Page 199 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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Page ] May 13. 1982 The final editorial thouqht; Thanks be any reason for this publica- regrets for errors and thank you have made many sacrifices to weekly drudgery of layout and From the editor's desk tion. Then there is the financial for bearing with us. And finally, produce the paper that is read ~ste-up; he also saved the day thank you for being the kind of each Thursday during breakfast more than once when the editor I As the a?ade;niC year draws to • support from the student activity _ a concluston at WMC, so too funding, which is contributed by discerning readership that makes and between classes. seemed at the brink of stumbling in Many writers kept this editor and - thanks My difficult editor 'does another publication season every student and is no minor the job of - if this was not the Martin, tlrst the managing goes editor to Les for print, but Corey Mann kept him interesting of the student newspaper come detail in the newspaper operating oul of the obituaries. Foremost in to an end Colnctdentanv. yet budget -tor this year. In the past, case, the job would not be worth most of the year. I could always my thoughts at this moment is having. go to Les with an idea knowing quite fittingly, the last issue ap- it had been said that no one This year has been a year of that if it was weak, he would the one man on campus, who pears the same day a year ago really cared about the newspaper growth for the student newspa- respond accordingly: "That's a knows my most deepest feelings that I received the letter affirming and hardly read it. Well the same per, which has expanded from a dumb idea, Rob." If it had not as a WMC editor, Bill Byrne. He my selection as editor for the can not be said this year. I want four to eight page weekly journal. been for Les, who made the often was on the scene in the academic year 1981-82. Reflect- to- thank the few readers who The Phoenix would not have even countless, Tuesday and Wednes- beginning, writing and giving as- ing back on things now, il seems bothered to make their way to been a two page weekly if it had day nights easier to get through, sistance when needed. Even like only yesterday that the first our office at the bottom of the not been for the support of a staff The Phoenix probably would now, Bill is a strong source of issue of the year appeared on world, the Rouzer Hall basement that is diligent, disciplined and have died sometime in the mid- advice and insight to the ques- campus in the midst of a hot and to express' your thoughts about dedicated. Thougn me rewsna- winter. He was always poi.nting tions I confront. He will be greatly hectic September morning. Time me'varlous aspects of The Phoe- missed as I finish out my studies side of things undergone . moved so swiftly, and events nix. Even though I could not per has and rebuilding, a year of out the Rob bright after this issue, you - at WMC next year. "Hey this has change occurred so quickly, that there comprehend all of the garbled been a championship year for have another whole ten issues to Indeed, there must be mention really was not a moment for Ihe screaming that occasionally filled The Phoenix. The staff has over- go." I would also like to mention of the many others who contrib- cool and clear perspective that is the office, I Hied emesny to see and estab- uted in their unique ways to the "eftcroed to one through removed your points as I nibbled on a come many obstacles for the the woman who definitively took tremendous task of publishing standards lished over for tee. and will hopefully higher and distant observation. In re- soggy burger from McDonald's publication, and for themselves do the job again for the paper each week without fail: viewing this past year of the and took solace in the fact that at as well. It is because of the next year, Teresa Norman. She Audrey Adams, Ed Johnson, WMC student newspaper, there least someone was interested in efforts by this staff that the The has brought a lot of enthusiasm Dan Wilson, Robert Michlowitz, -can be only one editorial opinion The Phoenix Phoenix has appeared each to the paper during her short, but Jeff Trice, Dan Trollinger, William ._ thanks and gratitude. We made our share of errors Thursday with eight pages of important, stint in the staff. Both Kreher. Kim Oppenheim, Daryl It is most fitting that ffie first this year, and for those errors I Grant, Rich Harfst, Glen Arnold, thanks be given the readership. personally accept the responsi- news and commentary. Recogni- of them have admirably handled Deb Ratzburg, Sydney\ Deeds, tion is due to these people who the toughest- of tasks, teiling the For without you, there would not bility. I can only express my . editor "no, that idea is not going Marci Sartoph, Judy Mitnick, More letters to enough copy," or "we don't have Cathy Bowes, Diane PerrY, Jenny liz Soto. work," Chris and were always Siegenthaler, Phone etiquetteneedea willing to try something new and Price, Steve Mollie Rossman, Shawn Chris Vaughan, over the editorial Looking King, Beth Williams, Onere managerial staff, J can only find people who are dedicated and Armstrong, Robin Quick, Greco, "Pat Luce, Dear Editor, that almost destroyed my friend- to leave a message. My friend inspiring: Greg, Rob, Andy· "The Mark Cavanaugh, Chris Beyers, t know it's strange to discuss ship with this gentleman, I finally never gol the message and Changer," Carlos, Cindy, Jean- and the students of the Produc- nine, Jon, Michele and Alice. telephone etiquette in the news- got in touch with him. When he didn't know her mother had reviewing the writers for this year, In tion Crew. I wish to thank those Finally, paper, but it's a very important told me he