Page 187 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 187
April 29, 1982 Page 7 Cadets ·learn soldiering at Fort Meade I, Ron Kyle crawl (How to get dirty 316), and Most of the time you can't see that war, like any good game bf singing Jodie's On the Way. I Two weekends ago, while most do the three-second rush (I what you're shooting at. The idea poker, has its risks. wonder if Dale Dutton will ever students were partying, frantically guess the Army doesn't think the is to fool the enemy, and make We ate dinner, and were get- make captain. trying to finish research papers Russians can aim and shoot in 3 him believe that you know where ting ready to go patrolling, when At the range we got to fire the due that week, or doing whatever seconds or less). We spent some he is. Then he will get up, y~l1 it started to rain on us, thus M60 Machine Gun. yYe also it is students do on weekends, a time learning squad movement "Comrade," and surrender to the continuing a precedent set by learned how to apply immediate group of ROTC cadets were techniques. forces of niceness. The fourth Capt. Mauldin every time he action (in case it stops working spending a weekend at Ft. I guess we must have been lane required us to identify a lakes cadets out on an excer- and the Communist hordes are Meade learning the basics of really dirty when we got back, I downed plane. We were sup- else. Since we were wearing our decending on your position), and being a solider in the- U.S. Army. because they had some makeup posed to be quiet. so it didn't tenls, it was obvious Ihat we also how 10 take it apart. After arriving, lhe cadets dined for us. Only I don't think Maybel- help when someone's weapon might have some difficlJlty in We spent the rest of the after- on the finest of C-rations. Then line makes it. And I don't think accioently went off. Never mind. staying dry while setting up our noon studying the M16 in qreat using their ponchos, made them- Avon would sell it. It comes in The pilot turned out to be John quarters. . detail. Too much detail for me. selves a little dwelling to sleep in basically one color-qreen. For Dickey, who was going O\IeT a The next morning we got up After cleaning of the weapons (there's no place like home), The variety, there is light green, and map of New England (maps of and packed. We sat down to (they are not guns), we came Ranger Platoon went out on a there is dark green. After the Ft. Meade are hard to come by). breakfast, and gal and opportun- home. The trip had been fun, a patrol to prepare for the patrol Incredible Hulk look alike contest The enemy had' come out with a ity to go to church at the same lot of cadets would agree. We all the juniors would have to do the was over, we broke for lunch-- new kind of plane. Among other time. I've been to all kinds of could come back to school feel- next night. real food this time. things, they now have a bicycle churches, but none of them COlTl- ing that we'd become a little Wake-up on Saturday was at We got to put some of our rim and a drainage pipe as part pare to a little service held out in more of all 'we could become. 0600. One of the first activities training to the test in real situa- of it. The final lane gave us a the field, with M16s in the back- Now it was time to tell war was PT (so good). After being tions. We couldn't find a ship chance to shoot a sniper. I think ground. stories. limbered up with pushups and so headed for the Falklands, so we he got us first though, showing We marched out the range on lhe cadets were ready to go. made up our own situations. Our PT can be fun, but that body first lane was to encounter an twist has gal to go. The cadets obstacle. The squad I was with enjoyed yet another meal of Cs. was so good that we missed the First on the agenda was the use obstacle completely. The second Ron Kyle of the gas mask, excuse me, the one placed us under an artillery Recently SFC Gary Saura was M17 Protective Mask. For people attack, and all of us probably cut transferred to the German lan- like me who wear glasses, the our 50 yard dash times in half. guage School in California, to be mask is more of a pain than We got to shoot the third time. It followed by a tour of duty in usual. makes the situation more inter- Germany. To replace him the Then we learned how to high esting, because things tend to Army has sent Sergeant First crawl (How to get dirty 103), low happen at a faster pace. Class lawrence McCauley. SFC McCauley joined the Army in December, 1965. He was transferred to Vietnam where he spent 15 months fighting with the 5th 'Special Forces (Green Be- rets). While he was there he earned his Combat Infantry mans Badge. In 1968 he was assigned to the then John F. Kennedy Special Warfare School as a Communications Instructor. In 1969, he left the Army. In April, 1975, he rejoined the t;:~a!;a~:~i:"a~:d h~7~~~~ L.....",,,,..,;<:I1!::..:...,...,.;;._..,,..-,,..;_...;Io..,:s.,~~~:,,,!I!!!I. tion that Army life had to offer. His previous duty station was at becoming a soldier." with a "very professional attitude Ft. Jackson as a Drill Sergeant. He is looking forward to his towards training. assignment here at WMC. When a Drill Sergeant He' found being to In\ addition High Schools fail to be very "demanding" but also asked about his first impressions, Green Beret, SFC wearing the is McCauley found it "rewarding to see new he commented that it had an Airboll'le, Pathfinder and Ranger trainees learning the_ b~i~s. of exceptional ROTC Department qualified. WENDHAM, MA -- The academic abilities of college students are declining because high schools are not doing their Suggestion box is 'communication' jobs, according to a six-state task force studying the matter. The task force's report concludes high schools in New 11. Regina Breuer and Aurora 3. Ann Harrington, staff, sug- England inadequately teach their students critical thinking, and from page 1 Cabrales, students, compli- gested a system be adopted to thus leave them unprepared for college. 8. JoAnn Janczewski, student, mented ·the dining hall on the help traffic flow faster in the grille "In examining post-secondary education, the preparation suggested WMC offer a course in improvement of the salad bar: during the peak lunch hour, to of students for college has been slipping," explains John C. criminal justice. Dr. William Mc- 12. Gilliam Davies, student, consider phone orders and a Hoy, president of the New England Board of Education, which Cormick has mel with her. compliments the dining hall on delivery service, and, for heatth sponsored the study and represents colleges in Rhode Island, 9. les Bennett, staff, sug- the new salad bar but suggests reasons, to have one person Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and gested a special thanks be given not putting sugar on the carrots. handle only money. Arlene Mac- Maine. to all the people who kept the -- Imp'" Donald will arrange to have one Sugg •• t'on.-Part'aUy The study charges that once the inadequately-prepared walks and drives clear this win- person, a student available dur- students get to college, the colleges themselves inadequately ter. Also special thanks for the 1. Erin Mooney and Elizabeth ing the lunch hour, to operate the prepare them to compete in the increasingly technical job improved outdoor lighting at MacSherry, students, suggested cash register only. Mrs. MacDon- market night. Dr. John personally went to the heat be lowered in Blanche ald was unable to implement the Ihe maintenance department to Ward Hall. II has been discussed phone orders and delivery serv- for the superior LOCUST BOOKS commend them the campus clear with the head resident who has a of ice suggestion Royal, at this time. has key to control the temperature Keith student, job in keeping 4. this winter. Preston Yingling was the entire building. suggested. that stall doors be 9 East Main Street the person in charge for the new 2. Jenny Osborne, staff, sug- installed in the bathroom of fourth Westminster, Maryland 21157 lighting. gested that course!oad hours for floor Rouzer Hall and that tem- 301/848-6813 10. Eric Walker and Karen employees be limited and thai perature control is not very de- HOCk, students, suggested that class time be deducted from pendable. Preston Yingling has the chairs in the Forum be stag- pay. Administrative Council re- replied that stall doors have been New and Used Books gered more during the movies so examined the personnel policy or are being completed and he that shorter people in the back and supervisors were advised of will have the temperature con- Open 7 days a week- could see better. Terry Rippin will their responsibility to make ttle trols checked discuss this with the (ilm crew. present policy Work.
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