Page 185 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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'II' April 29. 1982 -Page 5 College video network to start NEW YORK, NY·· Trying to college students way to sell albums" The people who underwrite the West Coast agent, "but It can catch the new communications CEN public reletlona spokes- The audience is hard to reach, programming, he explains, have cost $150,000-$300,000 easy to wave, a company here is trying woman Elise Gutman sees the she explains, "because it's so to know how many people -- stage and produce just a half- to form a college video network network going beyond music in expensive to put big-name acts potential customers -- will see it. hour concert. And then maybe thai would start beaming high. the future to specialized sporting on campuses, and it just can't be Guaranteeing an advertiser how you can reach (over CEN) how priced programming by satellite events, Broadway shows, lee- done over cable (television). No many students will see a given many -- half a million, a million, to campuses next fall. Some lures from, say, "a politician who campuses have cable yet." show is difficult, he says. two million people? The. numbers college entertainment veterans, had a special message for col- While many campuses do in "That's what we couldn't an- as I see them don't add up yet." however, wonder if the network is lege students," and even "self- fact have cable television, a swer: how do you guarantee how Nevertheless, CEN hopes to economically feasible. help education programs like for growing and significant number many people are watching? broadcast four-to-six shows next "A lot of us (in the industry) pre-law students studying for of schools are experimenting with That's what's kept advertisers school year, CEN marketing ol- have been looking at it a long their Law School Admissions leasing and showing videotaped away from cable television so far rector reports "there was tremen- time, but couldn't ever figure out Test It'd be almost like a Stan- concerts as a cheaper alternative Even the biggest cable outfits dous enthusiasm about affiliating how it could generate the kind of ley Ka,plan (preparatory) program to live entertainment. Though can't (get their audiences) certl- with CEN" at a recent convention money it would have to," says for the whole country," (Kaplan is confusion in copyright law has fted." of campus programming officials Michael Harpster of New Line a prep test franchise). inhibited the growth of the prac- "I hope it works," says the in Chicago. Presentations, which books old- Or at least part of the country, r fashioned, in-the-flesh entertain- CEN first approached 125 cam- ~~Ple~o~:~: ~nt~~h,:l~ie:a: ers and films for campuses puses-rbat fit criteria like "having Mac videotaped concert- for as _ Math around the country _ a history of progressive program- little as $400 just since Septem- "It's a great idea," adds a West mingo the right size auditorium, ber. Coast booking agent who asked and a record of handling big But Gutman doesn't see that 'as to remain anonymous, "but I events well," Gutman explains. a threat to' CEN. "We're just really son, V3 to the middle son. and 11 don't see how it makes economic More campuses will sign on aug~e in g . What'S. already there Answer to last week's puzzle: 9 to the youngest son. sense." later. To the initial ones, CEN will for a mited number of people." the ship is 28 years old, the The sons were trying to figure The "great Idee" is the child of loan the necessary hardware and 9 ers In the jndustry have boiler is 21 years old. out how this could be accom- Campus Entertainment Network technical expertise. Campuses )mig lusted for what CEN is trying Congratulations to Pam Roland, plished when a wise man hap- (CEN), which intends to broad- will "provide the security and sell to create. Harpster recalls seeing who won a free 12" pizza from pened to ride by -on a camel cast "live superstar entertain- the tickets." she says. / a study by CASS, the student Prisco's Pub, and to Wende How did the wise man solve their ment" over satellite onto large- CEN and the campus involved paper ad placement agency, that Reeser, Karen Messick, Lynda problem? screen receivers on some 125 will then split the gate receipts. estimated college students an- Kane, Charlotte Stier, Dr, Clay- Please submit all answers to campuses nationwide. CEN will also "get its money from nually spend about $4 billion in combe. Ole Monastyrsky, Paul Box 577 by 9 a.m. Monday, May For an average ticket price of somebody who would underwrite discretionary income. parlette. and Nell. Epstein. 3. A drawing from the correct $5, students would get to see the program, like for an educe- "People never get tired of This week's puzzle: A Middle entries received will determine acts their campus programming tiona! show, maybe General Mo- trying to get to that substantial an Eastern sheik died. leaving 17 one winner. committees ordinarily couldn't at- tors would underwrite it." amount of money, but it sure has camels. His will specified that Prize for the week: A free 12" ford to book onto campus. "The music industry," she been hard to reach it," he ob- they be divided among his three cheese pizza from Frisco's Fam- The venture, in part bankrolled adds. "is also very excited about serves. , . Csons as follows: V2 to the oldest ily Pub I by media giant Oak Industries, is it. It (underwriting a CEN concert) Harpster says he investigated one of the first pay-per-view is a great way to get to a hard-to- making campus pay-per-view television experiments directed at reach audience, and it's a great seteuite hook-ups, but gave uE:. Ozzy 'vi Thi, is r« fTD. florilt rt:mindjn9 r" from page 4 A t'I th.t Wed",sda, is """t,,/ the crowd knew an encore would JJ,y. 50 why not :/I N~~l~ be next. What came next was wild. Fireworks began to explode over the slage and the steps T \~ ~ lifted up. A giant hand came from beneath the steps, thrusting Ozzy Tw back onto the front of the stage. He then announced a surprise II f[i -~d for all his old fans who had ~ supported him when he sang for ~------~~~--~--~~--, Black Sabbath. The band went inlo the Sabbath classic, Par. nold. The crowd went berzerk Spring formal .....ith applause, one kid even jumped 0[1 stage and went up to €i9~ Ozzy before he was dragged off May Day - 9 p.m. by security. Ozzy Osbourne is at the top of hard rock, he should not be ?~~J taken seriously, he should simply Tickets' $4 per couple be enjoyed. In that respect, this concert was one of the most available at Info. desk enjoyable I've seen. Ozzy os- ..... L- sings a statement I hope bourne true, "You Can't Kill Rock i-----~-.------....--t-...;.-----------.,' Monday & Wednesday: holds and Rolli" HOUSE OF LIQUORS ! $1 Off a pitcher of beer The Phoenix... I All Staff-meeting Carroll Plaza. Westminster· 848-1314 L Tuesday & Thursday: Special of the Week.... I $1 Off all large pizzas Mon 6:30 p.m. Schmidts 12 oz. can 1.59 :: Call Ahead for Takeout Orders pub/grill expires : Carroll Piau Shopping Center expires (staff photo) I!~:'".~::n__.;_ .:~_5/5/82,:, 876-35'50 --., ,:.:5/$/87:-
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