Page 178 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 178
April 22, 1982 page 6 ---- sports:-------- Track reaches midpoint Lady stickers humiliate Lebanon Valley Jeff Frazer of the field events. Mike Brae in the 1500 meter run also brok~· The western Maryland track won the high jump with a dis- a school record. The time of Wend; Moore teams braved the wind and cold tance of 5 feet and 6 inches, and 54.67 seconds for the 400 meter After a week of play on the read, the women's lacrosse temperatures to win their meet John Hackney won the shot put relay was another school record. team came home to trounce lebanon Valley by a score of 13-4. against lebanan valley and Jun- with a distance of 12 meters and The overall team figures at the The lady Terrors seem to playa very flowing evenly paced iata. However, their scheduled" 13 centimeters. Overall, there midpoints of the season are at game with the majority of the game being played around the meet with Delaware Valley was were many good individual per- follows: the men's team has one Lebanon Valley goal. After a slow start the lady Terrors just cancelled due JO snow which formances put in by the men's first place finish, two second seemed to take over and dominate the scoring for the rest of came unexpectedly on Good Fri- team. place finishes, adn one third the game. day. The women's team also fin- place finish. On the other hand, Barely into the first half Lebanon Valley scored its first two In their meet against Lebanon ished in first place with 67 total the women's team has two first goals. This immediately started WMC's defense to tighten up, Vaney artd Juniata, the men's points while Juniata finished last Jlace finishes, one second place and lead by jane Birch the ladies started their attack on the team won seven events out of a again with 58 points. Lebaron finish, and one last place finish. Lebanon Valley goal. Birch scored the first three goals total of seventeEn They finished Valley had no women participat- In addition, there have been unassisted. Pat Donavan added a goal followed by two goals by in a two way tie for first place ing. Like ·the men's team, the many great individual perform- Betsy Orandorf. The score at the half was 6-3. with Lebanon Valley with 61 total women's team won a total of ances by both teams. Carpenter The second half was dominated by a tough defense and points, while Juniata finished last seven events, five running events hopes the teams will continue to seven more goals. WMC kept up their defense only allowing with 56 points. Nevertheless, and two field events. The women improve as the season begins to one goal to slip by. Barbie Hess - Dianne Cavey both had goals head coach Rick Carpenter won the 440 meter relay with a draw to a close. Foltowing the trl- in the second half. The lady Terrors played a good game and counted it as a victory because time of 58.5 seconds. Mary-Lynn meet this Tuesday at home this week they face opponents, Hood, UMBC, & Gettysburg. So the leam had finished in first Schwaab won both the 1500 against York and Johns Hopkins far the lady Terrors are 2-2-1. place for the first time this year. meter run and the 300 meter run the MAC's for women will take The men's learn won five of the with times of 5:34.5 and 2:41.1, place on Friday at Delaware Tuesday's score. running events. Joe Hedrick won respectively. Berit Killingstad won vaney while the men's team will the 400 meter run with a lime of the 400 meter with a distance of ~host defending MAC champion Women's Lax WMC 11 Hood 4 53.2 seconds. Mike Kline won the 194 feet ~~~n~~n1~~~.Marshall this Satur- .:,,'-_--- .J 400 meter high hurdles with a The women's team was not as time of 59.2 seconds. Mike Brae successful, as they finished last of out won the 100 meter run with a However, that figure was deceiv- Netters roll along 15 teams. of a total time of 12.4 seconds, and tied with Lebanan Valley's Ken Mc- ing, because they were compet- Keller for first place in the 20Q ing against some very tough Bruce Mable much to stop our heroic hackers. the season. Ward Street and meter run as both runners had NCAA Division II colleges WMC's men's tennis team The Terrors No. 1 seed, Kent Brian Kemlage, the No. 2 team, times of 23.6 seconds. In the Although the women placed upped its record to 6-3 (3-1 in Ziegler, struggled through the had to go to three sets to win final event of the afternoon, Mike fifth in the 400 meter run, the 800 the MAC South Western Center- first set of his match but won 7-5 their match but they pulled it out Short teamed up with Kline, Broe. meter run, and the 1500 meter ence) with a 7-2 win over Dickin- and cruised through the second 5-7, 6-4, 6-2, and are now 7-1 and Hedrick to win the mile relay nm. the finishing times for these son Saturday, here on the windy set 6-3. Meanwhile Ward Street overall. These two have com- with a time of 3:38.7. Winning the events broke school records. hills of Western Maryland. The continued to tear up the courts bined, in singles and doubles mile relay really helped Western Mary-Lynn Schwaab's time of wind made for some interesting by ,dominating his match 6-1, 6-4 play, for 22 wins and only 4 Maryland to tie with lebanon 2:28 for the 400 meter run, broke curves and dips in the travels of - and increasing. his