Page 96 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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The Phoenix I Letters to the Editor l Who is the . of the' Quad. in which Quad one is a unique Quad. 4) If you decide to enter 0118of The appre- can environment homes, admire our humble the its We I real 'They?'· ciate Quad and admire something beauty. to offer feel fOf hallways. We take great pride in Clean up your act unique smell and artistic. quality of the the has welcome pleasant hOmey environment share Dear Editor, - everyone. in our We humble abode. friends II ep- to designing not a "nightmare" but a Dear Editor: up. It takes the cafeteria workers an On our first night back from break, I pears that some visitors do not have We more than enjoy entertaining In the December 3 issue of The extra fift~n or twenty minutes just to was pleased to see new lights up on an understanding of tl:Ie customs of women and most of all our parents in Phoenix, there appeared an antce by gather up the trays that are left on ~ campus in answer to pleas for better the quad. We think this little list of our home away from home. As mem- Corey N. Mann titled "Tum Your tables. I'm sure that in elementary - lighting from students in response to helpful hints will enable you to en;oy bers of the Quad, we feel we play B Head." In the article he referred to and high school these same students last semester's incidents. Here is an and respect the true culture of the vital role in providing a well balanced the fact that there is poverty in the knew example-{atleasl one) of the adminis- Quad. campus community and providing United States, Mal)'fand and West- back. Why enough then to have carry they their trays so become Iration answering a student request or 1) Ignore exuberant verbal expres- opportunities for unlimited activity: minster. He said that he saw a grown IrrespOnsible? It causes me to woOOer complaint, blurring the We-They rela- sions as any mature, adull would do. Sincerefy youra man eating what meat was left on a jf they act the same way when they tionship perceived by many iricIividual- This is merely an outlet for men to _GalvIn thrown-in-the trash chicken bone and They are a1s on campus. express their sexual prowess, Mike Jamborsky thai it made him so sick to his go home. when parents all on are their here best to behavior I was not pleased to see, on this 2) When entering'the Quad, be alert Lou Boer; conscience that he went into Gino's same night, students leaning out of a and look· out for hurling lacrosse and bought the man some food. eat. What would parents thing if they get Daniel Maclea D-section window, hit- balls, footballs, baseballs and fris- That was a very nice gesture could a meal a glimpse of the the dining hall or especially after lunch ting one of these lights with a bees. You'll never know when some- C-Section indeed, but I would like to tell Corey dinner meal? hammer, temporarily knocking it out. one may want you to tein in the and every other student on campus They have on occaeorilett the trays This leads to a fairty clear question game. responds about the many people who could be and trash on the tables from one - just who is "we" and who are 3) When attempting to enter. a "thev?" section, look out for sure signs of led from the food that is wasted by meal· to the next, but that doesn't do meal Name withheld by request bagging. Check to see if the front Dear Editor- students at each all be led in the Single dining file any good either. They just shove the hall. If you could steps are wet Look 'up to spot a This is a response to last week's in to the dishroom after meals, you mess aside. It is ironic that someone _Quad is okay bucket-bearing individual' in the third tetter "Quad needs serf respect." We would not believe yOur eyes. Yet it is who wants the best Quality of food floor window. If either of these are know that the Quad is not the nothing for students to come through can sit and eat it in such swine-like present, you have three possible cleanest spot on campusl However, a the cafeteria line and ask for extras, surroundings. Dear Editor: courses 01 actioI) you can take to donnitory should not be measured by even though they know that they are At this writing, a special Christmas This is in response to the letter aVOid a humble shower. 1) Try your Its physical appearance, but by the not going to eat it. I am aware that dinner for the students is being about the Quad needing sell respect luck and make a Quick dash through people who live in it. It should also be they pay $7,000 a year to go to planned. It makes me sick to think We would like to expand your tort- the door. 2) Enter through the door of pointed out that the dirt and destruc- college, but can they honestly say that all of the extra work and prepara- tion in the Quad Is not only caused that $7,000 gives them the right to be tion will be a total waste of time and by the people living there. wasteful? Jusl recently a boy came money. Students fail to realize thaI the There are many people who visit through the serving lioe and called someone day is of workill9 week in from kitchen 5 a.m. every the the Quad. Various parties contribute the meat "scum." He asked for two until 6:15 p.m. so that they can be to the destruction that is witnessed pieces. Just last evening a boy asked fed. They have a 75 year old baker here, and some of it is caused by . lor some extra "slop" on his spa- who comes in at 5 a.m. each day and other members of the campus. ghetti. If the food is that bad, why bakes the cakes, pies, doughnuts Everybody who lives in the Quad is would they want extras? I can see no subject to verbal abuse and the fear logic at all in either statement. and roue. and we all can very admit best. to the No fact are they that the of getting bagged. This is a natural Saturday, December 5, Mrs. Mac- matter what the management and the consequence of living in the Quad. Donald arranged to have a buffet for kitchen staff invent to make the meals Despite this fact, the Quad is the all students. A lot 01 work was put more attractive anQ tasteful, it isn't most popular place on campus for into it and I believe that most of the appreciated. Maybe a catering serv- men to live. People choose to come students appreciated it. But. then, you here in spite of the dirt, bagging, and have people who appreciate nothing. ice would please them, more. It sure about verbal abuse. Why? Slop by and take Nuts, mints, radishes, olives and ice . is something to think up eno realize It is time how for them 10 wake a look at our rooms and the people in were thrown all over the dining hall them. by a number of students, girls in- good they really do have 10 it. If you Finally, for those of you women who don't believe me, talk someone cluded. from another college. They can com- are fearful of the Quad, best of luck We are all supposed to respect and plain of poor quality food and be finding someone worthwhile to visit in look up to COllege students,. but I can't justified in doing so Rouzerl do that. They have not yet proven to when Finally, Name withheld by request me that they are worthy of it. To Year's Resolutions, making your resolve New to please SGA Movie begin with, any college student who "cleaning up your act" in the dining is not capable of carrying tus tray hall for the rest of the school year. It Bronco Billy back to the dishroom The tables are left can students. all of us, most of all you, de- window benefit serves no respect. the Jan. 22 full of trays and trash, and there is JoIn Rugemer Decker Aud. not even an attempt made to clean it c.tetertaWOrtIer Phoenix Petti JIl~i00 ~h\~ilI~! ..... Help Wanted S1~ltDi~~Re! .... Rob McQuay ............................. Andy Chang Paste-up Jeff Frazer Judy Mitnick Proofreading. . Chris Soto, Melanie Clippinger, Deb Ral2burg Business Manager .Jonathan Dickey Ad Manager .. . ..Jeannine Railey Ad Artist.. ...... Cindy Wilcox Typist Alice Krempasky Michele Everett Published by and tor the students of Westem Maryland College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration We welcome comments and'or suggestions. Please address all mail 10 The Phoenix. Box 1. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md 21157
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