Page 190 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 190
·_Opinion ....___ Task force is positive Letters to the Editor attempt for solutions Cathy Bowes for Honor Board To the Students and Faculty of work and use, of the library structive rather than punitive Western Maryland College: materials, I strongly believe that force within the school. I would like to announce my adherence to this ideal is impor- I would like to see knowledge It was this time a year ago that preparations were under candidacy for a position on West- tant to the success of OUf educa- of the exact principles of WMC's way for formalizing a group of persons, comprised of WMC ern Maryland's Honor Board. I lion here and to the atmosphere Honor Board become more wide- students, faculty, staff and alumni under the title of the WMC believe that the students ...and of community fostered at WMC. spread within our community and Marketing Task Force. / faculty here represent a commu- I was involved in the creation would like to see active participa- In the light of a new era in America that promises nity and that as members of this and reconstruction of my own tion by all students and faculty in uncertainty and change, the college administration was con- community we have a responsi- high school honor board my the enforcement of the Honor fronted by a dwindling economy, and changes in American bility to ourselves and each other Junior and Senior years. It is Code to uphold and actively enforce important to me that this board Thank You, ~~~t~~:C~i~u~h:r::~i,~n9i:e!d~~~~~1 :~~~~e~o f~eP~~~~~~ the principle of honor in course ultimately become a very con- Cathy Bowes at a time when the deepest foundations of private colleges are being cracked and chipped by the current economic and social Betes unfairly judged trends.': . Dear Editor: very diverse group. If this person Perhaps there could be another method by which to This is reply to the "Ode to the must be insecure because if they assess .the situation WMC faces in the '80's instead of a Fraternities" letter that someone thinks that every member of our reaUy believed what they say, fraternity is a pot smoking freak, marketing task force. yet. credit must be given to the placed in The Phoenix last week. they would have Signed their Indi- administration for making bold, firm steps when the half stride of t feel that whoever this anony- they are seriously mistaken. are just name. viduals in our fraternity indecision could have halted this opportunity of growth for the mous person is has no real Neil Epstein college community., .. conception of fraternities and fra- that, individuals, end to group Gamma Beta Chi in any matter is a sure everyone And so the task force took form and became an active ternity life. Obviously, this individ- Be serious! the structure of administrators, students, faculty, alumni and friends ual is not a member of a sign of We the are ignorance group of with writer. a of the college. Perhaps there are some flaws that can be fraternity on campus. This person members- who have many differ- pointed out by the casual observer, and maybe the task force classifies and stereotypes the ent interests and ideas. One last Dear Editor: has been a little sluggish, but this is a group of people who fraternities because of their total point I'd like to make is if the In response to Ode to the must make adjustments to the structure of an advisory council ignorance of them. As a member Frats: How can you take anyone that embodies a new concept for WMC, and at the same time of Gamma Beta Chi, I and mem- writer is so bold as to stereotype seriously when he is not man he or she us in such a manner, confront the problems and situations that plague many colleges bers of the fraternity pride our- enough to sign his name. have been should today selves on the fact that we are a to sign their name. bold enough Nino DiRienzo This person The task force has produced insights and solutions to some of the concerns Of the college in the areas of curriculum, Conservatively speaking student advising, communication between the students and the administration, and other areas. Yet, there is more work to be done before WMC can claim without reservation that it provides the humane environment espoused in the "First Principles." Disastrous exceptions Yet, the efforts by the men and women of Ihe marketing task force are indeed praiseworthy. For though they cannot, and do not claim to have all the solutions to all of the problems and Keith L. Arnold issues that lie before Ihe college, they have shown the concern, Pardon me, (no. this column is men! stays afloat about as well not have children, or whose chil- patience and courage to seek answers to problems for which not about Nixon) while I have the as an Argentine Cruiser. dren have grown? Do they re- there may not b,e any ultimate resolutions affrontery to disagree with my First of all, suchtex breaks and ceive tax breaks too? If so, then candidate and president, Ronald monetary support represent a government revenues would be r-----------------, ·p~rti=~n :ec~~~~~~~~ii~eC:~t~~t,~ clouding, in many cases', of the calion would col/apse public ecu- a Reagan. reduced drastically, between church separation and and stale from a better educated The can not condone Reagan's schools, fited by many items that they do such proposals argument public. Secondly, 'sup- taxpayers are bene- main The against port for aid -to private Phoenix who send their children for those nol directly use. Because because about those individuals who do What is simple. breaks tax especially I re- no -weltare. or ceive to these would schools. their is no war.. is no reason for situation individuals be with created in children which The argument is that these receiving a tax break. would be severely penalized. individuals, pay taxes that sup- And benefit can be indirect. Clearly, these added exceptions Editor Robert Holt port public institutions - institu- Yes, some families do not use would be disasterous. But they- Managing Editor Teresa Norman tions that they receive no benefit the public school syStem, but the make as much sense as the News Editor ·· · Greg Elba from. They should, Ihe argument option is there for them. All Reagan proposal. Oh well. No- SPorts Editor Rob McQuay goes, receive help. This arqu- members of our SOCiety benefit body's perfect. Photo Editor Andy Chang Photo Lab ····· ..···..········· Oanes Ortega Ad Artists ~' Cindy Wilcox Paste-up ·········\ Jeff Frazer, Bruce Mable Judy Mitnick Proofreading ..· Beth Piskora. Chris Soto Melanie Clippinger Business Manager. ····· ..····· Jonathan Dickey Ad Manager . ····..····..······ Jeannine Railey Typist. Alice Krempasky Michele Everett Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessenly reflect those of the staff or administration. We welcome comments andIor suggestions. Please address all mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Westem Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 21157: F Member of the Associated Collegiate Press
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