Page 29 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 29
Assault in Whiteford ~iII Byrne The injured student was taken by a.m .. two doors in Whiteford, 2:00 College security officials and ambulance to the Carroll County a.m. -one door in Whiteford, 2:30 Westminster city police are still General Hospital Emergency a.m. one door in each of investigating the assault of a Room where she was treated and Whiteford, Blanche and McDaniel. female Whiteford Hall resident in released for wounds to the head and at 3:00 a.m .. one door in her room early Saturday morning. and arm, ccnctte added. McDaniel WMC Security Coordinator, The outside doors to the When asked what could be done Robert Fasano, declined comment basement floor of Whiteford were to make students lock the doors, Associate Dean of Students, Miss on attempts to learn the identity of open at the time of the incident the assailant. He stated, "I'd and, according to Fasano, the Elizabeth laidlaw stated, "I'd like father not say, I don't want to suspect probably entered through to ask the students that question." jeopardize the investigation." this location. Several college She explained that there are According to Fasano, an eemtntetretcrs emphasized the measures which could be taken, unidentified white male entered problems that resident hall staffs out they might prove to be Irn. the unlocked room of a sleeping nave beenexperiencing in keeping oracticalorunreasonable. Whit€ford resident between 3:00 the outstce doors to the women's Fasano outlined several steps and 3:30 a.m. Saturday morning. dormitories locked. which campus security will be Alone in the room, the student In respect to this issue, Fasano taking to tighten security in the screamed when the intruder stated, "This is the problem we are women's dorms. First, the outside turned on the lights. The assailant up against." He explained that on doors to these dorms will be then allegedly struck the student Monday evenlnq, campus security checked every half hour by on the head with a flower pot personnel checked and relocked campus security guards after 1:00 E:!fore fleeing the room. the doors of the women's dorms ~ .m. He also outlined plans to have Whiteford Head Resident, Donna every half hour after 11:00 p.m self locking doors installed in Cuttctte. explained that local The following doors were found McDaniel and Blanche, and the police and paramedics arrived at unlocked by these checks: 12:30 placement of screens which could the dorm soon after the incident. a.m. - one door in Whiteford, 1:30 not be removed from the outside in the study lounge on Ground floor Whiteford. Fasano also stated that more New food sub-committee security guards would scheduledto work onweekends.He again underscored the needfor all .Comedian and impressionist Mark McCollum will appear keith Arnold students to assume some' The SGAAction Committee has formed a new sub.ccrnmlttee responsibility in keeping the at Western Maryland College at 8 p.m. on Monday, Nov. for the purpose of discussing, criticizing and making outside doors to these dormitories 3 in Alumni Hall. For story, see page 4. suggestionsconcerning the college food program. ThlsFJOdSub- locked. ------ ._--::--- committee is chaired by Tim Street, and meets onceevery two weeks with Mrs. MacDonald, Director of Food Services __~panc~_ ~et at~GA _m~eet!ng Two meetings have been held already, and both"appear to have been constructive. MacDonald listened to student liz Siegenthaler ncuncee that the chairman of the grievances and, by the time of the second meeting, some of Poor attendance at recent SGA Food Committee is Tim Street. but it was decided by the Social theseproblems havebeensolved. committee meetings prompted Formed to diSCUSSproblems and Committee to hold the dance Besides simple suggestions concerning food quality, clarification of the rules before exams begin. The dance con- Ideas relating to the cafeteria, the will discussions have also concerned possible trips to other college cerning such activities at October be held off-campus for two cafeterias for comparisons concerning service and food of- 22nd's gathering of the commIttee works with Mrs.Mac- reasons; it is against school policy SGA. Donald, who was described by ferings. Plans are also in the making for a food preference Voting representatives were to have weeknight parties, and, survey to determine what present offerings students prefer and reminded that they must serve on Gressman as being "very since it will be a semi-formal at- what other Items they would like to see. at least one standing committee in cooperative." fair, Martin's is fell to be more As with other SGAcommittees, one problem for thecoodSub- order to retain their voting President Chris Hartwyck an- appropriate for the event than the committee is participation. All students are free to attend nounced plans to work on a cafeteria. The cost is $7.00 a meetings, which are held on every other Thursday night, at 6:45 privileges. proposal which would change the couple,and that includes free beer. in the SGA conference room, in the basement of Rouzer. The Reporting