Page 31 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 31
October 30, 1980 . F Scrimshaw page 3 t 'Carter's flaws ~~~-*-~ EI ec Ion orumjji_~_*1 Conservatively speaking keith l. Arnol~ tamlliar} have suffered for it. Commoner: citizen's candidate time when millions of Americans Carter has blamed inflation on the It's that time of the year again. A Arabs, but try to explain that to go to the polls (and millions don't) West Germany, who imports all its "The Citizen's Party offers fresh becomea majority party." conversion of Idle industrial to vote for the candidate they oil and has a stable economy. views and truly different ap.' Adopted in Cleveland in April capacity to produce badly needed dislike least. This election will be Carter can blame the oil cern- proaches to solving America's 1980,the platform of the Citizen's goods, such as a modernized rail no different. John Anderson's panies for high prices, so as a problems so as to meet our human Party focuses on the critical transport system and alcohol stills "Campaign of Issues" has failed, result he sponsors windfall profit needs," adds Mr. Dunbaugh. And economic problems facing. to enable farmers to produce and It comes down to who do we taxes while Europeans pay three Dr. Barry Commoner, the Cruzen's America. A vigorous program ofl alcohol as a substitute for in- despiseless,Reaganor Carter. times as much aswe do. Party candidate for president reindustrializatlon was proposed.. creaslngly expenslveoiJ. The party There really should be only one Carter calls Reagan a war- explains: "The only justificatior It specified that control over calls for an end to nuclear power, issue In this election The Carter monger, despite the fact that it is for an alternative candidacy this government investment and loan' and a national commitment to record. And the question for the Carter who instituted registration year is one that builds a venters guarantees should begiven to local solar energy. CIting the thousands voters, "can we survive another, and Carter who advocates ex- that is capable of an ongoin!; governments and labor untons-. of Love Canals waiting to be four years of Jimmy? The panding the defense budget just contribution to the national debate those most ettected-rether than discovered, the platform calls for masocists among us might enjoy like Reagan. Of course Carter through the 80's. That's why WE allowing decision-making to an end to the Irresponsible dum. more spiraling inflation, rampant could also brag of such brilliant formed the Citizen's Party in 1979.remain in the hands of the giant ping of toxic wastes. The platform unemployment, disasterous foreign polley successes as Iran That's why the Republican Party corporations, whose Inability to challenges the U.S. record of in foreign policy, not to mention and Afganistan but strangely, he was formed in 1854.When major consider the consequencesof their terventlcn in the affairs of other campaign tactics which have been doesn't. • parties avoid debating the crucial actions created the current crises. nations, and calls for broad crifized by many Carter sup-. His wishy-washy behavior has issues,new parties form to fill thai As an Immediate step, the plat. initiatives to halt the renewed porters as someof the most vicious allowed to other countries to push vital gap in our national politics. form urges that controls be placed arms race. In foreign policy, as in in years. the United States around in When the gap is wide enough,as it on the ability of large corporations domestic policy, the Citizen's The Carter Campaign is being situations where they would not was in 1854over the question of to close _!_0.! Party seesthe strange-hold of the run on attacks against Reagan even risk such actions against a slavery, and is today over the places. giant corporations as the key while ignoring Anderson. He does strong President. Carter refuses to question of corporate control of To stimulate the growth of the obstacle to solving the nation's not address the issues, howcan he draw the line. Advertisements for America, a new party can_grow to economy, the party recommends problems. afford to. Rather he merely states I Carter tell us that Reagan is how his Inefficient and un- against arms control - a blatant lie. successful program is a victim of Reagan is against SALT I I . along Carter defends progress the times, while bragging about with the United StatesSenate. how he has Carter has failed with Congress, much experience In Moscow, Australian the rapids of disaster. The one real Carter/Mondale'Committee gotten steering this country toward as a leader of the free world (the British What is the unknown record of the economy, a greater increase Peace Treaty between Israel and achievement that Carter does wheat in Russia) and asa domestic the Carter Administration? than in any comparable period in Egypt _a framework for peace in /discuss is his Mid-East Peace policy maker. It is a time for a It can be summed up in one our history. the future. initiative· an initiative that has change. As far as Carter's ex- word: progress. The kind of Had four of every uve bills sent Appointed more women to his stalled and is going nowhere. perlence is concerned, this country progress that comes from hard, to Congress passed - a record Cabinet than any other president in The Carter Presidency has been has had enough of the Carter ex- steady work. The kind of progress every bit as impressive as Lyndon history. one of gross inefficiency and perlence. that doesn't always make Johnson'sor John Kennedy's. Appointed more Blacks, mistakes. The Bert Lance affair, Ronald ReaganIsthe only choice headlines. The kind of progress Won enactment of America's Hispanics, and other minorities to Billy·gate the political manuevers for the American people. John that honors the cerjer com first comprehensive energy judicial postlons than all other surrounding the Vance firing as Anderson represents two factions: mitment to America and points us program a plan that will make presidents combined. well as the constant flip-flop of the liberal wing of the Republican ill the direction of the bestfuture. America less dependenton foreign SavedtheSoclalSecuritysystem negotiations, followed by Party, a group that was defeated You may be surprised when you oil and more securein the future. from certain bankruptcy. statements that we must not by Reagan supporters, and the discover how much President Passedthe Windfall Profits 'rex . With a record like this, President negotiate In the Iranian crisis, all Kennedywing of the uemccrets . a Carter has accompl Ished.end in a tax which takes unearned profits Carter and Vice President Man- point to a