Page 184 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 184
Page 4 April 29, 1982 --Entertainment ~~~-- The Boy Friend brings intrique and nME MAY EllEIiI '82 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS DAY romance to alumni stage 11:00-12:30 Sounds of Sllence-Moalc ;~~?633~O ~~wr:;:~a~,u~~~~cB.nd-MusiC Cindy Leonard and Tony, portrayed by Rob that the affair of the older gener- May Day '82 Almost Anything Goes Competition Expected to be the biggest McQuay. ation takes place. It is a happy- production to hit the hill this year, A lighthearted side of Polly and go-lucky performance and should 11:00-12:00 Egg Toss (next to library) The Boy Friend, Sandy Wilson's Tony is seen through Maisie and be enjoyable to all. 12:00-1:00 Pizza ealin-g (next to library) musical spoof of the 1920's En- Bobby, played by Sue Udy and The lively dance numbers were 1:00-2:00 Tobacco Spitting (next to Library) glish comedy, will be presented Steven Rossman, respectively. It choreographed by Debra Robin- 2:00-3:00 Clothes Change Race (in the Quad) under the direction of Max Dixon is a humorous and lun play son, a professional modern dan- 3:00-4:00 Tug of War (in the Quad) on May 6, 7, 8 and 9 at 8:15 p.m. which illustrates playing the cer and instructor of the 4:00·5:00 Mattress Race (in the Quad) in Alumni Hall. game 01 getting a boyfriend, a Baltimore Ballet. Bev Chandler, A cast of 16 singers and game played by young and old served as co-choreographer and Additional Games That last From 11~OO 10 4:00 dancers will perform 13 musical alike. vocal director. numbers of the roaring 20's. The Felicia Burrey assumes the TIckets for this lively perform- Money GalT!bling Wheel play, set in. France, opens at character 01 Madame Dubonnet ance are $1 for students, faculty Dunking Booth Madame Dubonnets Finishing with Risa Bush, Gretchen and staff of WMC, $4 for the Sponge Toss School on the outskirts of Nice. Fesche, Gretchen Zelinski and general public, and $3.00 for Dart Throwing There, the girls are taught how Stacey Pfeifer playing the young groups of 20 or more and senior to become "perfect young la- ladies attending her finishing citizens. Tickets are now avella- Food Booth That Last From 11:00 to 4:00 dies." The performance is cen- school. It is between Madame ble at the information desk, get tered around the "love interest" Dubonnet and Percival Browne yours today! Hamburgers Lemonade and Ice Tea of Polly, played by Stacey Pfeifer, portrayed by Joseph Impallaria Hot Dogs Coke Tacos Lemons w/Peppermint Stick Quiche Fresh Fruit Dark pnnce of rock comes Hal Pretzels Subs Ice Cream A B!G REMINDER!! THE BULL ROAST STARTS AT 4:30 AND Greg Elba bizarre twists. On January 21 in the throne. He held a giant metal LASTS UNTIL soon IT WILL BE OUTSIDE!!!I Last Saturday night I found Des Moines, Iowa' Ozzy bit the cross that reflected the spotlights myself, in a slightly inebriated head off a dead bat that a fan into the audience. Ozzy de- There is also much, much more so come on out and make May slate, wandering through the had ihrown on stage. He was scended the steps, parading his Day '82 A BIG SUCCESS!!I! Capital Centre in anticipation of a forced to unoerqo painful rabies metallic crucifix to the packed night of heavy metal madness. I shots for that antic. auditorium. He then turned and ACROSS 3 Whilfl was not disappointed. Then on March 19 in Orlando, smashed it 10 pieces against the lMesl 4Cordlldclolh As I walked around the con- Florida, Randy Rhoads, Ozzv's 5 Drag 5 Rabbits CROSS that noted course of the Centre I inspected superb lead guitarist, (winner of floor. (II should be religious con- 9 Indatlnlle 8 Be present note anyone with deep 7 Guido's number the concert casualties, (People Guitar Player magazine's Best victions would be disturbed by 120aelle 8 Carry WORD who couldn't hold their alcohol or New Guitarist of the year in 1981) such a display. Realize Osbourne 13 Aleutian 9 Amercfls Island whatever else 'they had ingested was killed when a plane he was is merely a performer, this is 14 Anger 10 Oral pauM PUZZLE 11 Pronoun Into their now unconscious taking a ride in clipped Os- Simply a gimmick.) 