Page 30 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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Watertower Leaks Election '80 RoberIHoll Conroy seeks Senate seat SYKESVILLE, Md.. If was a handicapped citizens, and benefits of the- Pro-life position of thethe candidates ...the issues scene typical of Senatorial elec for military veterans. abortion controversy. He also feels Ronald Reagan tions across the country. A scene While Conroy says that he does that the American industries' Presidential nominee Ronald that reoccurs in big 'and little ~~t~:t~,~~:~r ::~', h:~I~::~~~~I!~~~~On~~~:r~~~~:t:~~.ltedby With only a few days left before Reagan's economic proposals towns, yet is overshadowed by the :~~:r~:i~~et~t~~~de~~~;Ot~'ei:t~~en~~ ~:~~sd~~~~~:~d"::~~;:~e~tC~~: glamorous media hype of the "big develop a posture of strong "There are many regulating time" presidential campaigns. On ~:~~~:~."seC~~ltysu~~~r~:tio;ha~~~~~~~~sw~~~te~~~eot~;~"di;:~~::I:c,o;~;:;i~~.r~ci:i:~~:a;:re;~~~a~h7s~o~~~;~:~t:h~:e~e::'r~~: a Thursday night. two Carroll County political interest groups, ~~:el:~e~:~~e~~Chth:ea~~~~r:~ Conroy. "The federal government in answer to the screams and from the 14to 70percent range, to the South Carroll Democratic Club and the Charles Carroll warhead, and the Trident sub- :~f~:;:i~~~~~:u~~r~~,!n industriar ~he~~o~~eo~h~': ~~:~~~~~I~u~~i~: ~':ki~9 ,t'~nd~X~ng~;~~~~t~n(a: Democratic Club, convened in a marine. Conroy believes that The Comprehensive National didates are now attempting to payers from the automatic tax joint meeting to hear Ed Conroy ~ou~s~aUn~i~a:i~~L~in;:o ;~:Idt~ Health Plan seems to Conroy to be present economic and social increases caused by cost of living discuss his campaign for election to the U.S. Senate. Conroy is the kept open; however, the U.S. has :~;I:eC~~e~o:haaf~O~~~¢h:~;I~~: ~~~;am~urtha~a~~~~'sarg~~rr:~I! ~:~re~;:~k~!=.Ci~ge~::~ !~s:i;~:: Maryland Democratic nominee for been sold shoe+in the SALT Two other alternatives to the National economic woes. ports the establishment of tax the Senate, and is running against accord. Still, Conroy suggeststhat Health Plan fhat have not been President carter incentives to encourage savings the incumbent Senator, Charles to shut the door on SALT would not investigated." President Jimmy Carter has and homebuying. "Mac" Mathias. be in the best interestesof the U.S. The one theme that appeared pledged to initiate a fresh round of To correct what he seesas a lax Conroy has served In the On domestic issues, Conroy throughout Conroy's speech was policies to deal with the nation's dlspenalcn of welfare funds, Maryland Senate since 1966,and appears to be a staunch con- that government spending is oneof economic difficulties. At the hearJ Reagan intends to tighten up the said that he Is running for U.S. servettve. He is a solid supporfar continued to page 7 of the new program will be a series welfare programs by removing Senate because he feels that his Who's Who selection ~~mc:r~!U~I~e~ar~;:~ Wi~~X.r: opponent, Mathias, votes contrary ~~~I,e ~~h~:~i~:1i9;:! fr~r;:~~ to the opinion of his constituency capital-intensive industries (like eligibility, and ending aid to illegal on many issues. For Instance: Nancy Casey steal and automobJles) which aliens and the voluntarily Each year at Honors Convocation,selectedstudents are given Conroy believes that 78percent of oneof the most prestigious awards of the academic community .. would receive large tax breaks. unemployed. the Maryland people support the Who's Who Among 'Students in American Universities and Tax relief may also be available John Anderson balanced budget, yet Mathias voted Colleges. Preliminary nominations are made each fall by the for small businesses.Carter insists Anderson feels that to talk about against the balance budget when it current graduating class. This year, only members of the class that the Individual taxpayer will a J6 billion dollar tax cut tor 1981, came up for vote. Conroy claims of '81 are eligible to vote. Final selections are declded upon by also benefit from thesepolicies. as Reagan is doing, is totally that many of the constituents the Nominating Committee, composed of the Deans of Student In regard to unemployment; "irresponsible." He feels that oppose foreign aid '0 Laos, vtet- Affairs, one male and one female of the Student Government Carter feels that "the need to instead,there is a need for budget nem. and Cambodia, to each of Executive Council and one representative each from the Junior guarantee a job for every oisctpttneend that the U.S. cannot which Mathias has voted financial and SenterClassOfficers. American who is able to work tolerate huge deficits. Anderson support. Conroy said that Senator should be our highest domestic feels that better economic plan- Mathias "has continually voted Each participating college is assigned a quota of nominees. priority." The Democratic party nlng could be the solution. Heplans against bills to cut foreign aid to This quota Is carefully calculated to insure a well-rounded I has pledged to take noaction which on letting market forces determine communist countries to which the representation of the student body. A maximum of twenty-tlve would seriously increase unem- prices and wages instead of W.M.C. students will be submitted for final approval by the Maryland voters are opposed. National Organization of Who's Who. ployment, and also rejects high qcvernment set price and wage Conroy also implied that interest rates as a means of con- controls. He feels the To becomeeligible for selection, one must have at least a 2.45 Mathias was oriented more to grade point average. Other considerations of the Nominating trolling inflation. Carter also government should target tax industry than to his constituency. Committee are: 1) Participation and leadership in academic endorses an immediate $12billion