Page 183 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 183
Aprit 29, 1982 Page 3 Students will enlist, if pnce IS right Record numbers of high school through college by serving a tour there is legislation before Con- people who make the service ones in a position to blow the 1 seniors would enlist in the military in the armed forces," observes gress now that ·would create their career." needs the so- whistle without risking their liveli- military Jerald Bachman, The the social psy- such a program. For three years if the Pentagon gave them finan- hood." cial help to aet through college, chologist who ran the survey. of active service, the bill would called "n-end-outers" to "fill all In any case, he predicts "mili- sees I a University of Michigan study sutts as a dramatic the change re- in entitle enlistees benefits with $300 the spots at the bottom that long- tary recruiters are going to start study Bachman to 36 months of concludes. educa- paying attention to the be inter- educational term personnel wouldn't I The survey estimates twice as student attitudes about the mili- per month." ested in." tional benefits they offer." many high school seniors would tary. But the Pentagon and Reagan "In the military, it's critical to Bachman says the program he join the military than currently In 1980 his survey found a administration favor re-working have the average citizen repre- asked seniors about would be plan to if they got education growing number of students will- the Veterans Educational Assist- sented. We need people in there preferable to a draft "even benefits similar 10 those con- ing to serve in the military. Enlist- ance Program (VEAP) instead, who aren't dependent on the though the draft is much less tained in the old G.I. Bill, which ment did subsequently increase, Andrews says. , military for a career They're the expensive was amended in 1977 to exclude a phenomenon Bachman attrib- VEAP allows active personnel new enlistees. utes to the faltering economy. to contribute part of their pay to MiChigan researchers asked But he cautions thai the picture an education fund, which the Women's colleges win more than 18,000 high school could change as the economy government wilt match on' a two- seniors nationwide what they improves, thus making it neces- to-one basis. battle of tax status thought of exchanging three sary for the Pentagon to add new The Pentagon favors the plan years of military service at low incentives to join the armed because "they've been meeting NORTHAMPTON, MA (CPS) - A court case that could have pay for four years of college aid, forces. their recruitment projections," An- cost" the nation's 114 women's colleges millions of dollars in lax plus $300 a month in living "If unemployment drops," he drews explains. money was dismissed recently by the Massachusetts Supreme expenses. says, "the armed forces may He believes the government Court, allowing Smith College to retain its critical tax-exempt Three of four students liked the quickly find themselves in the also fears a "trade-off" like the standing. ~ . -.. idea. same difficult recruiting position one evisoned in the Michigan The local town of Whately, Mass. had sued Smith, - Over a third of the males and a they experienced in the late sev- study would encourage students claiming the prestigious women's college could not Qualify lor fourth of the females said they'd enties. Furthermore, the numbers to leave the military too soon. tax-exempt status because its admissions policy violated the be likely to enlist if lhe program of young people leaving high VEAP conversely encourages re- state equal rights amendment. existed today. school will decline over the next enlistment to keep the college Whately charged Smith was liable for $450 in property "The responses suggest that several years, anottus will" add to funds growing. taxes for land the school owned within the town. Whately there is a potentially large and recruiting problems." Bachman doesn't see the argued that as long as Smith's admissions policy was based on representative cross-section of "I'm not aware of the survey," movement of students out of the gender, the school was not eligible for the tax-exempt standing high school seniors who would says John Andrews, education military as a negative. "The mili- normally granted to higher education institutions. be receptive to programs offering specialist for the Veterans Admin- tary needs citizen soldiers just as Had the Massachusetts High Court ruled in Whately's a change to earn their way istration in Washington, D.C. "But badly, if not more, as it does the favor, single-sex colleges across the country might have faced Watertower leaks similar tests of their tax