Page 193 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 193
May 6, 1982 Page 5 Second ~Birth plays on Saturday ACROSS 3 Young sheep 1 The eun 4 Stir 4-leuen 5Colorlul CROSS -- October 01 1981. The band is, in Ed unravel boxes of seemingly 9 Ogle winged Insect Melanie Clippinger the words of its members, a born endless cords while Chip adjusts 12 Man'sname 6 Danish land WORD A . group mat was conceived again, second generation Chris- his Pearl drums kit and Avidis 13 Repor1 diviSion: PI and formed here at WMC, Sec- tian rock band. Carlson stated zildjian cymbals. A few minutes , .. Man's nlck- 7 Also PUULE 8 Tuatonlc name ond Birth will perform in their that the band wishes to "reach later Ed carries his Honda bass 15 Sconlsh cap delly second campus concert on Sat- people through a medium that out, connects it, and checks out 16 Man's name 9 Guldo"hlgh urday, May S, at 8 p.m. in the they'll appreciate," and through his amp. 'By t~is time Jeff is 17Par1ner note Forum their music to "point the audi- screaming "test.." into the mike 18 BOlling 10 Stili FROM COLLEGE 11 Female matches Second Birth is Jeff Carlson, ence towards God," But, mem- and producing other assorted 20 Pronoun sheap PRESS SERVICE Chip Coffin and Ed Copeland. bers stress, they are artists and noises, The Rush tape coming to 21 Editor'S abbr. 17 AppOr1lonad Carlson. a junior psychologyl want people to attend the con- an end, Jeff playfully comments, 23 Comp .. s pI. 19 Bone computer science major, handles cert for their music, Though they "Chip, that was the worst record- 24 Courage 20 Males 21 EngUsh 28 Male,heep lead vocals and guitar for the wish to share' their beliefs ing I've ever heard. "Sorry," rE:t_ 30 MI,taken streetcars 31 Fish eggs ..7 Ordinance group. Building the rhythmic through their art, they do not plied Chip, "like I don't have any 32 Arabian gar- 22 Clerical collar 33 Declare 48 Mature backbone of the group is biology want to "preach." equipment." At 6:55 p.m. the set 34 Prapo,ttton 24 AbllH' 37 Wine cup 49 Negative ntck- ments 25 Tlp,ter 38 Mine ellcava- SO Man', major Chip Coffin. who has been The band has been rehearsing up is completed 35 May Illes 28 01 the moon lions name drumming for 10 years. Rounding from 8 - 10 hours a week After a short prayer. led by 38 Shor1 capes 27 Compo'lllon 42 Thus 52 Time period off the group is English major Ed preparing for the Saturday con- Jeff, the casually dressed trio 39 Chlne .. - 29 lion's ..5 Girl', name 53 Write pagoda Copeland. Ed has been playing cert, A typical rehearsal begins gets down to, as Copeland 40 Vaporous "pride" 48 Jog 55 Sun god lead guitar for over 12 years, at 6:30 p.m. in the evening. Cblp ~quips, "What we. humbly call a .. , Poueulve taking up the bass guitar within Coffin is perhaps the first to show business meeting." During this pronoun the past year. to get started, brief 10 minute meeting, the 43 Railway (abbr.) A rather members of Second Birth dis- ""Tantalum cuss their playlist names of symbol songs as yet untitled are sug- 4SInaetion , 47 Path gested, which material they'll do SO Cut is decided upon and in what 51 Cordeclcloth order they'll do tt. After their ;~ ~11~:ug~~:.~y 1-a-I~--4--l1~-++"""'-""+-~ meeting, the band tunes up as 58 Nellvemetal the musicians get down to re- 57 Demp creating some of the heavy duty 58 Collect tunes they'll perform for the Sat- 59 Make Into leather urday concert - songs such as "Amazing," "Faith," and "Build a DOWN Bigger Bookcase." 1 Po .. "Amazing," a tune by the 5- 2 Moulh, man Resurrection Band, is a rides the cymbals, thus setting_ rather driving song reminiscent of the tune in a refreshing, airy Foghat or Deep Purple. "Faith," framework. Last Puzzle an original composition by Sec- By 8:40 p.m., the band has ond Birth, find Copeland's bass worked through 14 or 15 tunes laying down a mesmerizing foun- and decide to call it an evening dation as Jeff's '81 Epiphone During this typical rehearsal, the Genesis runs in and out of the members of Second Birth appear is P A III H A U L FlEW III e T U E III 8 IE AT I bass line; embellishing "lt. to be competent, seasoned musi- TO POIIIT GUN Another Second Birth composi- cians - like aU artists, working T E III IE IE F P IE III T tion, "Build a Bigger Bookcase," separately, yet working together .0 III A. S NAP 8 IE III is a plucky song, ,sounding a bit to perfect their craft. As individu- IE A • E L 0 I III TeA SCENE. Second Birth, "a second generation Christian rock band." new-wavish, which includes a als, it is apparent that they are 11 T TAP E IIIDUSEO 0 III APE mental group, Carlson stated that door, Ed is next to arrive Jeff soaring lead guitar solo as Jeff both talented and devoted. to :JI E IE P A III E NIT L' S Second Birth will probably remain arrives at 6:33 with the door key. breaks away from the rhythmic their music. EDGE TONE oa DATE a three piece band because the After filing, in, the musicians foundation and Chip seasons the . Second Birth invites everyone TO GNU • U IE T LON E Ii: musicians enjoy the creative methodically and efficiently begin song with a few short drum of the campus community to AND I! S • IE L E • T challenge of producing and "fill- to set up - chatting as they pull breaks. attend the evening of musical ing out sound." (For example, drums, guitars and sound equip- One of their most interesting entertainment this coming Satur- e Copeland has been experiment- ment out of a rather small stor- and tightest offerings is the funky ~~ et~~~~~~-b: aba'~~I~r~:s~~ ,j,~"'.-.-••-.-.-••-.-.-••-_-.-••-.-.-••-.-.-.1 ing with using a bowstring and age area. Chip has brought along "Gatta Give It All Away." During drumstick on his bass.) When a tape of Rush's "Trees" that he this promising and exciting Sec- something for everyone." There Ldtf' NJsht S{)f'Cidl! asked about musical influences, wants the band to consider learn- ond Birth composition, Carlson is no admission to attend the 8 p.m.-" p.m. the Police, Rush, Phil Keaggy ing for a future performance. makes his guitar talk, space off concert - in the words of Jeff and John Unn as inspiration. So, with a soaring vocal by and eventually return to the Carlson, "We think the gospel ~ond Birth was conceived in Gaddy lee filling the ai~ Jeff and songs musical theme as Chip should be free~' Free! Every Which Way You Can . c~, ~M ., CheesebUrger ana s Beauty Shop WheD 1I0a ball a All Haircuts. $5 Qaarter Po....der 'BIDwdry 60 .s... an 'UtTa 7 CJJTTOIISt. 8 4 8 - 8 333 'WesIminskT 'WaJi I. Dr~. (with this coap~n) . . 'A .You DeSffrlle A. I ¥;,,""=. 1 f-'A- f Breair Toda;)l 1 ~ ,; Commendable Cuisine : Westminster Eldersburg 1 : Reisterstowrr- Sat. 7 p.m. Decker Aud. , ('\ ) /):f) Washington Rd. at Green St.. • ~..ciS~e:~j~~~!~~gf8o~Qn_e cent ~ • Westminster 71 / .......... "! ••••••• ~ ...... ~-
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