lab .. .. . Carlos Ortega make two distinct points with this nothing has been done to them. taken when someone is as- Ad Artists CIndy WilcoX'"" letter. The first is that students A wishy-washy administration saulted, what does it take, a rape Paste-up Jeff Frazer, Bruce Mable should never walk anywhere on breeds a wishy-washy student or a murder? If it does take a Judy Mitnick campus alone. I thought I was body. Why would anybody want rape or a murder for "real" action safe in front of the student center Proofreading 8eth Piskora. Chris Soto at 11;30 p.m. on a Tuesday to go before the disciplinary to be taken, are you willing to Melanie. Clippinger board when they know that 99 wait until the victim is you? Business Manager Jonathan Dickey night, but I was not. There are percent of the time the accused David Bogdanski Ad Manager Jeannine Railey also numerous other more se- gets off? Even if "appropriate Typist Alice Krempasky News editors final thoughts Michele Everett Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College, The opinions expressed in this publication do not Greg Elba me rock music . / or give I would like to take time 10 the paper I was basically lost. "Give necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration. me death!" Now that I have that thank Robert and Corey for mak- Beth worked by my side, giving We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address off my chest' would like to say a ing me News Editor. One day at me help and support that consis- all mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College, lunch they were sitting nearby tenlly pulled me through. Sadly, Westminster, Md. 21157. few words for my last issue as me, Corey asked me tt-! could she isn't coming back next faU, I News Editor. Due to other com- spell, when I_ replied with an for one will miss her terribly. So mitments I will not be able to take affirmative he threw several four thank you Beth, for all the help, iJ:I Member of the Associated Collegiate Press that position next year. (Have no syllable words at me, I spelled and for making me the happiest I fear though, I will stitt be bringing you my literary masterpieces on them and was hired. like to thank have ever been in my-entire life. I would Finally, rock music) Beth, When I began ·working on
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