Page 203 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 203
May 13. 1982 Page 7 .Over hill, over dale... Schenk leaves for tour In Germany the Command Ronald Kyle earn a commission in the Army. mared Division as the Headquar- Schenk was transferred to WMC. will soon attend Staff College and General and One of the advantages of Army He was commissioned in Armor, ters Company Executive Otticer He' has found his tour of duty life i§. that you get to try your and his first assignment was with He also spent time with the 7th here to be "very enjoyable." He then return to Germany. I hand at many things. Captain the 2nd Armored Division at Ft. Army Training Command at the Donald Schenk will soon get to Hood where he spent three Combined Arms Training Center try something else, as he is years, He occupied several posi- He helped oversee the deploy- leaving the ROTC detachment tions posts during this time, in- ment of the M60A2 tank in Eu- here at WMC, cluding Tank Platoon Leader, rope. He served in the 3rd Capt. Schenk is a Western Support Platoon leader, Tank Infantry Division as a Tank Com- Maryland alumnus, He graduated Company Executive Officer, and pany Commander. Afterwards he in the Class of '71, and had the Battalion Maintenance Officer attended the Armor Officer Ad- distinction of being the Charter In 1975, he was transferred to vanced Course at Ft. Knox. Ken- President of Phi Delta Theta. He tucky. had come to WMC in order to ~ve:m:'ntf~~ f~~:e~:, ~~s~P~1~ In September, 1979, Capt. Hey! It'sSpring, cmd. .. , Caprain enjoyable." Donald Schenk; a WMC alumnus, -found duty "very Wend; Moore that other people ha9 gotten the th~, speakers are placed in the' After a long and very cold same urge to skip class. After I windows and cranked up as loud More co-ed dorms? winter (too long and too cold for found that others were doing the as they will go, whilst the sun mel).' spring is finally upon us, same thing I didn't feel quite so bathers lie on the grass, with with its warm sunny days, and bad! their bodies covered with baby from page 1 ages" to the opposite sex The beautiful flowers. This being my oil so thick that one needs a second suggestion leads to the first spring at WMC I didn't know 0/ ~U~~~I~,le~~ftt~:yt~r:~ ru~~! squeegy to get it off, dorms themselves They were third one: less vandalism would what to expect. Well, sure I following: #1. Sunny days that One also finds that the never designed to house the two result in the buildings. Finally, the figured warm days, baby birds, ere 70 degrees before 11 are "beaches" are mostly found out- sexes together. If the' change presence of males arnonq fe- pretty flowers, May Day, you good days for skipping class to side the ladies dorms, and a vast goes ahead to coed. separate males would be a deterent to know,the usual thing, no big layout in the sun on the "beach" amount of males just "happen to bathroom facilities as well as intruders wishing to disturb re- deal. Was I wrong! Spring of one's choice (Blanche, White- be walking by." I asked a few of privacy would have to be in- male students around here is a big deal! these passers-by which beach sureo. The underlying theme of the The first really warm day, I ~~~ii9~~~~i~S ~t:~)i~~~~n~s~ had the prettiest women and it The report also suggested it report is the statement that, "seq- believe it was in the latter part of no work can be done before 8:30 seemed to be Blanche with a would be "unfair" to cieptace a regalion of the sexes does not March, everybody was in shorts. or sundown, whichever comes score of 10 out of 10. McDaniel man or a woman from a dorrre- prepare students for the. real Then, as the ~eather got pro- first. Who can work with people and Whjtef~rd ra,n p close j$ec- tory jf he or she did not desire world. The real world does not gressively warmer more and playing frisbee or catch under ond and third with scores of 8 the coed option. "There should segregate the sexes." more bare arms and legs ap- your window! #3. Shorts and and 6 respectively. As for the be equal portions of coed units According to Associate Dean 01 peared, and it seemed fine until other summer attire is a must for men's dorms, there really aren't as well as single-sex units," Student Affairs, Dr. Jeanne Hig- the day I decided to wear shorts. all of these beautiful spring days. any beaches for them. However, stated Edinger. bee, the faculty is overwhelm- Little did I realize how many We've worn sweaters, jeans and the Quad received a rating of 9.5 The SGA study offers several ingly in favor of coed housing. strange looks I would get heavy coats all winter, who wants cut of 10 for the best place to rationales for the coed living ar- However, she does not envision throughout the day. As the to wear them now! watch those of the male persua- ranqement. First, it is suggested and major changes for at least weather got warmer and warmer I've found that the "beaches" sron that such housing would promote another year. Major renovations I found myself with a tremendous are a most popular place to be Room drawing is a BIG event better communication among the would have to be made as well • urge to skip class and layout in on a sunny day, All the dorms around here. with everyone rush- college's males and females. as living arrangements be de- the sun. As I laved there baking have their own set beach where ing around looking at rooms and Second, men and women might signed. Then will WMC be a " my body in the sun, risking skin all the sun worshippers flock worrying about lottery numbers. develop more mature behavior. coeducational institution in every cancer, and wrinkles, I noticed (myself included) At some of So I guess spring around here is living together, they would b~- sense of the word, housing in- a big deal. Now we all have cluded? Math Quiz ftnats. to look forward and to. Just ''71 FORD For Sale - 4 dr., 6 '1· . going graduation MAVER1CK home remember one thing, it's only 130 cyl., Auto., Air, low mileage. ldtl!' N_ight Sped.!'! Answer to last week's puzzle: 1 10 be? days until first semester 1982 Asking $7~~i~95_1933 8 p.m.·" p.m. fish hook = 2 coconuts, 1 knife Prize for the week: A free 12" begins! after 6 p.m. = 4 coconuts, and 1 spear = 5 cheese pizza from Frtsco's Fam- coconuts. ily Pub! _-----====~I: Free! Congratulations to Karen Mes- Please submit all responses to sick, who won a free 12" cheese Box 577 by 9 a.m. Monday, May pizza from Frisco's Family Pub! 17, A drawing from the correct ®?'tiLc6 " Cheeseburger This week's puzzle: If half of 5 responses received will deter- were 3, what would one third of mine one winner. When you huy a ?~'Pd Westminster Pawn Broker'S Outlet Quarter PODDder Westminster Gold & Silver Exchange Monday & Wednesday: "Buying. selling, and tradmg., $1 Off a pitcher of beer Gold. Silver. Diamonds. Stereos. $1 Off all large pizzas Tuesday & Thursday: • 73 West Main Street Westminster ~~~IAhead for Takeout expires 5/22/82 Anything of Value!" -- Orders Carroll Plaza Shopping Center . Phone: 876-3086
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