measures to help industries boost Conroy stated that Mathias sup- and extra-curricular activities, 2) Citizenship, 3) Service to the anti-reccession program to create exports which in turn would boost ported an amendment that schooland, 4) Promise of future success. at least 800,000jobs. the country's gross national weakened the effect of the windfall Preliminary nominations will be held on November 5, 1980. For people who cannot work, product. "We've got to give relief profit tax. Though It was defeated, Voting will take place in the area betweenthe post office and the Carter proposes the rejection of in this way instead of cutting Mathias supported Senate Bill 983. student store frol'r\ 9 a.m. ·3 p.m. and again during the dinner any suggested reductions in everybody's taxes across the The Bill stipulated that oil cern- hours (4:45·6:15) outside the cafeteria on the Rouzer side en- programs for the needy, and board." panies pay taxes on dividends and trance. All seniors are encouraged to participate in the supports continued federal funding Anderson bel teves that profits only in the state of the preliminary nominations. Your nominations may include up to for the food stamp program. "We American minorities are still corporate headquarters. The only ten students. Those students selected to Who's Who will be will seek to provide an income lagging behind the rest of oil company headquartered in presented with an award certificate at Honors Convocation In floor both for the working pOOl" and American society and believes that Maryland Is Crown Central May 1981. the poor not in the labor market," each state should have minimum welfare standards. stated Carter. I Petroleum. Conroy claims that if this amendment had been passed, -j theamountof money allotted to the Letters to the Edit 0rnHnued 10page 7 state through the Transportation Trust Fund would have been decreased. Misplaced Conroy, summing up his cp- a location" for quiet study when, the serious problem of nosle In the End apathy! ponent, said, "the liberal responsibility as you assert, this ought to be the dorms. The fact that they are Republican Senator is so far to the College Library. It would seem uninhabitable for study, as you left that he would run well in New that the college has met this Imply and as my conversations York.n Dear Mr. Byrne: obligation when II provided dor- with many students indicate, is a Dear Scrimshaw, More important, however, is I read with interest your mitory living quarters. lamentable state of etfafrs-. In Bill Byrne's last editorial A consideration which I would Conroy's stance on the .polltlcal editorial about library hours and submit for your and everyone's except, it seems, on Sunday (October 16), he asked that the mornings. Everyone appears to be library be kept open longer on the Issues.Conroy considers himself your interest in having the library contemplation Is the notion that the waiting for someone else to do weekends. Damn It! He's right. a "champion of the handicapped openSundaymornings. I think that College Library's essential func- something about it with the result Finally, an issue we can sink our and the elderly." He claims that I would disagree with your main tion is not that of a study hall; it Is that nothing Isdone. teeth Into. It's time we got off our his first prtorttles In office would premise that "the college has an a collection of resources to be used Aside from self-monitoring, butts. Develop a campus con- be the national defense,aid for the obligation to provide students with for research, term papers, and which in my opinion is not beyond sctcusness! Let's picket the Ad- Scrimshaw such like. This coupled with the a couple of other possible solutions and "Keep It Open." Better yet, building, the realm of possibility (although ministration carrying you seemto have given up onthis), signs that say "We Want to Study" fact that the library can only seat about one fifth of the college student population (and less with might be explored: 1/Establish we'll take the library by force. Let Editor in Chief. . . Bill Byrne alternative study halls In them send in the National Guard Managing EditOl'" ,. SueFrost the addition of Carroll countians classrooms (01'" wherever) where It is our library! No more apathy. Community C.C. College and Business Manager. . . Russell Johnson students) should suggest that those the objective is that of quiet study. Get it together. Stand up for Photography Editor.. . ......•. Adam Wright who use the library primarily as a 2/Provide a 'quJet' dorm with something. Keep that library open. News Editor. . . ... Keith L. Arnold place who want to make use of the strict regulations about noise for All night. All week long, Keep it Spor-tsEditor. . . .. Meredith Rankin library's resources. With this in those who really want to have a open! Feature Editor. . . Robert Holt mind, I do not think it wise to en- habitable study and living ScienceEditor.. . Terry Dom courage increased use of the situation. Real ConcernedStudent Advisor. . . .. DaveCleveland Library as a study hall. I am unconvinced that the Ad Manager. . Sherri Llnkoff It also should be pointed out that Library should be Viewed as the Lip-service Ad Layout JanetTrainor the College Library Is open 100 remedy for this problem; indeed, Layout ... Pete Roof,.Cris Soto,Mimi Griffin, Karen Street flours per week; this schedule Is with the aproximate seating Dear Scrimshaw, Typist. . Mimi Griffin, Pam OWen the longest in the state of capacity mentioned above, it William Byrne's last editorial Distribution Manager. . ..... Les Martin Maryland, indeed in most states physically could not handle the concerning the early clOSingof the (for any comparable college situation jf a signflcant percentage library on weekends points up the Scrimshaw Is a student newspaper ~blishe
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