Page 181 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 181
I~""""~"""""""""""""""""""" I . ! Senator Bradley mixes sports & politics Wend/-Moore He also had a lot of Ideas his teammates. In a guest appearance at WMC concerning the games, Bradley He said. "The pro-basketball - on April 20, New Jersey Senator feels that there should be a championships were more Impor- I Bill Bradley compared the U.S. super Olympic complex where all tant, because you know you were Senate to the New York Knicks the games would be held. He the best: You won with a close locker room in his speech on suggested that a stable location .group of people the right way." "Sports and pouscs.:" of the Olympic Games and one Another person asked Bradley Senator Bradley said that there complex would be economically if he was the basketball star or were many differences and con- more feasible, and more politi- the Senator. flicts in the Senate, such as party cally stable. For one reason, "To some I wilt always be affiliations, Ideology, back- number 24 on the Knicks, but grounds, and agreements, but "The objective is ultimately you want people to they had group success and that think of you on the basis of what is more important than individual the same ...." you have done. You can do success. The object being sacri- both," said Bradley. ficing yourself for the team. counmee would not have a basis In Congress, Senator Bradley "The objective is the same, we for boycotting the games be- serves on committees concern- must stand together as a country, cause they were held in any ing finance, energy and aging. and our tests are inflation and the particular country. He was elected to the Senate in threat of war," said Bradley. later, Bradley opened the floor 1978, and was, at the time, the Bradley also spoke about the to questions. One person asked youngest member of Congress. Olympics. He stated,_"We should the Senator to compare the per- Before his election to the Senate, l=~~~2l~_jL![~~~~L__:....J cepolittcize the Olympic Games. sonal importance of the two he spent ten years as member of They are there to promote broth- Olympic Gold Medals that he the New York Knicks basketball erhood between countries on the wan and the two pro-basketball team. He is a 1965 Rhodes athletic lield." championships he shared with Scholar of Princeton University. The Phoenix Thursday, April 29, 1982 Weslern Maryland College Volume I, Number 25 I l Suggestion program a success Facul ty supports After only on~ month of full cation Subcommittee wishes to 4. Robert Upshaw, student, re- Mowbray on hczinq implementation. WMC preeldent, the thank all suggestions persons who quested that the weight room be lhose and com- Dr. Ralph C. John announced submitted cleaned Preston Ying- regularly. success of the new Suggestion mend the decision-makers who ling arranged a schedule with the Box Program, and that it serves a have invested time and thought college cleaning service to keep Beth Plskora useful purpose by providing a in serio~SIY considering all the weight room clean with the At the faculty meeting on April 13. 1982, Dr. Ira Zepp communication channel, "high- suggestions. Special commenda- cooperation of the people using proposed the following resolution: . lighting some things that should tion is made to those people who it. "Since the community in which we work, and to which we be brought to the attention of the are helping to implement sugges- 5. Paul cere. student, sug- are committed, strives to be a 'humane environment', we are admInistration." tlons. They include the staff gested that the weight room be deeply concerned about the recent incidents· of fraternity The program is part of the members of food services, physi- reserved for jUllior varsity and hazing. Therefore, the faculty wishes to support the administra- WMC Marketing Task Force ef-_ cal plant, and central services. verslty athletic teams. If a team tion and all students (including fraternity and sorority members forts. Dr. John based his conclu- The whole purpose of manage- would like use of the weight room and independents) in their efforts to improve the quality of our sion upon the fact that 65 ~ ~ent is the creation of ~elf. worth it should be done through Dr. /ife together. We also want to assume more resP,Onsibility suggestions were received, and In others. Each person IS rmpor- Richard Clower who will schedule ourselves by working with the Dean of Student Affairs and other 12 of those suggestions were tant to this campus. it with College Activities. committees dealing with student life such as the Inter-Fraternity 'fully implemented." Another four Sugu •• tlon.--Fully Impl.- 6. Lynda Rennie, student, sug- Council and Jnter-Sorority Council. suggestions were "partially lm- mented gested the dining hall salad bar The resolution was accepted unanimously by the entire plemented " 1. A suggestion was made ~o have more variety for vegetari- faculty. Dr. Zepp feels that the faculty was not out of line in Introduced in the February have the copy center remain ans. Arlene MacDonald and the accepting this proposal. He explains that the faculty was simply Mark.etlng Newsletter, the open during the 12-1 lunch hour. dining hall statt created a salad acting in accordance with the by-laws states that the faculty is suggestion box program follow- After a one m~nth trial period, it bar with wide variety. responsible for "advising the adrnlnistrative officers on discipline Ing a study by the Marketing has been decided to have t~e 7. Keith Arnold, student, sug- and general welfare of the student body" Task. Subcommittee on Education copy center open during thts gested the rules concerning the Zepp was not surprised by the unanimous vote. He says, was implemented to provide a time gameroom be enforced. His main "I had the feeling from several faculty that this proposal would means for campus employees, 2. Brian Zawacki, student, sug- concerns were college employ- be accepted." He says he wants students and staff to know that students, and visitors to recom- gested the college bookstore ees using the gameroom as a "the faculty is supportive of Dean Mowbray's position." He mend improvements for the col- handle Baltimore newspapers. babysitter and off-campus explains that he "couldn't be more specific." in sucj1 a general lege. The conege store now carries the youngsters pl.aying pool or ping statement but the faculty is very ready to help. It is stressed that suggestions Baltimore Morning and Evening pong free while cOI.leg.e st~dents Zepp then clarified what he meant by "ready to help." He are not rnade to "point a finger" Son. . m.ust pay. Terry R.IPPln Will talk stated, "There is a willingness on the part of the faculty to listen at a particular person but are 3. Erin Mooney, Elizabeth Mac- ~Ith. student supervisors. The pol- to the students' comments." Also, "we would be involved in made to improve the overall Sherry and Carole Sanders, stu- IC~ IS that non-student personnel advising and supportina the administration." Zepp made it very environment in which we all work dents, expressed a concern for should not use the gameroom clear that. the faculty "would not be involved in enforcement" and live. Suggestions, to 'date, the lack of hot water in Blanche unless they are guests of the He believes that this is the administration's duty. have been made in a construe- Ward Hall. Preston Yingling has college or a member of the nve. positive way. asked the plumber to raise the college community. The Marketing Task Force Edu- heat setting to 180 degrees. continued 10 page 7
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