Page 201 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 201
May 11, 1982 Page 5 [ett was a typical high school 'wild 'one' Fidy Kuo now twenty-threeish. Still she Love song with.. tenderness, but "You're Too Possessive" lets Something's happened to the You probably knew a .girl just hasn't aged, settled down, Of doesn't end up sounding like a Joan tell her lover: "I ain't your music scene lately. It's stag- like Joan Jett when you were in "mellowed out." At 23, Jett is still wimp either. However, the intrud- wife, so get out 01 my lite!" nated. New artists like the Police -r high school. She was the kind the perpetual teenager. And her ing electric guitar work gives this The last track is "Little Drum- who gave rock a kick of new life who, "Use to be the Wild Onel second solo album, "I Love Rock love song alt the delicacy of a mer Boy," which reminds you with their innovative rock-reggae- hated class, only lived for fun! 'n Roll" proves it. Each one of ten walk through a flower bed in that the whole album has been infusions have- turned out main- never made the honor roll, hated tracks is a spirited, rowdy, excla- combat boots. silly all the way to the end. Yes, stream stuff like "Every little rules that she was lold/(from mation of rock 'n roll. There's lots The other songs are decidely it's a rock take off of the old thing She Does Is Magic." Even I "School Days" a song she wrote of shouting ("o ..........l''). hanoc'ap- rockers, and Joan Jell belts each yuletide carol. It starts to work, the bad boys of The Who have with The Runaways) ping, and a constant turbulence one of these our convincingly. but not quite. The only thing that been writing music like "You She' was the kind of girl who of pounding drums and plodding On "Victim of Circumstance," she would have saved it was some- Better, You Bet." Joan Jett is a got the "badveoutation." Not the electric guitars. It's totally joyful makes it 'clear that: "They said I thing more si\\y - a great big healthy, animated dose of new kind in the promiscuous sense, and totally unseltccnscloue ...just was never brought up rightlthat I drum solo with the works, bash- life. She's "back-to-basics" silli- but .because she preferred to like the music teenagers would was always demented and ! ing cymbals and all. Probably, ness, but at least its fun. Isn't that shove the whole mindless con- make. never could singr ..l'm just a the drummer couldn't play one. what Cock music's all about? forrpity of the high school achtick. Actually, the music is a little too victim of a bad reputation, got no Despite all the ridiculousness. I You know: senior prom, being a teen-style rough cut. For exam- chance to shake it." still recommend this album. "I Love ple, take the title track, pom-pom girl, and getting a Rock 'n Roll." It is like an anthem Watertower'leaks good SAT. score (in order to go to college and do it all over because Jett gets to yell the title again) over and over. However, .sbe's Reflections as a sen lor Instead. she donned a electric' also yelling a lot of other things guitar and lived for each short that make the song ridiculous - crazy moment of youth via the the stuff about taking a tz-vear- Corey N. Mann Ricci Bonnacorsi, an all American while you are waiting to die." rock 'n roll fantasy. 11was the life old boy home, etc. It's that same time of year football star. Wow. Anonymous of beer cans strewn across the Also, in all honesty, the title again folks - room drawing is For some odd reason I studied If only t may grow - wiser, firmer living room floor, midnight garage track doesn't reveal the musi- over and exams are upon us. more then than 1 do now, but I and simpler." band rehearsals, and the neigh- cians to be terribly proficient. The Perhaps, for once, at this late get better grades now than I did Dag Hammarsqold bors calling to complain about Blackhearts don't play badly, but date 1 feel more inclined to a bit then. I - remember my first all- "Love all, trust few." the noise. If this girl you knew still they don't play impressively ei- of sentiment rather than my nighter: I typed my roommate's Taming of the Shrew resembled Joan Jett, she'd drop ther. The lead quitar work is usual, God, get me the hell out of 1.O.S. paper. Fifteen pages of "fher are more things in Heaven out of Wheaton High (something pretty slow and the drummer here view of things. What the Jesse Jackson was a real up-hill and earth, Horatio than are for you Montgomery County doesn't do much except thump particular object of my sentiment climb but to make his dull style dreamt in your philosophy" school fans) and join a rock out a steady beat. might be, I don't know, it is .sort more readable, I added a few Hamlet, Act I, Scene 5 group called The Runaways at But, I guess if you're looking for of a blanket sentiment. It's not sentences of my own. He gal a D "Corey, you have no business age 17. She'd become a sort of technical marvels, you go to a like I can't cut the apron strings on the paper, but what would he