statuses. for private schools like Smith, Such status, is crucial Being a senior is not all fun allowing them to avoid paying taxes on land, buildings, and I contributions, as well as permitting contributors to write-off their donations as tax deductions. Court ruled Whately had no 1 afternoon o'clock last Thursday but she was cruising the depart- No those Decker auditorium I thought standing to bring the suit, dismissing the case before any me to take the exam in one of But the Supreme state Corey N. Mann ment stores with my sister. dun- At four substantive issues were decided. geon type classrooms. beautiful the to hitch real big deal, I began I left spring-set Western Maryland hike. I got a ride from some guy about state dependant learning Although the case is still open to appeal, Smith campus sardined in the back of in a Pacer. I did not really know and then I realized that I was not spokeswoman Ann Shanahan "hasn't heard anything" from the Knies Killer Honda with three what he meant when he said going to be able to spend eight Whately since the case was decided. other people, four other-peoples' something about a steam room, hours in one of those seats. I Meanwhile, two other private colleges with uncertain tax- dirty laundry and a dead cat with but I took no -chences and told spoke up, 'NHey man, I ain't sittin exempt statuses have won temporary victories until the U.S no skin and only three legs in a him about the dead cat, with one in none of dem kinda chairs. Of Supreme Court hears their cases sometime in 1983. big plastic body bag. arm missing and no skin, in the course the lady said, "Why not?" Bob Jones University, which forbids interracial dating Well, at this point I know ex- trash bag on my lap and he let To which I replied, "I'm a fat guy, among students, and Goldsboro Christian SChools, which refuse y actly what you are thinking; he me out immediately. Needless to and there is no way." to admit blacks, retain the tax-exempt standing granted to them ea went to some grungy bar, got say I walked the last mile home. ~~~Iep~~o~ =:ea:,,:,e:":h:'S:i: : :, =by=p,=eS='d:e=nl=A7,.~~n::i:d~.. ::A:::::::~~::~7~::.. ::.7.::••::.7••::.::.7••~ arrested and now he is going to I went to my interview on time, Ch~~YI g~~:~a~~~~ tell us all about it. Hey no way but the man was late. I waited, of the biology was much more man, (no such luck) I had a tab and "When he got there, I waited interesting than the biology on L.1te Night 5p«i,Ji! interview on Friday and the some more. When we (he) got the test and I had real trouble 8 p.m.-II p.m. G.R.E. Saturday. I missed the down to talking, I was surprised concentrating. My only other Honors Junior-Senior banquet, a su- to notice that after fifteen minutes .thought about the test is advice preme sacrifice. And that, of I had not been asked a single to underclassmen, take ecology, Free! course, was not enough. Add on solitary question. He asked me if it will help on sixty percent of the Convocation $48 for test fees, $10 in gas, $12 I had any questions and I said test. Of course I never took that for a haircut $8 to have my suit yes, a whole bunch. but he cut "nonessential class," oh well. cleaned and 27 cents for a razor me short before I got to talk So that's the state of the cur- Cheeseburger and you have a good start. about money and said that he rent union. I'm out a lot of money, Sunday Sitting under a sack of dirty had to go home and that' a missed the Junior-Senior ban- When lion ball. a .~~ underwear on the way home did decision would be forth coming quet, I got no job, and with my not exactly make me any hap- in mid-May. GRE scores, I might get into the May 2 pier, but things could have been That night I watched Take This North American Truck Drivers Quarter Pounder worse? off at a MeDon- Job and Shove It on the cable Academy. How many days are 7 p.m. vision. left anyway? I got dropped It seemed to be the order aids near my home and called of the day. (with this coapon) my mother to come and get me, On Saturday, they expected .....;.-------:..-------~--------~~ : lyou Deserl1~ A. Carriage House Liquors : charge It Of course ycucan r Brea" Today 1 .' 113W. 'Main Street "at the forks.." l ~ r l JCPenney I : : MAY DAY SPECIAL : I : l' . m . . I : Hi:INEKEN $3.99 6 pk. I : Westminster Eldersburg : CATALOG PHONE WESTMINSTER STORE PHONE • Reisterstowrr • 848-5100 848-7766 I 1 coupon per student please! I :ta-sh value 1110 of one cent: MON.-SAT. 9:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m : Present Student ID expires 5/5/82 : ·expires 4130/82 . . : : ~~~-----------------~---------~ ".,, J. c. ~Compert'f.11"IC. ..............................
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