Page 101 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 101
The Phoenix Player of the Week \ Photos by Jenny Price The Women's Swim Team tor breaking school records and qual- ifying 8_members to thtrNationa/s. Editor's Note: When the idea for "PLA YERS OF THE WEEK" was conceived it was intended to be a showcase for chOsen players per week. However, there are always exceptions to the rul~s. Therefore, Jim Oawsoo-Men's Basketball Team these vary talented athletas should all be recognized thiS week., 2' pts. & 20 assists in two victories 'Dukes' tops In V-ball Corey N. Mann Backln December, the coed volley- in the semi-final round, in the champi- ball season came to a close. Twenty onship game four teams fielded a near record The Black Dukes handed the Spi- number of 253 participating students. kers a championship defeat in just Dave Seibert, intramural director two Quick games, and became, as, wishes to thank everyone who helped was the case last year, sole Champi- make this year's season an es~ially OIlS in Coed volleyball. - big success. Elsewhere in the intramural picture, Regular Season: _. There were 12 teams that made it nine teams are playing box soccer; to the playoffs with the Sexy Spikers there are twenty men's basketball beating out the No Names in a semi- teams and eight female basketball final game to eam the fight to face teems ... Watch for play-off -- the BlaCkDukes, who received a bye news...Show your support. ANAL STANDINGS 1.1 INTRAIIUfW. 'eo-eo VOlLEYBALL 'So""''' "TecI"Is3-1 3-1 Strozyk's Team3-1 "Seq SpIkers Net Smashe!s 2·2 'Demons __ 3-1 oe s ne osere oa Atomic AppIeton's1-3 C.C.C. & Company 0-3 No Question Asked Q-4 _ 0 "Purple Bulls-4-O 'BlaCK Dukes 4-Q 3-1 "Oannn's Defects 3-1 -_. -.. Dinks2-2 "-------.,....------, : 'News & The Anionists Skets Mil~ants '-2 DoubIeDvtchBussesI-3 Alpha B~s '.t, Ni,.! ,,,,,,,i.1! B/8WCfe'W ShOftStuft0-3 ,.."5eniorSetters2-1 8 pm"" p.m. I I "No Names 2-' 'los Pavos Gfitos 2-1 SouIIt CmoII SecreIariaI SolVi" ~ .",'tiI""c4' Free!! Mast8rs0-3 p~~~:;:~;~~;g . ~ 7'j Ch~etI~barger ! ·A~~BIrltI ~~. _ .. ~ ~J:~H~rwin.sOefects IBM Selectric III 7~ . '.~ "."~ When yoa bay a l Techs 0Y9f Los PavosGritos pick up & delivery available Quarter Po_der I I ==::::=~s Tea." Printing available ~ BuI~r New the Arsonists -call Vicky SmelJdnson I Bleck Dukes OYef Senior Setters Carroll Piau Shopping Center I I (with this coap~o) I' I ::=.sove~~Bulis at 549-1043 , ·~----==---~--------...-----~-------T Monday & Wednesday: :rou Dese,.lIe A: r HOUSE OF LIQUORS : $1 Off a pitcher of beer r B,.eall ~oday I I I I I {:)A I : CarrollP"=. W",lmirnter 848-1314: Tuesday & Thursdcry: I I. . I I Me.,.. : L : Special of the Week : $1,Off all large pizzas : ! Moosehead 6 pak 12 oz. bott~es i C;JUAhead for Ta.keout Orden; eXPires! west~~;;~;stJ~~bu,g :1 I t_~~~~~ $3.2 1126/62 ' I L __ ..::8:.!7..::6:.::.3~5~5:::0~ 1;..;..;t2;.;6;.;'__ . L_~~~ J I 9 expires I -- . -. I La-s~_v.alue 11-10 of one cent
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