had been trying to called until she went home for subject to me. It amazes me how reach me all week, I was no Mother's Day! and it is very difficult to sort out who contributed .to The Phoenix important in subtle, more yet ignorant a lot of people seem to longer mad at him, but furious When I answer the phone, I the "star reporters." There are be about telephone etiquette--or with the girld who live on my hall. always knock upon the person's some stand outs that can not go ways: Joyce Muller and her staff at the Office of Public Informa- just plain lazy. Maybe he didn't leave a mes- door that the call is for, and if without mention: Fidy Kuo, Bruce In April I had a great deal of sage, but you could have at least they're not around, I always ask Mable, Beth Piskora, Ron Kyle, tion; the members of the Student trouble getting in touch with asked him 10. the caller if helshe wants to leave Jeff Frazer, Mary Fabie, Wendi Publications Board; the patient typesetters and someone very important to me I found out today of another a message. If there is a mes- Moore, Melanie Clippinger, Helga and helpful of The Carroll County pressmen about an event that also was very incident of telephone "gauche- sage, I always make sure the Hein, Joe Olcott and Ann Kam. I Times; and Or. Ronald Tail, Or. L want to make a special mention important to me. This gentleman ness" A friend of mine could not person gets it in some fashion. Stanley Bowlsbey, and Selma never seemed to be around get her room drawing number This is just good telephone eti- of Andi Yob, who did not return when I called him, anti I was because of a mix up about an quette, and my head resident this semester and has been Leonard for their inspiration and always out of the room when he unpaid bill, so she asked her told me about il my freshman sorely missed. She was an untail- assistance I have men- All of the persons called. However, 1 always left a mother to help straighten things year. If I could do something like ing source of advice and criti- message for him to call me back out with the administration. On this as a freshman, then it can't cism during last summer as I tioned represent the embodiment is of the and that hope spirit (fortunately, he does not go Friday, my friend's mather called be au that hard. And remember, prepared -tor this year reflected in the name The Phoe- There is another group of per- here), but when he caned me, my friend to tell her she could a call may seem unimportant to nix It is their strength and deter- either no one came to get me (1- pick up her room number from you, but it could be very impor- sons to whom there is no appro- mination that have given life to priate way to render repayment. was in my room on a few Dean Laidlaw because every- tant to the cenee-even a matter The student cartoonists Ed Cope- this publication. As editor, I have occasions), or they did not thing was straightened out. My of life and death, and it isn't so land and Frank Evans brought had the opportunity. to work with bother to leave a message that friend was not in her room when hard to leave a message. brightness and cheer to the a very special group of people. - this gentleman had called. her mother called, so she asked Sincerely, pages each week. Keith L. Ar- The memories of this past year, After a very aggravating week the girl who answered the phone Alice Krempasky nold and Corey N. Mann have the.pnde I have for each member consistency Crist first Phi Beta Kappa alumnus proven with bring thought their of the staff, the sense of satisfac- tion I felt each Thursday morning, and to abilities laughter to. many through their will always burn as bright mo- Publicity see, he has been associated with inductees on May 2. He is mar- respective cotumns.. and even ments in my thoughts. To West- Larry Stuart Crist has been over 15 scholarly and profes- ried to Marie-Claire Qregbin and some of their news articles. It ern Maryland College I can only selected as Western Maryland sional organizations including is the father of three children must also be mentioned' that say Thank You. College's first 'alumnus inductee American Association of Teach- The following WMC students Corey brought many exciting and into the Delta Chapter of Phi Beta ers of French, Medieval Academy were inducted into Phi Beta bright moments to liven the Kappa which was established at of America, Modern Language Kappa' the campus in 1980. Association, Pedagogical Seml- PhilipS. Barnes KimtoerlyI. Mac:Lean .... --------_;----------, Crist is a 1955 summa cum nar for Romance Philology, So- RogIJr"W.Kane. Jr Paul 8ickHogsten laude graduate of the conege in ciete Rencesvals Southeastern RebeccaM.Hiogm LOCUST BOOKS French and latin. He received his Medieval Association. M.A. and Ph.D from 'Princeton -Author of numerous articles MOcnaeI P. VoelZ W,'liam Pad"" Spence 9 East Main Street Honored as a Fulbright scholar and notes as well as two books, The most prestigious honor "So- westminster. Marvland 2! 1~7 and a Fulbright professor in Crist is "one of the outstanding ciety in the United States, the ~ll\,t\-l8-68D France, he was atso" recipient of scholars in the field of medieval purpose of Phi Beta Kappa is "to canderbttt University Research French literature," according to recognize and encourage senor- Council summer grants in 1965, kathryn Hildebran, Western Mary- ersnlp. friendship and cultural NeUJ and Used Books 1967, 1970, 1972 and 1978. interests." Selection to the honor Currently professor and chair- ::~~u~~I~~9:~~~ift~~~r of modern society is determined by "schol- .".. Open 7 days a week --J and good .L..__ man of the French Department at Crist was inducted into Phi ~~~~~t~~~ral culture Vanderbilt University in rennes- Beta, Kappa with 1982 student
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