overall record losses. The No.3 team of Charlie Valley for first place. Included the record she set in the previous the tennis balls, but neither the to an impressive 8-1. Eric Tindal Cave and No. 8 seed Mark with their victories, they/won two track meet, and her time of 5:05 wind nor Dickinson. could do also crushed, 6-1, 6-1, and now McCullen, subbing for Scott 5-7, Intramural corner stands at 5-4 overall. season Smith, lost a heart breaking match Brian Kemlage, the No. 4 seed, 5-7 decision in the final against is also off to an excellent usual Dickinson. The Corey N. Mann Resinator and th~ Ding-Dongs, Kernan captured the mixed dou- with 7-2 record. He breezed team of Cave and Smith is 4-3 Grounders I and Casey's Olutzes, bles crown. Laura Cole came out ttirough his match 6-1, 6-3. Char- overall A long, well played intramural Equally as strong in the south as the womans singles champ. lie Cave came out strong against WMC trails both F&M and volleyball season came to an end were The Painted Ladies, 3rd laura defeated Amy Miller 11-9 Dickinson, winning the first set 6- Muhlenburg, both with unde- 1, but he had to hold on to win a two weeks ago with the Mac Lea Floor Rowdies, Suttenettes. and and 11-5. Clark took care of Jae feated records in the South West- Boys defeating the Hosers to No Questions Asked. In the heat Meadows in two games. Jayne tie breaker, '7-6, in the second ern Conference. The Terrors set to put the match away. Scott take the men's title and the of play-off competition Della and Clark together made short have already lost to F&M and Painted Ladies edging out Resi· Sigma Kappa wiped out Casey's work of Amy Miller and Mike Brae Smith was the only singles loser, must now hope that Muhlenburg a 3-6, 1-6 decision and dropping nator and the Ding Dongs for the Ctutzes. while Resinator and 15-3, 15-6 for the Doubles title. lowering his overall record to a can knock off the Patriols so women's top spot. II was a long company ended it for Grounders 'round the hom still impressive 6-3. WMC can tie for the ·single season with eighteen sqeuos 01 I still not letting up the Resinators Softball is now in season. Six The doubles teams are also off playoff spot in the conference. womeri and sixteen squads 01 put the Delts away for the right to womens teams and twenty teams to quick starts this season. The Tuesday's score men competing for a place in the face the Painted ladies in the of men should make for solid NO.1 team of Ziegler arid Tindall Tennis WMC 7 Susquehanna 2 top four which woulo gain them a championship. The Painted La- competition. play-off birth. In the men's south dies, giving all they had sent Get ready to hit the links for the won 6-0, 6-4 and is now 5-1 for division, it was the Teens fol· home No Questions Asked and final intramural event of the year, Phi Delt Run lowed by the Amgems, Georges the 3rd Floor Rowdies, who had The Women's and Men's Green Missing Members and the Has- outplayed. the Suttanettee. A Terror Golf Classic to be held-in Corey N. Mann ers. The Hosers defeated ,the tough three game match' be- May. Watch W.M.C. today for On your mark, get set. go for cover a most challenging course Techs in the first round of the tween the two, north and south more stuff ~Y~t the first annual Natural light May across paved and cinder roads. toemament and then handed a powers ended with the Painted day 10 K cross country race to The final leg at the trek will be loss to the Amgems who had Ladies as the Women's title win- 't~ benefit the Carroll County Asso- the famed cardiac hill. eliminated Georges Missing nero ciation for Retarded Citizens. Registration is six couara and Members. The Hosers were then Dave Seibert thinks Ihat this This, the biggest event to ever be all runners will receive a free tee- soundly beaten by the MacLea volleyball season was a huge ~~~ attempted by any campus orga- shirt, head band and beer. Prizes Boys who had made an easy success with 376 students partic- ut~ nization, is being organized by awarded to the top three time in the northern division, ipating and sportsmanship and Rick Brodrick of the Bees Distrib- finishers in the male and female '~'''II I ruling out the hopes of, first, the enthusiasm at an aU-time high. ("' . uling Co. Inc along with Chris divisions and various age brack- Sultans and then the Bachelors I He and the student body would rr- ~ ~ Hartwick and Vinnie Genco of Phi ets. Registration packets can be team. Congratulations to the, like to thank Carol Templon and !)'lr Delta Theta. The Phi Delts rope picked up at 7:30 a.m. on race MacLea Boys, Ihe 1982 men's Randy Butzer for all their time '"', ... tnat this effort will, in light of day. volleyball champs and effort. recent fraternity problems, elimi- All proceeds will be going to- As for the women. strong dedi- Badminton action cated play earned play-off oppor- The order of the day seems to ---------- ·~h~~ f~~t~e of the doubt about ~:;~;~IIC~~z~~~ ~~~~a~~ : tunities for eight squads. In the be Clark Nesbitt. Clark won the YACITTTSAHS Post time is 9:30 a.m. on May a good time to show your sup- ,North it was Delta Sigma Kappa,. men's tournament and with Jayne PANOOATF .p.B.C. fi:st at Blanche ~ym and.w(U:. 'po.rt !or.~ truely needy. cause.
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