Page 98 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 98
Cole once a member of famous 'Old Guard' FldyK"" Honor Guard 'Here required to marCh' cater than it was in 1950. Today, You may know carl Cole as the in. "Man, I'm telling ~." he said, electronic sensing devices and cam- Supervisor of Painting. But, do you ''your shoes had to be shining and eras are used. Also, extra security know him as Sergeant Carl Cole a your handkerchief had to be fol~ed forces, even on the roof, have been one-time member of The Honor jost right in your pocket. Of else..." added.' Guard, a presidential security force? Cole was also a drum major in their "It's necessary now," he said. Cole was 18 years old in 1949 then drum and bugle corps. Today, it "Back then, there didn't seem to be when he entered basic training in the has become a fife and drum corps. as many problems or as many army. He was stationed at Fort Knox Military escorts of the president and groups that waoted to kill the presi- as part of the 3118O-Company D, any visiting dignitary to and from the dent." 32nd Tank Batallioo and 3rd Armored White House was another function of However, Cole takes great pride in Division. As a private, Cole was top- the Guard. Cole recalled the time the security of those days. "We didn't notc!:!. He impressed his superiors Gen&raI MacArthur was recalled to the have electronic things 10 help us," he enough to be allowed to march in United States after controversy in explamed. "It was purely a human parades at the front with non-commis- Korea labor, and we did OUr;00." die. sioned officers. "When he gave that speech, 'Old Honor Guard duty ended for Cole in As a result of his sterling perform- soldiers never die...they just fade 1952. He was a sergeant then. He left worked as a physical eduction super- Recalling his days in the Honor ance, Cole and two others were away," I was there" to get married. An honorable dis- visor at a military training camp. In Guard, he said, "Am I proud of what I selected to serve in Company E, 3rd On weekends, Truman liked to have charge came Jan. 17, 1953, and he 1968, he came to WMC to become did? You better believe it...I'm damn proud of it" Supervisor of Painting. Infantry Division, or The Honor Guard. lawn parties for his wife and children The Honor Guard, or "Ok! Guard" as These were .usually in full view of the it is sometimes called, is the military public. Cole said that the way the Introspection force that is assigned to protect the Honor Guard protected the president White House. Its ninety-some soldiers was to actually go to the party. While Secret Service men mingled in the are carefully chosen from U.S. Army crowds, the soldiers would wander How do you know God really exists? outposts and camps everywhere. To be in the platoon is to serve with the about the fawn as guests. They were Usa Trudeau "cream of the crop" as Cole says. ~ dressed in lull uniform and unarmed, earth. Almighty who became a man. The Active duty started for Cole in but :never too far away from a "Tbe fOllowing article is the begin- He has revealed these things to Bible says. "The Word became flesh January of 1950. This was after three weapons depository. ning of a series 01 articles which will mankind through the Bible. The Bible and dwelt among us" (John 1:14, additional months- of training at Fort "Truman was. a hard nose," Cole be printed for the benefit of the entire has demonstrated itself to be more RSV), and it is clear about the fact - Meyer in southwest D.C. The crest- reminisced. "He really wasn't afraid 01 student body. The purpose is to than a mere book; it is the actual that Jesus came to earth to reveal dent in office at the time was Harry S. anything" challenge us and present evidence Word of God: The evidence is more who God is and what He is all about Truman. This fearlessness almost cost him for each of us to consider about the than convincing to anyone who will (John 1:1B) relationship of God in our lives today. The regular duty 9f the Honor his life as Cole remembers. At one The articles are reprinted from An- honestly consider its claims. If someone wants to know who God Guard was to patrol the White House time, the Ytlhite House was being by Josh Because of the boasts tna Bible is and what He is like, he only needs grounds and to be on reserve in case remodeled. Truman and his family swers To Tough Questions, makes for itself, many have tried to to look at Jesus Christ. As Lord Byron McDowell