Page 26 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 26
~~~~c\w ~I~£tion 80 the candidates ...the issues ... Where will America stand in the nations into account. Finally, improved by Reagan. He would not much at tlrsr . but he does Kick some butts! world after the election? That will future represents plank the Includes ongoing the travel one- to-one basis. Reagan's maintenace intend to meet with foreign leaders at least partially, of American power on who depend, gets elected. on a The candidates differ This abroad. on many foreign policy issues, guarantee of energy resources, as foreign policy stand is summed up Burying oneseU behind a wall of textbooks and notepads for a although there Is a general con welt as foreign relations pertaining by "peace through strength." three or four hour study binge is by no means a pleasant ex- sensus on most of the objectives, tothestimulaltonofoureconomy. ANDERSON perience. But it can be a productive way to pass the time. When the specific policy choices are varied. REAGAN Congressman John Anderson only distractions a student faces are the doodles on class notes or CARTER Governor Reagan would take a would favor building up our con- that bound edition of 1953 Life magazines on the next table, he President Carter's goals are, tougher stance against the vennonet defenses. Anderson feels cannot avoid studying. This is not a study habit that all WMC according to advisor Zblgnlew Russians. Reagan would be willing that new nuclear weapons should students practice every weekend, but it is a method of attack which Brezenski," strength, peace, to bargain with the Soviets on arms nof be a high priority, citing our helps many to keep pace With, or stay one step ahead of their decency, and the future!" Strength reduction but would stress present overkill capability and the academic responsibilities. The college has an obligation to provide pertaIns to redressing Inequalities verification. He would continue to risk of starting of a new arms race. students with a location to accomplish this grim, but rewarding, In the U.S.·Soviet military balance. tighten our bonds with Communist Anderson would be pro-detente, task. Peace implies an effort to settle China, and protect the Interests of and would back increasing Yes, this is another editorial complaining about the library's permanently regional hot-spots· Israel. Reagan wants more relations with mainland China. He hours (or lack thereon. The school's refusal to consider this issue such as the Mid·East and In- defense spending to build up would back Israel, but with seriously in the past has necessitated that it be raised once again. dochina. Decency means taking America's deterrence. Relations sympathy for the rights of the College Librarian, Mr. George T. Bachmann, explained several the aspirations of undeveloped with Canada and Mexico would be Palestinian peo Ie. problems associated with extending the hours of the library on weekends. The library has a fixed number of staff members. These Aid for upperclassmen workers are needed most during peak library use hours (late af- ternoon and early evening.) and to switch them to time periods such as Sunday. mornings would limit the availability of services at Mary Fabie Mter financial need has freshman, sophomores, juniors, these busy times. Mr. Bachmann added that having students work FInancial aid Is a serious con been established, seniors, or transfer students are the extra hours would create two problems: 1) In finding students slderatlon for many Individuals academic ability and eligible for equal consldertion to work the new hours and, 2) In arranging for security to open and when contemplating which college potential for contributing based upon financial need. close the library according to the new schedule. to attend. 'This same consideration to the college community However, due to the simple fact Is the need Ior; extended library hours the symptom of another enters Into playas students make are considered as well." that a specific amount of funds is problem? Are students who want to study being chased out of their decIsIons regarding continuing The handbook continues further allotted for disbursement as dorms by blaring stereos and other unnecessary distractions? their education at a particular by 'statlng that, "If a student financial aid, other considerations Comparing the realities of dorm life with good study habits will educational institution. The policy received financial aid at the time must be kept in mind. These In. help to emphasis the need for extended library hours. of WMC regarding financial aid as of admission,he/she may expect to elude such things as academic The halls of an average WMC dormatory are silent about twice stated in the student handbook is continue to receive assistance for ability and one's prospective per year: over Christmas and Spring breaks. Background noises of as long as the student's financial contribution to the college. Except he/she varying degrees (due to T.V. sets, radios, loud voices, traffic in the as follows. need continues and progress for the consideration of minority applicants all receive "The goal of the Western maintains students, satisfactory halls, etc .. ) are the rule wherever students live in large numbers. Maryland College financial toward the degree. The student equal consideration for ald. Granted, some of the distractions could be lessened if all students aid program is to try to will be considered for additional Each year, according to WMC's were always tip-toeing around their rooms. But who wants to live in insure that no student who assistance if financial need ln- office of Admissions and Financial a funeral parlor? wants to attend Western creases; financial aid will Aid, many students are the cause Every now and then, students need a quiet place to hide and study of financial their is prevented on the weekends. To expect that the dorms can serve this purpose is Maryland doing so because of decrease if the student's