Page 197 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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Davis retires after 24 years service Ronald Kyle Nuclear Employment Course. Davis was reassigned to Vietnam worth area, and in 1977 com- After 24 years of service to the This was followed by Vietnamese as a Vietnamese Ranger Advisor. pleted his masters in history at - United State Army, Lieutenant Language School, and in Novem- He returned the next year. Be- the University of Kansas. Colonel Medley Davis is planning ber, 1966, Davis was assigned to tween his two tours of duty in In 1979, after serving as the to retire. the 5th Special Forces in Viet- Vietnam, Davis earned the Professor of Military Science His service in the military nam, where he served as the 'A' Bronze Star, the Army Commend- (PMS) at Washington and Lee, started in February, 1956, -..yhen detachmeny commander. A year ation Medal, The Combat fnten- LTC Davis came to WMC as the he enlisted in the Army. Soon later, Qavis returned to the U.S., trymans Badge, and the PMS. He describes his duty here after Basic Training he attended and was assigned to the 82nd Vietnamese Ranger Badge as "outstanding." He has enjoyed Officer Candidate School (OCS) Airborne Division for two years, Davis then spent one and a the opportunity to work with 811d was commissioned in 1957 one of which was spent as the half years as a Tactics Instructor young people and the tour has as a Second lieutenant in the Deputy Personnel Officer, and at Ft. Monmouth, NJ. He then given him a chance to prepare Field Artillery. For eight months the other as the Executive Officer attended Command and General fo'r retirement. He plans to remain he attended the Corporal Missile for a field artillery battalion. Staff College, while also complet- in the Westminster area, and Officers Maintenance Course, He attended Ranger School, ing his degree at SI. Mary's attend graduate school here at and from there was assigned as and earned his master parachu- College. He earned his BA in WMC. a missile technician and Missile tist wings. In Janua.ry, 1971, history. He stayed in the Leaven- Battalion Platoon Leader. In No- vember, 1958, 2LT Davis at- tended US Army Airborne The School. In April, 1960, Davis left the service He rejoined in September, 1962, and was assigned to a Missile Battalion in Germany. He Phoenix soon was assigned to the 10th Special Forces (Green Berets), 'A' detachment, in Badhota. Ger- many and achieved his senior Colonel Medley Davis joins the }umpwings. In 1965 and through ranks that "never die." '66 Davis attended the Artillery ..:Th;;u;;rsda~;;Y';;iMa~Y;;1;;3;;.;;1;;98~2;;;;;;;;;;;;;w;;;;es;;te;;';;n ~M~.;ry;;I.;;n;;d~c;;o;;"e;;g;;e;;;;;;;;;;;;;V;o;lu;me;;;;l;:;. ;N:;um;;;;be;:;';2;;7 Officers Advance Course and the. Kreps to address WMC commencemen t the awarding Fidy Kuo Beard, this year hasn't" been the field, economics. From the 1977- the processional, (for the student with of They have Included: Dr. McDude 1979, became she first (discoverer legionaires of Dis- the Argonaut The guest speaker for WMC's first one that Dr. Kreps has been Harry Governor Hughes, 112th Commencement Exercises -esked to speak. Two tries were woman to serve on the Cabinet. Ine highest GPA), and the de- ease), Nanette Fabray (Grandma grees and is former Secretary of Commerce, made unsuccessfully in 1977 and She was the Secretary of Com- Ramono on One Dayal A Time.). Or. Kreps will be flown up to Dr. Juanita Morris Kreps. 1980. Both times, Dr. Kreps had merce during the Carter Adminis- WMC the morning of the com- Like Dr. Kreps, they were in- Dr- Kreps is a long time col- previous commitments. This was tration. from North Carolina league of WMC's president Dr. due to her credit as being a Dr. Kreps has worked on the mencement arrangements are a vited for their prominent achieve- Her flight ments as well as their reputation John. Both shared the same popular choice for guest speaker boards of directors of corpora- that _ undergraduate experience at at college commencements tions such as Eastman Kodak donation of WMC trustee Randy as speakers. It is expected very she will have a message Inc Berea College in Kentucky and around the country. and R.J. Reynolds written eeverat Austin. Beard recalled some of relevant to address to the gradu- has She Mrs. also later the same graduate years at "Who's Who in America" - a class of 1982. Duke University in North Caro- reference book of prominent books so far during her career: _the Quest speakers of years past. Sex and The Market Place: Amer- lina. Americans - has a listing of her Being acquainted with her and achievements. Dr. Kreps (Miss ican Women at Work; Women knowing of her prestige as the Morris then) obtained her A.B and The American Economy, as former Secretary of Commerce, from Berea College in 1.942, her well as a textbook on economics Or. John requested her presense 'M.A. from Duke U. in 1944, as As for the commencement ex- for this year's commencement. well as her Ph.D in 1948. From ercises itself, Mrs. Beard says According to Dr. John's execu- there, she served on the faculty that it will be as traditional as it tive assistant, Mrs. Bernice of Duke as an lnstructc- if! her has always been. There will be More co-ed. dorms possible 1 Rdy Kuo The research for the survey Added to each of the questions Coed housing in WMC's future? was done back in February by :t>'as, "Would you yourself live The answer is a possible "yes" Edinger, with the help-of five under this option?" - according to an ·SGA survey on other students. The process of Overall, the most desired hous- housing preferences. The study the research was to visit every ing optiQn was making coed was done by Jay Edinger, chair- single building housing students. Rouzer Hall and any of Ihe other person of the Housing Commit- Each 10th room was randomly three female dorms: Whiteford, tee. selected. Then, according to Ed- Blanche, and McDanie\. The least Of course, some coed housing inger, whoever opened the door popular options were any combi- already exists on campus such first got "zapped," by the ques- nations of the girls dorms with as in Elderdice Hall, Harrison tionnaire. The selection process the independent sections of the House, and some of the college's guaranteed a 10 percent cross Quad P.A. houses section representative of the stu- Broken down by class renk.. the Now, as the study indicates, dent body. sophomore Class of '84 were 90 the whole of WMC's population is The questionnaire consisted of percent in favor of cceo housing, in favor of coed housing through- four questions· followed closely by the freshman out the entire campus. 93 per- 1). Would you like to see coed class with 89 percent. The junior cent of the males interviewed floors in Whiteford and Rouzer class were feast in favor with only were in favor of it. 83 percent of Halls? 2)...the independent sec- 83 percent approval. Coed housing as a living option the females interviewed favored tions (those not committed to a throughout the campus has al- coed housing also. fraternity) of ANW and Daniel This means that they favor McLea coed by floor? 3)...Rouzer ways been an issue for several renovation of traditionally single- Hall and Blanche Ward coed by years. The biggest obstacle to .... _IllllilIlilliIiiiliiiW ... making the change over was the L.................;.;.;.iioliii... sex dormitories, floors, such as wings? 4) ...independent sections Whiteford and Rouzer, to house coed by floor and Blanche Ward contj"n~ on page 7 both males and females. coed by wir)g&?",
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