out on that roof." liberating symbol for a lot 'of other Segovia guitar concert. Right? and want to come back here next have gotten? V. Kevin Brown 17-year-old girls, the kind that What you're still left with is-some fall, but it is more like remember- They used to give out the "We ought to love people and also wanted to tell the principal really neat rock-coupled with the ing how it was back in Septem- linens from Quality Cleaners over use things rather than love things to stick his diploma. vocals of Joan Jert. ber, 1978. in Winslow, which was not used and use people." Well, some six years have "CrimSbrl & Clover" is a song I shaved off my full beard while for much else. They terl me that it Becky Pippert passed since the Wheaton High that makes good use of the my mother, grand-mother, sister used to be a grill and a game Out of the Saltshaker School Yearbook found its way tough sensitivity of her voice. She and brother waited in the car to room, I say it still is, kind of, "It's got to be- Cheap, with a into a trash can. And Joan Jett is sings the old Jackie De Shannon bring me to school for the first except they have moved the pin- good yi~ld." 'Sword' needs sequel time. We stopped When at McDonalds ball machines. _ "A man sees a shapely Dr. Cross we for breakfast. arrived The bells of the chapel ... There woman, my grandmother made my bed used to be bells in the clock of. his pulse quickens, his blood Kit Stanford delivering one-liners and knock- ~~~ my t~~th~r cr~e~. ~~er she p;:s~~d y~~g~~~ pressure rises and the familiar Here is some entertaining response ensues.' news, something which you William Keeton Biology text "And shouldn't miss if you want to :~::~~~~in~;~~;i:i~~~:~!~a%~~dh::b~i~ejt~:S~!~:~:~e~~:s~:;~~yu::~:~n~ you can't hang a man for have a good time and see a lot lost on paper. The evil swlne is on~~~~~~~ Rnoouzg~'bor grill on ~~~;.' wo~ld cost too much shooting a woman who was of romance, violence, lust, magic, trying to steal his. horse" etc. The movie is called, The ~~::~~ew:nod ~:~g~:lst~~m ~~~ campus at this time. Everyone I don't know where time goes, Willie Nelson "The wise man finds the power." SWord and the Sorcerer. B~:~e~~~:~~~f;~~t~.h::dthe:~:.'~~~tS~;~J~~h£~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~:.~~:~~::rt:~1 As it advertises, it is filled with Dobie Brothers witches, demons, damsels, "No man, those lights are out on good guy gets caught. Then his was a line nearing the A&P filled have learned to look on nature us." I. ~~h!~:o;~:r~~~tvVi~~~S, a~~~~~ men are caught, and it looks like with students trying to get in for not as in the hour of thoughtless "Blue Lou Marini" tore. may your National Lampoon ~~'s e~~nd~r~~;~n ~~s~~t s:~~ some 01 Mr. Frisco's pizza. youth: but hearing ottentimes'the From the Blues Brothers Movie subscription run out. First. it is him. Who wilt get the girl who has There was no dining -porch. It still, sad music of humanity." "I sat on the park bench, kissed gory and when I say gory, I promised Toran one night oLWin was only a concrete slab over Quotable Corey: the girl with the dark hair and. my mean they used more than one Toran be crucified? How do they -the ~I. ~ :;~SiC was hook~ "No work-No credit" Or. Her- head shouted down to my heart ketchup bottle. People have their escape? Who is the sorcerer in u~. g an. d c~~ r~me~ r locker you better look out below." entrails torn out, their tongues cut disguise? Where did they get all sing on ~_CI\ ~ oc WI a I've never believed in that guru John Prine out, one head is grinded on a those good looking knights? :.~~,,:- now ~C:i~;: h~~ trip about drugs You know, God from "Bruised Orange" gristmill, another is sliced open. I "Heat for five minutes in a warm cannot get into that, -however; s:r~::;e~=t~ill: !;:r~~~dl~~~ I was going to get her back to Nirvana, that bullshit. I'd just like oven." ::" :~~:~!~ this movie really captures a time my room and then kick my to gobble that stuff right out on Instructions for cooking gone by. It appeals to the baser :!i:,i~:~~~~ ~~:o;o ~~Ia!~~ r~;ta~ts~' new people, about ~::t s~:pa~ s~ a frozen pizza instincts of sex, hunger, and and gruesome that I couldn't half of lNhich never came back tor. "A scientist and a small child violence. watch. But rtf be the first in line for a second semester. Anyway Hunter S. Thompson have much in common." Our hero Toran, is a cocky Dr. Wilbur L. Long ,-'-------.:..-------------------~_tr--~~---------..., handsome prince who is adept at for the sequel. as a freshmen I lived next door to "Work is a good way to kill time - : f f I 113 W. Main Street : I I I family hobby center Rebecco: Orenstein : Carriage House Liquors: bobby's hobby lobby "at the forks.:" Stroh's 12pak $5,04: f_ .._~...J dN,~ WedJing PholDgraphy : : I Present Student ID • I : Phon. &48--4350 6, Ea.' ~.~.m51. W.. tmim'". Md. 21 [,7 . Stud;o, 846-3(H() H""", 846-2148 l,_~-~-~t-~e~----~~~~!3_2~~2~J.'_ 1_0%_d_I_""_O_U_D_t_w1_th_I_.D_. -,
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