Page 37 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 37
Western Maryland College Thursday, November 6, 1980 Volume XII, Number 7 Committee explores There are some strange' self scheduled exams people on this While the fourth proposal was Thefirst meetingof theCalendar selected, the committee's con- "ham Time" (ri,hl) won third and ScheduleCommitteewas held sensuswas that, upon learning of place in the College Activities pump- last Thursday,Topicsof discussion the recommendation, those kin carving contest. It wilssubmitted included senior exams, the professorssignedupfor the option, by the residents of apartment 2.H. selection of a chairman, and the will probably drop out. And if this Placing first and second in the schedulefor summer classes.The occurs, which is probable, the contest were 5ubmii.!iions by the main topic of discussionwas the optionwill havelobe cancelled. Admissionsand Registrar's Offices. status of eeu . scheduledexams Dr. AlexanderOberalsobrought The Hinge kids [below)invaded our this year. up the fact that a motion would tranquil campus last Wednesday in Hugh Dawkins, Head Registrar, probably bebrought up at the search of trick--or·treat,and returned announced that there are only faculty meeting, to do away wilh sevenfaculty members,teachinga self-scheduledexams, and, after total of twelve classes,who have the problems of last spring, the chosen the self-scheduled exam motioncouldpass. option.Dawkinswent onto explain Discussionon senior exams was that this meant that there are not postponed since no formal enough professors to cover the proposal was brought before the thirteen time-slots offered committee. The memberspresent, especially with the faculty's which included Mr.Dawkins, Mrs. preference, for having two proc- Margaret Denman (the chair- tors per exam. man), Dr. oaer. Dr. Lightner, Discussion ranged from the DeansMcCormick and Mowbray, elimination of the option, to and Keith Arnold, seemedwilling defensesof its usefulness.Critics to accommodatethe seniors, but cited that those professors who only for academic reasons. Any usedthe system used it only as a suggestionsdesigned 10 give the method of avoiding giving exams seniors "more time to party"will by the registrar schedule,and as a notbeacceptable. method of having to sit through less'exams. Also brought up was the rash of problems concerning exams "getting out" last year, which probably accounts for the lack of participation in the program this semester Liz Siegenthaler Most of the members agreed, Jane Galvin-Lewis, however, thai the sert-scheouted feminist, will be speaking at exams shouldbe kept as an option Alumni Hall on the issues of for the students and the faculty sexism, racism, and the needfor alike. StudentrepresentativeKeith ncn.sextst ecucetton. Arnold argued that cheattnqcould Ms. Getvtn-Lewis was first in· occur almost aseasily in testswith volved in civil rights actions, such more than one section USingthe as the FreedomRides,in the early registrar scheduledexam system. sixties. She went on to become Also, he argued, with only 175 founder and coordinator of the exams being setr.scneouteo.there National Black Feminist would be no need for faculty Organization, and then became doublingupto proctor Deputy Director of the Woman's Human D Four optionswere presented:do Action Alliance. She worked as \,.;...;:==========;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;....;;;;~;;;; d away with the program (either Community Director of the a Degree In permanentlyor for thi!).semester), once an lower the number of times offered ~~I~:I~~~:nt ~rOo~~!;'Xi~s:hiC~h~~~~~r;~~o~sn:~~~a~dY~~~n:~7csh:~ oj I d and Africa), and has been involved In per ormance p anne to ten (or less)' hire people to developed non-sexist curriculum the UniverSity of Dahomey {West proctor the exams, or force those guides, multi-racial toys, professors who participate in the educationmaterials for children. several action groups formed for program to proctor mo~ethan one JaneGetvtn-Lewrsis a graduate the improvement of the black of BostonUniversity, andsheholds woman'splacein society. Debbie Wooden nor pure movemenf set to music Her lecture will take place The audience will vicariously Tuesday, November 11th, at 8:00 Westminster, Md.. - A magical experiencethe dream images and Bionics research p.m. in Alumni Hall. creem.uke "journey of the hero" recollectionsof ~,Screatorsand the will be depicted in an original performers. dance theater work to be per- Scientists look to nature formed on Saturday, Nov. 8 in the proximately twelve performers, of ap- The consists cast Hall,' Alumni Understage of Western Maryland College at 8 including per. noted p.m. cussionist/composer Joe Clark Terry Dom ~~~~er~~s~~~t~~~e:~h~:eco;;,a;~ ;:~~ur~~:I.i~~r:::~:;;;nae::~:t~~ This Baltimore-based company Bionics it's a hybrid science detail, as to understand the highly sensitive Infra-red sensing "Water, Fire, Earth and Sky" regularly performs in the with its origins in biology and principle(s) of why things work in mechanism located in the pit was created by Diane Ramo, surroundingarea. choreographic director of the ~~~~rOt~i~\~:~s~~ie:~eb\~I~i~~~ ~~~~~e.~~iienn::~~~st;her~~~~~~:daf~i ~~~;~;n!~~ ~~~~~:sa~~a~:eSeY~f Movement Arts Ensemble in Ms. Ramo, who was formerly systems and the application of basically thecatalyst whichspeeds temperature at its surface of one collaboration with an ensembleof Associate Director of the these to the design of artificial up research. thousandth of a degree, thereby dancers, actors, musicians, and systems.Yes,the SteveAustin, re- Man has essentially been using sensing the presence of prey. In visualartlsts Baltimore Theatre Project Dance assembledman, is a (could be) an bionicsbeforethe scienceacquired comparison, the heat sensitive Studio, now has her own studio in example of fhis science,but there this name. Nature has inspired detectorsof a man's skin responds In the performance the heroine Baltimore. is much more than just the man to create. Leonardoda Vinci to variations of aboutonetenth of a is transformed as she encounters A workshop in modern dance fabrication of artificial body-parts for instance, sketched a flying degree. During WWII, German and experiences the essence of techniquesand improvisation will involved in this field. machine baseduponthe structure engineers developed detectors each of the four elements in this be conducted by Ms. Ramo on The applications for the con- of a bat. {Reminds one of the which made it possible for a archetypal depiction of the Friday, Nov.7 in the Understageof trivance of man-made systems Daedalus and Jearus myth). rifleman to aim in the dark at a visually involve solving technical Examples of modern man several hundredmetersaway "journey of the hero" motif. Alumni Hentrom a.octo aaop.rn. problems. Because living manifestationsfollow. guidedonly byhisradlant heat. Masks, props, and original music Both the workshop and the creatures are essentially special Some animals, such as the The dolohin has enliQhtened creetee ereae-. like environment.. November 8 dance theater per- "Water, Fir,e,Earth and Sky" is formance are free and opento the ~:c~:~~s~s, :};~tistsCo,:elet~ ~a~~;!~andet:~~~~:n~~:'t:~~~~~!continued page 3 neither a story in the usual sense, public,
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