Page 182 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 182
_Opinion _ A Hollywood legacy Letters to the Editor Committing one of the most absurd acts in recent Presidential history, Ronald Reagan has proposed an act that will provide a tax allowance for the parents of students who attend private primary and Clergy alive! his crown by a devastating left efforts in their new found position secondary schools instead of public schools. hook? Apparently these aggres- of asserting their "teacher roles" No one can fauJtthe good intent of this act: Yet the introduction sive, often violent sports, have into our social lives as well. of this legislatioo is not only poorly limed, but is also an affront to the Dear Editor, their places in this college's "Hu- Where was thhe faculty when all 2. intelligence of the American people. Mr. Reagan tells all Americans This is not a letter written for mane" society. Where does the the trouble started many years that we must make sacrifices and accept lower standards of living in' your acceptance, but as an ac- crowd "get off" slandering our ago? "I'm not sure where they an attempt to create a national economlc turnaround. He then knowledgement of our existence. fraternal system whose traditional 'were, but I hope they will make introduces legislation to cut the Federal aid programs for the poor, The Delta Pi Alpha fraternity may insrttuttons are based upon this their presence felt in bringing needy and handicapped, the philosophy being that "it's tough be inactive but the Preachers are maeunne concept? How can this about institutional changes in the grapes now. but maybe things will get better in the years ahead." still alive and well. The decision crowd even formulate an accur- fraternal system at WMC. Delta Pi Then. Reagan commits the great acl of irony: in front of a constituency by the Administration has come ate opinion when no one seems Alpha is not the only guilty party of private school supporters, he introduces a tax allowance for those down upon our heads and we to have all the real facts? involved in the traditional crisis of who have the luxury of turning their noses at public eduation. These have accepted it Many people \ Perhaps this macho image that our fraternity system, we. hope are not people whose children have been denied a good education, feel that our whole fratemity was we, the Preachers, have estab- the other surviving fraternities will but just an education at the elitist school of their choice. responsible for the "Herb Shemer lished is not what male egotism revise their attitudes not only Well, we see that the act applies to those families with incomes incident" when, in fact, our fra- is all about Apparently the sta- theoretically but in actuality as of $50,000 or less; the maximum allowance set at $500. The question ternity as a whole did not condon tus-quo have made their say in well. In conclusion, I would like to is how can Reagan talk about making sacrifices to the poor and the actions of the few who were favor of the "meek who shall tell the football players not to look handicapped, and then make intimations of a $100 million tax revenue directly involved. The administra- someday inherit the earth." If this forward to any "freshmen enter- loss because of $500 handouts to families with incomes of $50,000 or tion felt differenlly and our official is true, then perhaps our tainment" since hazing is inhu- less? Perhaps ~eagan will begin a new Robin Hood legacy. It will be group was "put on hold." The Preacher image can be revised mane. In ligHt of our humane the story of an itinerant robber baron who took from the poor and key issue: whb was the real guilty to fit this new role which all men SOCiety, maybe wen make foot- gave to the rich. party? was completely over- should pattern themselves after ba!! a non-contact soort. looked. Who is the real guilty Perhaps our Preacher image will person, or better yet, thing? The remain the same. Regardless of and the clergy traditional influences that have the outcome, our Preacher con- grown with the aggressive, if not at times violent nature in human ~~~~s~f ~~~t~~~t~e a~h~O~O::~~~Thank you Delts beings, are the guilty party. time. Why is it that the crowd cheers We, the Preachers, have real- when a lacrosse player is down ized a needed change in some Dear Editor: for the count, or when two foot- of our traditional methods that The Carroll County Commlt- ball player's clash of pads can were used to bring about this tee thanks Prelldent Barbara ,... boxer has defended erness. We applaud and togeth- _Stgma KapPil sorority for Yolun- be heard in the Quad, or when a White and members of the Derta sacred brotherhood the faculty's champion ::.ce at our Westminster ( ODE TO THE FRATS Iheir presence enriches our (Observations of 04) Preachers, Phi Dells, Bachelors and Betes. program. While we have main- tained a good child staff ratio in who's the best? Who's the worst? ... the face of government cuts and CoIIegePreo;sSeMce's something contemplate .. ®I'WI difficult finances there are chil- -Li~ If carnage and destruction is what you're looking for ... dren who need extra - a lap to sit Ll"ITA is THE Frat that ALWAYS gives you more. on, someone to read a story or Docksides, izod, turkeys, and social reps ... "M'I SCHEDULE WORKED OUT GQEI>.T. BI>.RBIN If this is YOUR bag, join the Phi Delta Theta Preps help with a puzzle, someone to- SOCIOLOG'I, KI>.TE IN HISTOR'I!>.ND JENN'I IN Changing color of the leaves on trees help at potty time, a special friend. These young women bring MI>.TH CLI>.SS ... !>.NDTHE'I NEVER SEE ME can sometimes lead to an unhappy scene. aU this and more to our centers WITH I>.N'IBOD'I ELSE." If you're into wood and getting what's due ... They have spent extra hours You'd better love rackings 'cause those learning how to screen preschool will DO IT TO YOU! Bachelors The Short? Smoke? and Styx-up every chance you get? children for vision and of evalu- hearing and are in the process Phoenix then . You'll fit right in at the next ... ating our children, a loving, time Bete Social Bong Hit process. consuming We appre- Can you choose to pick just one? To choose can be as hard as nee' ciate their efforts. But, if worst comes to worst... Editor Robert Holt you could always be a Tech. Yours truly, Managing Editor Teresa Norman Name Withheld by request Beverly A. Brown News Editor Greg Elbo Administrator Sports Editor ..····..···..····· Rob McQuay Photo Editor Andy Chang Photo Lab Carlos Ortega Ad Artists Cindy Wilcox Paste-up Jeff Frazer, Bruce Mable . Judy Mitnick Proofreading. · · Beth Piskora, Chris Soto Bosiness Manager ~.~~~~~;~P&~~e~ Ad Manager Jeannine Railey Typist Alice Krempasky Michele Everett Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration. We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 21157.
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