Page 27 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 27
October' 6, , 980 Scrimsh_aw page 3 WMC students take to. the airwaves Debbie Wooden Three Western Maryland Paul Smith, radio announcer for explanation of his course, Pollfical ivory towers...and discover how idea, saying thaf "America is College students aired their WTTR, stated that the goal of this partles,of which all three students people think politically and form consuming too much gasoline" political opinions ·concernlng the broadcast was "to generate In- are members. The goal of the class their opinions." leading to a threatening position 1980 Presidential race on Sunday, terest on the part of the public to is to study campaign practices and Representatives from each of with our foreign 011 supplies. If we October 12 on WTTR. The radio vote...whlch is only SO% at the then to actually become Involved the three candidates have ap- all learn to use less gasoline, we'll spot Is part of a series of public moment." in the "grass roots" aspects of peared in the classroom to be better off, according to the service program by Western Dr. Herb Smith, professor of politics. By working at least 40 promote their positions and en. Andersonspokesman. Maryland College In conjunction political science at WMC, set the hours in the campaign of their swer questions about the art of Cleveland seesAnderson's main wlfhWTTR. stage for the informal talk with an choice, students can "get out of the campaigning. - problem as the lack of campaign Jenny O'Neil, originally a John funds. Unlike Carter and Reagan. Beware the glowing gator Anderson supporter, has now who each receive 29.4 million dollars from the switched over to the Carter camp. government, She claimed that she was Anderson hasonly 5 million dollars "discouraged at the lack of people raised by private contributions. lau;~~ S~~~:u:~: either love or Wlien as~e~ what items sell b~st, Behind all of that outerwear, Involved" In the Anderson earn. However. most of this money was there Is sometimes a certain air. palgn. used to place Anderson on the ~~:;:int::s .~rePf~e:oor- listen. ;,~:~~I:tel~~aki~,an~I~~ie;~'~e:d about preppies. As the saying on Jay Edinger Isa veteran with the ballot, leaving little for a massive As stud~n~sn r~~u~~· to the ~ainters' eatnts in any color. Also, the infamous poster reads, "Is Ronald Reagan campaign, having media campaign, such as the other your head souplifted that you have hallowed halls for another year of I~a~;:;I~~:and lots of stretch and worked for the ex.eovemor at the two candidates. a double chin on the back of your learning, they ar~ bringing. with p ~IO top ~ff these bottoms, are neck?" It Is this suggestion at ~~tnge~a:~: th~~tyRe~:;~el:ti~;~ Dr. Herb Smith claims thaI his m :":d b:~~IZ:!::tl;~' ~~~Sl~e;:; ~~~Yt~:irt'i~tfenda:~i:!'t~~:~el~hi;h~ snobbinessthat often gives preps a "best choice of the three can." students "Can"fill the missing link bad Image. dldates." In Information on substantive ~~~~~~nd~~ :r~;:~~'an:,ea:~or:! shoe department,. the biggest While some wear all those - Drawn by John Anderson's sot a Issues" of fhe print media. alligators simply for status, this Is gallon tax on gasoline, Dave Newspapers concentrate on the ~:~\2;~a;'es this fall than ~:e~~ar~~oc~~d:~~:~,B:~~ not always the case. Colleen Kelly Cleveland Is an avid supporter of "game" aspects, such as who's wears prep clothes because, "Irs ?ne su.~~ store is Towson's P~:c:~~~~::dt~a:~:o;;:;m;~~d. casual." Eileen Riley has been ~~:vel!~!n~!s 1::~;:~nt:;I~:~ ~~,:~~ ...and lOSing, polls, and Finkelstein s'. long revered by robe include cloth covered hoop known to go the way of the prep Northern Baltimore County preps. headbands, a gold clasp belt because, "It's comfortable, and I Financial aid reviewed WMC buckle, a monogrammed initial can feel comfortable without from page 2 pin, a striped cloth watchband, and looking sloppy." reason, prep For whatever Theater aliigatoredeverythings. clothes are in vogue. Sothose who however, fail to reapply either receive assistance, because the Preps are etten distinguished by through simple neglect or becauce later an application Is received, of a foul up with receiving vital the luminescent colors they wear. the lessmoney there is available to normally abhor the style, think Andi vob Pink and green is a favorite twice before you pass a rack of financial informafion from home. meet the need. Any recipient of financial aid The love and loss of two "star. combination as well as pairings of clothing with the funny green According to l. Leslie Bennett, who falls to receive reapplication crossed lovers;" the triumph and electricyeltows, erues. and reds. creature tattooed onthe front. Director of Admissions and peril of Jesus Christ set to music; Financial Aid, this failure to forms should contact the depart- ment of financial ald. AI! students the dynamic personality of one of reapply is "a major ad- who are applying for financial aid our most controversital generals; ministrative headache." A late for the firsf time are also directed and of course the ctasslc trip to oz duke applicant wnfnct automatically be to pick up applicatIon forms from -eu to be portrayed in the Alumni denied consideration for financial the financial aid office before aid. If is just that these students Hall film series. Under the leaving for Christmas vacation supervision of Ken Gargaro, have less of an opportunity to Alumni Hall will be presenting Graduate School feature length films of varying of BusinessAdministration nature. It is hoped that the film, all You Con Still Make enjoyable cresstcs. will please the A representative of the broadest types of audiences. Graduate School of Business Administration Features included light musicals A Difference such as"Cabaretand The Wizard of will be on campus Thursday, October 23, to ~~~nt~n:e~~: D~; :~;n~sE~~~ discuss the Duke MBA Program. Interested While careers in public service may not be as fashionable show will be presented on Monday students may obtain further information as they were a decade ago, such careers can be very the academic •..!:==::::::;;;::::==::::::=::::;:=::::;:===L. of their respective weeks at 7:30 by contacting the Placement Office. rewarding and personally satisfying p.m. throughout After just three months of intensive training at The Institute year. for Paralegal Training, youwill beprepared towork. in govern- Another program in the works In ment agencies, public service organizations and lawfirms as the WMC play series. This series a Legal Assistant in the fields of Administrative and Public includes the feature presentation Lawor Criminal Law. You will dowork traditionally performed of "Ladyhouse Blues," "La by attorneys. You will work in the dynamic field of govern- Ronde" and "Tobacco Road," ment legislation and regulation and be involved in such areas which promise to be excellent as: Environmental Law, Food Drugand Health Law, Criminal exercises in dramatic per- Justice, Equal Opportunity, Welfare, Energy, and Product formance Safety Law. Furthennore, you will earn graduate credit towards a COLLEGE Master of Arts in Legal Studies through Antioch School of Law for all course work completed at The Institute STUDENTS We are the nation's first and most respected school for paralegal training, and since 1970, have trained more than 4,000 college graduates from across the country Improve your Ifyou are a senior of high academic standing and looking grades! for a meaningful career, contact your Placement Office foran interview with our representative. Send $1.00 for your We will visit your campus on: Friday. October 24 30B-page, research paper catalog. All academic subjects. Collegiate Research with College I.D. Instit:: {!\' p.o. Box 25097H CALL 848-3220 Los Angeles, Ca. 90025 235~'hI7IhSlreet for Clo_d MODd.". Paralegal • Philadelphia.Pennsylvania19103 One block from Western Md. College Training • II (215) 732-6600 163 1/2 MAIN STREET .....'".WI 11 _
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