Page 102 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 102
Page 8 January 21, 1982 'Kcqemushc' IS a last bid? Fidy Kuo crucifixion because of the amazing reveal some of the shadow warder's punctuated by rocket or gunfire slaughter "Kagemusha" (The Shadow 'War- physical resemblance to himself. He own coofusion and anxiety during the Horses and warriors are shot down In a final rapture of patriotism, the l rior) is perhaps the last worlo:; 01 had the thief trained to be his double role play. ' and fall to the ground in slow motion kagemusha rushes out, takes up a Japanese film director Akira Kuro- in the event of sickness or death Explained, but not too clearly, is why Cameras sweep over an entire battle lance, and rushes toward the enemy sawa. WIth classics like "Rashmoon" After Shingen is secretly buried, his the kagemusha wants to go through field of corpses. lines. He too is sbot-cowo. later, he and "The Seven Samurai" to his toyal retainers place the Shadow the "torture" in the first place. At first, Extensive detail has been paid to is shOwn crawling toward a river for credit, this epic movie may also be Warrior-the one 'Nho walks as the he is resentful of his role as the man everything. From the stone fortresses water. He suddenly spies the Takeda his last bid for lame as Japan's lord's shadow-on the throne. Thus, who almost put him, as the thief, to to the uniforms on every individual Clan banner lying in the stream. He greatest film director. The film took the stability of the Takeda Clan is death. However, being fully commit- soldier, the authentic imagery of feu- races toward it and ultimately he falls first place at :Tlle Cannes Film Festi- insured for several more years before ted to impersonation, he slowly starts dal Japan is achieved. Kurosawa has and dies. As the stream carries his val in 1980. It was also shown the incompelent lord Katsuyori can to acquire the wisdom and the love become a sort of Japanese body past the banner, his hands are January 5 in Winslow 100 as part of take over..... for the clan as only a real leader George Lucas, creator of "Star stretched toward it-a gesture of gran- the History 01 Japan Jan. term As Shingen's brother says, "to be in could. Wars." deur. Yet, ultimately he fails to grasp course. the shadow of one man forever and In one scene, the kagemusha is Through ill fated circumstances the it and he is swept away. This so The time period 01 Kagemusha is constantly supress one's own self is seated behind a battle trent. A kagemusha's cover is revealed and much represented Kurosawa's at- 1573 Feudal Japan. Two powerful pure torture" This is the part Kuro- charge of armed warners suddenly he is banished. The incompetent Lord tempt for lasting fame with "kagemu- warlords, Nobvunga and leyasu, are sawa never builds up or explains, We appears. Having no guns themselves, xatswort takes over and leads the sha." While being stately and epic battling for cootrol of Japan against see that the kagemusha has been the body guard and personal pages Takeda Clan inlo a suicidal war. This throughout, flaws in credibility and Lord Shingen of the Takeda Clan. As- a carefully trained to impersonate every shield the double with their own war will prove to be the clan's character development prevent "ka- leader, Shingen is considered the action of the late lord. Yet, is he truly bodies from the bullets. As they fall, undoing. The kagemusha follows the gemusha" from attaining full, perfec- heart 01 his land.- Wrthout him, the being tortured? What of the thief the shadow warrior is left to contem- army, and in horror, witnesses its tion Takeda Clan would not hOld together ~Iaying the part? What can he say? plate their heroism and his own As a general, he is so feared that his What does he think? Kurosawa offers responsibility toward them enemies flee from his very presence no real answers. He' has subdued Aside from what is not explained Of ACROSS 5 Strike out One night during a seige on a that part, which is the kagemusha not believed, the imagery of battles 1 Couple 6 Devoured castle, Lord Shingen is mortally own self, to facial gestures and eye and warriors is truly epic in propor- 5 Obstruct 7 Expert CROSS 8 Wel,ded 8 TurkiSh - wounded. This is where the "ka_gemu- movements. Fortunately, this was well tion. Soldiers are shOwn marching 12 land 9 Matured sha" come in. Before Shingen's done by actor Tatsuya NakudaL His before a setting sun amidst swirling measure 10 Aive, duck WORD death, he had a thief saved from knit eye brows and nervous eyes dust or engaged in dark night battles 13 Greek tetter t At this place 14S-shaped 21~Number PUZZLE 19Sesame molding AC/DC: Straig htforwurd 15 Boutique 24 Chart 25 Mature 16 Man's nlck- name 17 Approach 26 At present FROM COLLEGE 28 Vase 18 lawmaking 29 Hint Greg Elbo body 30 lamprey PRESS SERVICE 35 TJmeperlod 22 Pose When finals are over, it's time to cut 20 TOllef 34 Seesaw ... ...... loose and have a great time. last 23 Compass pt 36 Hold back December 20 and 21 such a time 24 Cloak 37 Experienced 42 Steals adjunct I could be found at the Capital Centre 27 lessen 38 Rubber tree 43 Send forth 47 Sailor's saint 31 Time gone by 39 Sewing 44 Fiber plant 48 College head when ACIDC came to town. First, let it be known that ACIDC has nothing 32 Regret implement 46 Castle 51 Meadow 33 Trtfle to oc with sexual preference, but is 37 Burrow the name of one of the hOttest heavy ee aetore metal rock bands louring today. 41 BeV8fage ~ We arrived at the Centre early and 42t1efate 45 Appeared I stayed in the car to coosume some 49 leave out liquid refreshment.' Y/hile doing so, a guy tapped on my windoW and asked so High: Mus. 52 Mete me if I had a knife. Being the trusting 5S Tibetan _. 53 Nip type, I handed him my Japanese 54 Femalerutl Icd.-blade. As he walked away, 1 was severely reprimanded.. by my c0m- panions for honoring his request, but 56 Headllnef - 57 Mom and my philosophy Is thai if someone is 58 Short Jacket planning to rob or wound you they do not borrow your own weapon to do DOWN so. Some twenty minutes later it was t Free ticket time to go in, so t -wentto retrieve my 2 Pain property. As I knocked on the door, I 3 Metal 4 Meal noticed that the occupants of the car had somehow put a fine white pow-- der on the flat edge of the blade. Obviously, they were eating pow- dered donuts and were using my GO THE Carriage House Liquors CHOICEST SKILL 113 W. Main Street "at the forks.." GUARANTEED. In tcday's Army, there are literally "Check Our Beer Specials hundreds of skills to choose from, And if you s~ up under our Delayed Entry Program, for the January Term!" you can do the choosing. Of course, whether you choose survey-- ing or air caffictontrol, you must qualify. And you may have to wait a bit for an opening in the skill training of your choice. But if you qualify, we will guarantee your choice up to twelve months in advance. For a chance to serve your country (and train for the skill of your choice), visit your local Army Recruiter. Or call Army Oppor- tunities' ARMY. fealuting dungeons and JrogOfll BEALL YOU CAN BE. Phon. 648-4350 65 Ea.. Mom St. W estmin.t". 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