15 Preposilion 17 Con/urlcllon bodies.) I tallied eight such prone bourne's tour bus, cartwheeled The rest of the band followed 18 Harbor 19 Above figures that night and that of through a pine tree and exploded Ozzy out and launched into their 18 Revolver 21 Comfort FROM COLLEGE course doesn't include the ones into the garage of a mansion the latest hit, Over the Mountain. 20 Tellurium 23 Comely symbol 25 Levees that made it to their seats only to band was staying in The two hour set included Crazy 22 Sand bar 28 Barters PRESS SERVICE pass out for the entire show, (or Needless to say I wasn't sure Tl'lln, Flying High Again, Good· 24 Saucy 27 Fond wish had to go to sleep in the car). what to expect when the main bye to Romance, and Diary of a 27 Colorless - 28 Twisted 30 Goad 29 Ginger As I located my seat I could lights went out and several spot- Madman. The entire band is 31 Welghl of -33 Jump 01 measure only pity those lools for missing lights illuminated the stage. Black extremely talented, including the India 35 R....oIve 51 Prlnler'a 80 Wager the ensuing spectacle. Magnum, curtains that had concealed the . new guitarist who played so well, 32 Artllt'slland 38 auarrel meaaurfl 81 ranlalum the first of the three bands slated stage lifted to reveal what can it is as if he has been with the 34 Soil 40 Go by water 53 Latin con- Iymbol Junction to appear, played a short time to only be described as resembling band since it's inception, instead 38 Calcium aym- 43 Wears on awav 56 Employ 62 Preposition boI 48 Urged 64 PronOtJn the crowd's basic indifference. the entrance to a House of of just a month. 37 Views 48 Growing out 58 Cloth 68 Digraph The next group UFO, (one Worship. Large stone windows Also present on stage was a !~~:~:nrrrnrnr-._rn""-,.--...-",,iT11rn personal lavorites) lollowed with stood with a larger stone en- person dressed in an execu- 42 Record a fantastic set that brought the trance between them. Crosses tioner's outfit complete with black «Curtain crowd to it's. feet in thunderous ..adomed both sides of the en- hood. And a midget dressed in a 45 FemaJerutt •• 47 Peel approval. UFO played their trance. monk's habit. The midget ran 491naectegga hearts out, they deserve all the A throne had been placed at around the stage getting Ozzy's so Rim success they receive. the top of a set of steps that led water occasionally. Midway 52 Pilch It was not time lor the new dark down from the entrance. Sud- through the show the midget was 54 ChlMle mile prince of heavy meta! mayhem, denly an explosion of fireworks running by the executioner who 55Atrlcan anlelope Ozzy Osbourne. His Dairy of a erupted with Ozzy appearing grabbed him, put a noose 57 Appointment Madman tour has been lull of from out of nowhere, sitting on around his neck, and hung him 59 Siberian river fa-HIII"I .. ...t-+-ftI'lo ....r+-+-+-1 81 Pedal digit from the top of the entrance. The 63 Kidney fat Westminster Pawn Broker'S Outlet mic;lget kicked in protest and then 85SoIIIary hung limp for several songs. 67 Conjunction being 68 Actual Westminster Gold & Silver Exchange Later he was let down and did 69 For InrIhal OOWN take a bow at the end. 1 Fhlflrmly When th~!~~~~~ft -t~e~:g~ 2 Prolonged "Buying, selling, and trading.; Puzzle Answer Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Stereos, Anything of Value!" I ruJ 73 West Main Street Westminster Phone: 876·3086 II ~
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