Page 200 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 200
Page 4 May 13, 1982 --Entertainment _ 'The Boy Friend' IS cute and peppy Jody Morrison The Boy Friend, a three act was given 24 hours notice to due to his body movements, his play by Sandy Wilson, directed learn the extra part. His quick way of speaking and singing, outfits. The bright colors used in the stage. by Max Dixon, was presented on costume changes were rernarka- and his dance number with. DuI- the costumes, as well as the ne singing was a little low and WMC Mainstage Alumni Hall, ble and his fine acting ability cie (Risa Bush) to "It's Never Too scenery, added to the lively unclear at times, and the spoken mood. May 6-9. This spoof of the En- made up for a bit of awkward- late to Fall in love." French was awkward, especially, glish musical comedies of the ness in the last scene when the _ The orchestra, conducted by the The dancing 'was well done by the evening of the last show entire cast especially and 1920's was a cute, peppy, and two characters, Polly and Maise, Carl .~ietrich, provided a pleasant when the cast, as well as the Successful show. were supposed to be with their rendition of songs before each Pfieter and McQuay in the song audience seemed tired. Consid- "I Could With Be Happy You," The plot .ls based on the com- respective boyfriends, Tony and act. This bouncy and bubbly ering the talent of the cast and mon theme of an endless search Bobby, yet only one (McQuay as music set the mood of the 20's and Udy and McQuay in "Won't the idea the The Boy Friend is a for a boyfriend. Set in Nice, Tony) was on stage. The audi- """,e~cq~~umes ,were marv~lous, You Charleston With Me." spoof of the English musicals France, t.he girls at Madame ence accepted this scene with especially those used during the The lighting used was effective, during the 1920's, the performers Du80nnet's Finishing School an much laughter and approval. Carnival scene and Madame Du- including the control of the spot- acted well together and suc- strive to capture their boyfriends Stacey Pfeifer, as Polly, capti- Bonnet's (Felicia Burrey) various light and the small decorated ceeded in presenting a fun and and of cou rS8 they all succeed in lights surrounding the edge of entertaining show. the end. ;~:~h~~~i~~~e d7~~~n:te;a~~~ Another viewpoint Director, Max Dixon introduced expressions. "Mad Cap Maise," the play with a brilliant explana'_ was portrayed by- Susan Udy, 'The Boy Friend' falls short ton as to how the audience who did a. good job in playing should differentiate the two char- the most flirtatious of the girls. acter: Tony and Bobby, since lord Brockhurst, played by Reed What our recent musical pro- What was supposed to be a could have been a lot funnier if Robert McQuay acted...both parts. Mortimer, was also a flirtatious ceeded to demonstrate is that college show turned into a silly she .had developed past the McQuay did an excellent job 'in character. Mortimers portrayal of WMC is not a 'musical' campus. high school musical. intermediary-explainino role. Now portraying both characters, espe- Brockhurst's "dirty old man" As a critic and student, I was Perhaps you are astonished to the pair who, God wilting, I will to know cially ,after conSidering that he image was hilarious, especially very surprised at The Boy Friend, and demand I base my on what like them again. Madame Dubbo- never act have to see another the latest production on campus. judge- do grounds Summer is the time to s~e movies . ment. Let's start with something net, Felicia Surrey, also should simple cos- like scenery and The have been better developed. that are wild, bloody, romantic. tumes. The scenery looked like it director created the role for her designed been by a high had and she never went on to make it school sophomore studying busi- her own. She was just plain Fidy Kuo hall and burns the kids' records. Loaf wastes his time chasing a ness. From the audience, it obnoxious and her voice, well, I Hey all you bummed out, How? They blow up the school. 1t>:year-old girt He never signs looked as if the siage had been don't think I can find words to tell sleepy, "No-Doz" heads, Wake Real fun. Great music and con- and there's not enough music to made with cardboard and cra- you what she did to her songs. up! I know you're all in the final cert footage of The Ramones sustain anyone's interest yons. As for the costumes, they And Percy, Joseph J. Impallaria, stretch of the semester with finals 2}"Heavy Metal"- This is a real II) Comedy looked like something psyched- Jr., if he's as bad at acting as he looming over your heads. But, loser of an animated fantasy flick. 