confused, political poll wing that was defeated by the likes only J-112 years! Take a look at from the big oil companies and dale have earned their second watching presidency, Jimmy of Jimmy Carter. The only viable just a few of his achievements: gives the money to those who term. Re-elect President Carter on Carter has spent four years trying alternative to Carter at this point is President Carter has... cannot afford to heattheir homes. November 4th. Keep him working to get re-elected. RonaLdReagan. Created 8-112 million new jobs in Hammered out the Middle East .for your future. And we, the people, (sound continued to, page 7 Anderson: a decision to turn our nation around Dave Cleveland Atlantic. Their missJles can now unemployment to 8%. He hasgiven policy. He cut defense spending in Alliance. Anderson has a better What are the issues?What do the guarantee hitting our missile silos. us a S60billion deficit this year, his first two years in office. The grasp of foreign policy, too. candidates stand for? Why should And their tanks are nowas goodas and plans $60 billion more for year Europeans respected us before he Carter hasn't bungled energy. we vote for any of them? Perhaps ours. Their Cuban puppets have year. took control. Now they laugh about Mostly he's left it alone. He is because the future of the world is conquered Angola, Ethiopia, and Anderson and Reagan realize Andy Young, Tito's funeral that gradually decontrolling the price being threatened. SouthYemen; and now the Soviets that industry produces all the Carter missed, and the Jewish of oil and gas. And he Is putting We are in a time of crisis. are conquering Afghanistan. What wealth and jobs in the country. Settlement vcte-mlxup at the UN. some moneyIntosynthetlc fuels. America and the free world are in Is the threat? Not World War III. They realize that increasing in- And Helmut Schmidt, the most But' these are only half the worst condition nationally and It's that the Soviets will continue vestment reduces inflation, influential man in Europe, hates measures. The Ir-an.treq war internationally that we have been their conquests- isolating usfrom provides more jobs, improves Carter. Carter pressured Schmidt emphasises I the danger to our in sinceWorld War II. the rest of the world - while our worker output, and increases into supporting the Neutron Bomb, foreign oil supplies. We must reo Our economy is sick. Output per economy decays and our aJilances GNP. Anderson and Reagan want then Carter dropped the Idea. The duce our consumption to conserve worker hasn't been growing over break up, until there is no will or tax credits for investment. In jokes kind of fade some more when what oil we have left while we the last halt-dozen years. Average power left to opposethem. additional, Anderson wants to fund you-think of our former loyal ally develop an effective substitute. worker take-horne pay has been Beyond this threat to world research and development. Carter Iran ....and of all those fine Anderson wants to put more failing. Over the last ten years freedom, there's also a threat to doesn't want to doeither. American trained officers stand- federal money into synthetic fuels, we've repeatedly seen civilization. Industrial societies Anderson and Reagan realize ing in front of firing squads. and encourage private investment slmulataneous inflation and run on energy. Oil is about a third that Carter's big deficits weaken Anderson and Reagan want to too. That is the money. The only unemployment. Over the same of that energy. Knock out a third of the economy.The deficits increase Increase defence spending. way to get time is conservation. time our investment rate has been an industrial society, and the rest Inflation, which decreasesInvestor Reagan wants to put the money Rationing and taxes are the only low. Right now we are in a clanks to a stop. If the world's oil confidence, and they reduce the into missiles and B·1 bombers. ways to cut consumption. An- recession - a shrinking GNP. supply were cut off - by OPEC or money available for investment. Anderson wants to put the money dersonprefers a 50¢ a gallon tax on These are all signs of a sick brushfire wars or Soviet tanks - Anderson wants to balance the where our military experts gasoline, with the money returned economy. This is not good for the perhaps we could hobble along on budget by cutting back ex- recommend: in readiness, to the people by cutting Social largest economy in the free world. our own oil for a whue- But what penditures. Reagan wants to maintanence, personnel, and Security payroll taxes In half. Internationally, we are at our happensto Europe and Japan, who balance the budget by cutting transport. In the short term, they Similar taxes have worked in weakest, and the Soviets are don't have their own oil? And what taxes (try a little economic are all concerned about the Europe and Japan. He also wants strong. Our alliances are falling happens twenty years from now voodoo). Carter wants to get re- hostages.Carter says we can't do to Increase research In renewable anything more. Reagan says there apart. Europe and Japan have when own wells start to run dry? elected by cutting taxes. must be more we can do. Anderson energy soruces like solar and contempt for our indecisive and We have to do something drastic At the rate he's going, four more says we can increase diplomatic, nuclear fusion. wobbly policies. The Shahwas our aboutenergy, andsoon. years of Carter wil give us 25% economic and military pressure on Reagan says there Isn't any most powerful ally outside Europe So these are the issues. If we inflation and 11% unemployment. energy crises. He is confused. and Japan, but now he's dead and think they are important, we might Who knows what would happen Iran if they don't release our Anderson is able to see more his country our enemy. want to vote. So where do the after four years of Reagan's tax people. clearly the way to deal with all the While we have gotten weaker, candidates stand? cuts to balance the budget. An· In the long term: Carter crises threatening our culture. Is the Soviets have gotten stronger. Carter hasbungled the economy. derson is the only one who knows promises more of the same, the bestcandidate worth voting for Their navy can challenge us now in Ford left him about 5% inflation howto deal with theeconomy. Reagantalks about improving ties when the stakes are somwhat the Mediteranean, the Pacific, the and 5% unemployment. Carter has with Taiwan, and Anderson talks continued to page 7 11 Indian Ocean, and the North pushed inflation up to 15% and Carter has bung.1ed foreign about rebuilding the Atlantic •
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