and Don Stewart. and will of emergency. Demonstrations that were moved into the Blair House appear to supplement various group destroy it, as related in this statement said, ''If ever man was God or God got out 01 control were the usual ternpcrarlty. Blair House is across the discussions by Martin Luther' was man, Jesus Christ was both" cause to! such concem. Sometimes. street trom the White House "Mighty potentates have raged (Encyclopedia of Religious Quora- the .entire platOOn had to be mobi- One day, four armed assassins IS THERE TRULY a Goo? How can against this book, and sought to jutiens, Frank Mead, P.BT) liled. attempted to eoter the residence anyone be sure such a being exists? destroy and uproot it - Alexander the Instead of man reaching up to find 'We had four squads that usually Secret Service men inside_the house We believe that the existence 01 Great _and princes of Egypt and God, God reached down to man, as worked in eight hour shifts," said came out aloog with O.C. policemen God, and questions such as. these- Babylon, the monarchs of Persia, of Casserley explains, "The gospel pro- Cole. "However, the Guard is a 24 The assassins fled and hid in the relating 10 it, can be intelligently Greece and of Rome, .the Emperors vides that knowledge of ultimate truth hour a day job. In an emergency, all bushes outside. As the Guard sol- answered. The reason we know that Julius and Augustus - but they pre- which men have sought through phi- of us would be there." diers were about to apprehend them, God exists is because He has told us vailed nothing. losophy in vain, inevitably in vain, Cole stated that the best way to Truman stuck his head out from an so, and has revealed Himself to us. "They are gone while ~ book because it is essential to the very control crowds was to use the V- upstairs window It would be no help to us at all in remains, and It will remain forever nature of God that He cannot be formation. The soldiers would line up ''What's going on!" he yelled. our human predicament if God were and ever, perfect- and entire, as it discovered by searching and probing in the tormaton with fixed bayonets At that moment, Cole pointed out, a silent, but happily this is not the case. was declared at first. Who has thus of human minds, that He can only be and slowly move down the street "crack shot" could have ended the God not only exists, but also He has helped it' - who has protected it known if He first takes the initiative Said Cole, "someone always got president's life right there against such mighty forces? No one, and reveals Himself" {J.V. Langmead out of the way, and it wasn't usl" Cole believes that the present se- communicated thai fact to us. He has surety, but God Himself, Vr'ho is master Casserley, The Christian in Philoso- told us all about wto He is, what He Cole recalled the the curity system is much more sophisti- is like and wttat His plan is for planet of all things" (Cited by Fritz Ridenour, phy, New York, Charles Scribner's W1Jo says G. L. Publicatinns. Regal Sons, 1951;p.21) Books, 1967). Jesus, in coming back from the Even the French skeptic, Rousseau, dead, established Himself as having saw something different in the Scrip- the credentials to be God, and it was tures. "l'roust confess to you that the this fact that demonstrated its truth to majesty of the Scriptures astonishes the unbelieving wend. As Machen me; the holiness of the evangelists says, "The great weapon with which speaks to my heart and has such the disciples of Jesus set out to striking characters of truth, and is, conquer the world was not a mere moreover, so perfectly inimitable, that comprehension of etemal principles; if it had been the invention of men, it was a historical message, an the inventors would be ~ater than account 01 something that had hap- the greatest heroes" (Encyclopedia of pened; .it was the message, 'He is l1eligious Quotations, Frank' Mead, risen" (J. G. Machen, Christianity and p.32) Liberalism, pp.2B, 29). The Bible, therefore, gives us suffi- Thus we have the Bible, and the cient reason to believe that it is the Person of Jesus Christ, as two st'Ong Word 01 the living God, who does reasons arguing for the existence of exist and who has revealed Himself God. No other religion or philosophy to the world. ' . offers anything near to demonstrate ....:h;::"m::,;"":::....:':;e':::h ...:J:::;e'"::::''-C;;h;;,;'';;.I.;;W;;'' ..Jl<>
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