financial of assistance. own By lack December, all from need lessens." unrealistic. Since the college lacks a formal study hall, the library financial considerations. According to the above stated current recipients of financial aid must pick up the slack. Extended weekend hours may benefit only need, forms a few, but these students have the right to a place to work. Financial primary therefore, policy, financial that need is the will have received reapplying and for in. structions primary factor is considered is the criterion for If the college expects students to make sacrifices to achieve used for determining in the distribution of financial aid financial aid.' Some students, academic goals, it too must be willing to make sacrifices. Why is eligibility for financial aid awards. All students, be they continued to page3 extending library hours such an impossible task? Is it uderstaffed? (Mr. Bachmann's point that the size of the full time library staff Consumer information" has not been increased in 10years lends Validity to this point.) Is so, Why can't the staff be increased? If security is causing problems, Best book buys in town why can't something be worked out? Several college ad- ministrators are going to have to stop passing the buck and start Terry Dom bookstores would be worth your be used again In the class. If a kicking some butts if anything is going to be done to improve the If you're ever on Main Street or time. I'm talking about The Book student Is interested In selling current situation have II spare hour to make the Abode and Locust Books; both are some publications to the store, it Is trek, a visit to Westminster's falrlynewestabUshments. advisable 10 call the proprietor to The Book Abode - 60 W. Main Another Letters to the Editor Street (857·5533) Open Monday confirm feature about the store there Is any transactions. great 4:00, 11:00 Friday that you can buy a volume through 10:00 - 5:00. From toward Liberal Arts? Irresponsible of attitude liberal Arts the for over one hundred years. ex Saturday glance It looks lackluster a and then sell it back to them sidewalk a Philosophy education Arts 9 E. Main Street Locust Books. A Liberal yet Intriguing. You feel as if a visit (848.6813) Open Monday through Dear Sirs: E~~~a~~~~r Counseling office is f:a~d~:~s~:v~~o~::~~ i:~il:i~~a~~~ inside would be compar,able to Thursday 10:00.7:00, Friday 10:00 I am anxious to know If the justifiably concerned with students derstand and enjoy the in- exploring an attic; you always find 8:00 and Saturday 10:00 . 7:00. College supports the process of securing employment after terdisciplinary nature of the something interesting amidst all Running a bookstore worthy of selecting electives as stated in the college, however, the subtle lm- human experience. By tailoring that stuff. patronage is no secret. Just ex- October Career Newsletter. plication behind the section titled education to the goal of getting a Inside, the very dosely arranged perience, Tim Bryson's efforts at Specifically, the statement, "Selecflng Electives" is that the job, a student is forced to shelves exhibit myriads of used locust Books. His store exudes a ~;~~~~~ ~:eM~~~~e~:1 ~~~oss:~ sole p~rpose behind education is to specialize In certain areas of study books. Indeed, Mr. and Mrs. panoply of contentment that is only Belecanech are only licensed to found around a responsive fun and easy, but most likely won't ~~:e~tl~~~, ~~~a;:~~~so~ft~~~~~~ ~~!:I:t~:.ncerned with business and sell used books, yet they dodisplay establishment. The books are help in the search for a job," contrary to the goals and Ideals Realistically, suggesting to a few new releases which they sell arranged in an appealing fashion . h airy discount. The r ;.;,,;;;p'.;.";;.eo;,;-';.';;;.n~'n~.n;;;lI;;;;"~"";;;d;..;.n;.'_W~'~';':";;:,".M:::':;"Y:.;:I.:::n:;.d,;;h,:::,.:,;;:,p;:;po:;.',tedstudents that taking certain at provide you with the usual gamut In a crisp, as home. room Part that of the a used is as racks Oms aw hospitable Sen courses wtn help them However, of science fiction, mysteries, magic may be the free coffee find em- is wise advise. ployment western, that courses unrelated browse. A main part of the success magazines, EdltorlnChlef. . ... Bill Byrne suggesting a job are useless is a children's etc. stories, For the student, which is available to you while you to finding Managing Editor .. ........ Sue Frost nerrow-mtneee viewpoint that there are two sections of particular Is the books themselves; they're Business Manager Russell Johnson should not be present much less interest: one contains the literary excellent. Best yet, the service is Photography Editor ' , Adam Wright propagated by a liberal Arts classics, the other contains text- spirited and eager. (Western Md's News Editor. . . Keith L. Arnold College. books and Monarch notes. own Mary lee Fones works there). Sports Editor. . . Meredith Rankin The classics division contains The bookstore is divided into Feature Editor.. . Robert Holt Sincerely, works such as Tom Jones, Oemian, four main sections' bestseuers. Science Editor. . . Terry Dam Duane Charlow Grapes of Wrath, Zorba the Greek that are always at a 10% discount; Advisor.. . DaveCleveland etc. The books are, on the whole, special value books, which are Ad Manager. . Sherri linkoff Recital set ;oo~~a~i~:I;h~o:~iC;~e a:~el:;~ ~~~c~;f;st~~~e~e:'~=:t~~du~S;~ Ad Layout. . _ JanetTrainor Layout. . Mimi Griffin, Karen Street Bill Byrne ;~:~ti:;~b~e:'~::~st:~~ab~~sa~~ ~:k~it!~~~;nt~I~:~i:~ndu;,~nYt~~ TypIst. . . Mimi Griffin, Pam OWen On Tuesday, October 28, an since the proprietors have no idea shelves that contain the used DisfributionManager. LesMarfin outstanding harpsichordist, Ms. of student's needs. books. Locust will buy these novels Scrimshaw Is a sludent newspape' publl.~ by lhe studenl. of Western Audley Green, will be on campus Because the. Book Abode deals in from the students, but the MarylandColleg
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