for the Action Com- Jan Term policy which forbids (There wi II also bea cashbar.) next meeting will be held on November 6. mittee, George Gressman an- having parties during the week. He One question brought up during pointed out that, with only one the meeting was why students c9.s~!ldeBoard: long time coming class, the workload is not very must pay send a letter Teresa campus mail. heavy, and students should be through some en allowed to have tertainmentonweelmights. _ Baker explained that rt ts e federal and WMC has no regulation, The Grade Review Board mailed to the WMC Faculty. At the the proposal. TheCouncil refused. Bart Stocksdale reported for the jurisdiction over the matter proposal, passed at a recent the same time, the committee went A chain of events followed the Social Committee. The movie Another issue raised was the faculty meeting, was actually around talking to 41 full time Council's refusal. A letferfrom the "Dirty Harry" was shown at a library's policy of not opening until conceived of two years ago. Ob- faculty members, and on the bests SGASenatewas sent to be read at loss, but "Rocky Horror Picture 2:00p.m. on Sundays.According to tectrcns to many of the procedures of those discussions, rewrote the the next faculty meeting. The Show" is expected to fare better. the Action Committee, Mr. in the original draft, though, kept it proposal again. letter "blasted" the faculty for The movie will be shown tomorrow Bachman, head librarian, refused from being considered by the Next on the agenda: a request ignoring the grade review proposal night at 4:15, 7:30, 9:45, and to open the library early on Sun- faculty. made by the SGA executive and also the "many hours of labor midnight. days for several reasons,including Dave Cleveland, a senior at committee for the faculty to the sub-committee has spent Another announcement made by a lack of staff members to work the WMC, first got the idea of a grade designate the appropriate faculty following proper channels." Stockdale was the plans for the extra hours. It was alsostated thai review system from a suggestion committee to consider the That spring of 1980, Dean annual Christmas Dance. It will be Bachman felt the library is open by a friend. Cleveland decided to proposal. The faculty sent the William McCormick, along with held onTuesday, December enoughhoursalready. torm an SGA subcommittee to proposal before the Faculty Dr. Donald E. Jones, a member of Martin's West"!J.!lster (located in The next SGA meeting will be lobby with the Faculty Council for Council, and according to the commIttee who had serious 140 vIllage). The dance was held Wednesday,November 5th, at the creation of a grade review Cleveland, the outcome was very reservations about the orginial originally going to be held Friday 9:00p.m. in McDaniel lounge process. A letter written by the disappointing. The Council showed draft, drafted yet another proposal night after Thanksgiving break, Senateof the WMC SGAstated the a very negative reaction to the which was acceptable to both. purposes of this sub-committee, proposal. The Council then After the proposal was debated at and further stated tbet. "This questioned various members of the spring faculty meeting, it was Social Committee plans committee will be open to all Cleveland's committee, but decided that over the summer, an persons interested in pursuing the' nothing elsewas donein the spring ad hoc committee was to be set up issue." ..._ , of 1979. to review and rewrite it. The Beth Piskcra Approximately 40 tickets will bl Next, those who were interested Returning as a junior in the fall, cornmittee consisted of Six The firs! Social Committee soldfor eachgame. began meeting regularly as the Cleveland discovered that ....the members, including Dr. levering, meeting was held on Wednesday, There are several movies proposed sub-committee. This Faculty Council was no longer DeanMcCormick,and Dr. Jones. October 15. One of the points scheduledfor the remainder of 'he occurred in the 1978-1979academic considering the grade review Finally, this September, the brought up was that eleven dollars first semester.To keepaccounts in year. After discussing ideas for a proposal. This was when a con. proposal for a grade review board from each student's tuition is order, tickets will be sold before grade review process, the com- cerned faculty member, Dr. Ralph was presented at the Faculty allotted to the Social Committee. each movie. The price will remain rnrttee drafted their first proposal, B. levering. stepped in and Council meeting. The Council Overall plans for this semester at one dollar. "The Rocky Horror analyzing it for faults and suggested to the Faculty Council approved it, and from there the were also discussed. The com. Picture Show" witl be shown on rewriting it. The proposal, along that a sub-committee be proposal went to the faculty mitlee chairman is trying to get Halloween, Friday, October 31. with a letter of explanation, was established to further investIgate meeting. tickets for one or two Colt games. continued to page 7
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