1) "Monty Python & The Holy enc right out 01 the sixties. is a soldier in RO.T.C., the U.S. vacation's just around the bend. Stay-home on Saturday morning Grail"-A take off on the chivalraic Now for something more diffi- is in trouble. I lost count how And what are you gOing to be for the cartoons ...the art graphics history of noble King Arthur and cult. the performances, which many times he slipped in and out doing on your Friday and Satur- are better. Don" go for the mUSic the gallant knights of his Round seemed a little difficult lor the of his accent. In fact, after the day evenings now that you're not either ...they're isn't any. Dozens Table. See a man hitting two actors. While there did shine for first act, I.tried to ignore them the going to use them to study for of rock groups (le: Btack Sab- coconuts together to simulate the a few minutes some acting abil- the World Politics Class (Which bath, Blue Oyster Cult, and Naz- sound of horses because they ity, the singing talent was non- I'm failing right now)?! Well, The areth) were duped into leading couldn't afford them! See brave existent. On the positive side, the rest of the show. Slight mention Phoenix staff writer who's brough their tunes. The cumulative total Sir Lancelot slaughter a wedding characters of lord and Lady of Susan Udy, who played you the articles you never both- of !ill the music featured through banguet of flower girls and un- Brockhurst, Reed Mortimer and Maisie: If was so lun to watch her ered to read and movie reviews out the film amomtts to less 'than armed peasants! See Dr. Stevens Kathy Gobbel, were well played face as she concentrated on her of classics like "Vice. Squad," four minutes. (British lit. teacherj sneak off to and both staved in character the oanctnq, listening for musical suggests the midnight matinee 3) "The Rocky Horror Picture see this movie! duration of the play. Tony and cures. and looking for her part- movie. Compiled on this page Show"-The first audience partict- 2) "Stripesv-a dumb movie that Bobby or rather Rob McQuay, are my opinions and memories of patton film ever. Fans squirt fails to utilize the comedic talents deserves a gold star for attempt- a bunch of flicks that are sure to water bottles during the rain and sensitivity of actor Bill Mur- ing two parts; however, the On the whole, the choreogra- help you "while away those quiet scenes, throw toast when the ray. Instead, it's just one prepos- songs seemed a little low for his phy wasn't bad even if it did look hours of despair." Read on. chaacters ''toast'' drinks, throw terous stunt after another as lovely tenor. Also needing credit like they had learned the dances I) The ~ock'n'Roll Fantasy Scot toilet paper when the doctor Murray and John Candu learn to is Stacy Pfeifer playing her. usual a week ago and the pit band was 1. '"Aock'n'Roll High sctccr'. Says, "great scott" and cheer the become "lean, mean, fighting ingenue role as Polly although second best after Reed Mortimer. The school is called Vince Lorn- hero-a trasvestite from Transyl- machines" in the U.S. Army. her singing wasn't strong on the The tap dancing that ended up bardi High. The principal'looks vania. AU this makes for a film 3) "Meatballs"-a movie that high notes or dancing. Rfamping and stomping in "I like Joan Crawford ("Mommie that is STRANGE. Still, the music does utilize the comedic talents I'll try to tame this next para- Could Be Happy With You" was Dearest"), and the heroes are a is great and a good time is had and sensitivity of actor Bill Mur. graph. How about those two obvious and ridiculous. Didn't punk rock group, The Ramones by all. Experienc_! it once for ray. lt's the misfits vs. the snobs blondes? Can someone tel! me they have money for taps? Prob- -("Gimmie Gimmie Shock Treat- yourself. as camp counselor Murray pits who they were in the pl?y? Better ably spent the ,money on the ~ ment," "Teenage lobotomy."). 4) "Roadie"-Meat Loaf stars as 'his Camp Mohawk against Camp yet, who they are or what they costurT)es and scenery. Under the anarchistic thumb of a roadie. Deborah Harry of Blen- Northstar, (which has a "two year are doing on the stage? Were student Riff Randall (P.J. Soles) die, and Alice Cooper make waiting list.") Here, he falls' in they just off the street? The men The comedy was there, but the Ramones save the day when guest appearances. Yet, the 1000ewith the lJins' counselor and aren't worth a mention, so I'll go some jokes were milked out. Example: In "It's Never Too Late ~h~~~C~~b~~~~_S~~~!~~~~n~~_~~_~~!a~ "!!'!~~con ... t.inued.... on - ... -1i6-.on •.• .... Le.e_An.n.w._are. 10 FaU in love" lord B. missed .... i HOUSE OF LIQUORS : ge. Dulcie as she stepped away four , Carroll Plaza. Westminster 848-1314 : • C· times too many. And one more not one thing, the! Tango dance, : Graduation -Special: J Den'ney' to mince words, was perfectly horrible. The timing was totalty off , Congratulations Seniors! " r l and they_spent the time hitting each other. Oh, kicking and Beer, Wine, Spirits except sare items , : know the effect they were trying I Present offer. good 5/14: CAT=,:ON£ WESTMINSTER STORE-PHONE for, but it wasn't funny it was silly. I could go on but I'd be wasting : coupon & 1.0. thru 5/21182 ' ... ,.,.c_",-,.~..?N.'SAT 9,30 a.m,S,30 pm 848-7700 my time and yours - The Boy 1-------- __~ ~---------~~4 • Friend just didn't ~e it.
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