Page 36 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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page 8 Scrimshaw vClUoer jO, tseo Gershwin lives! Andi Yab Attired in coat tails draped over stern brow, a wrinkled forehead the rear of his pianist bench and and eyes closed in fierce con- sheenly buffed shoesthat reflected centretton. the Gershwin spirit the stage light, Thomas Wright was recreated In Alumni. portrayed the talented George Closingwith the appearance of a Gershwin, the brilliant pianist. cigar and top hat, the fine Last Saturday's performance in musician tipped his hat, flicked his Alumni Hall, entitled "An Evening- cigar, motioned a slight wave and with Gershwin," was a wonderful exited stage right in the true look at the personality and music tradition of the extrodinary George of the late artist who composed Gershwin. many famousscores. The one man show put forth by the accomplished Thomas Wright Circle K was an accurate and witty por ~:;:~e ~:rs~;in,~e~~;ic~~~~9h~~ Jeff Trice who has acted as staff pianist for This year,Circle K is led by Co. NBC TV and Is listed in the "IIi- Presidents Joe Spath and Betsy ternational Who's Who in Music," Wallace. Circle K is a cooedservice displayed the best of his crcenuencn sponsoredby Kiwanis professional efforts in his one man International. Their goals are to reciter. help others, remedy community Adopting the character of the problems, and do beneficial ser acclaimed Gershwin and vice projects. WMC memory research presenting the audience with an earlier in the year to raise money. Circle K sponsoreda band party oration of Gershwin's motivations They have had a cocktail party to and inspirations of eachsongIn the first person,Wright executedsome attract new members, and they of letters. Sperling eonduded that him to conduct this testing. The of the ivory tickler's most also had an entry in the !im Oppenheim if the test comesimmediately after tachlcscope is a device for the renowned works. The tamed HomecomingParade. What college student would not the display Is removed, most controlled presentation of visual "Rhapsody in Blue," Inspired by a The group hopes to collect prefer to have a photographic subjects can remember all the stumuli for very short intervals. series of paintings, "An America-n money at Halloween for UNICEF memory to help cut down on the numbers. However, if the test is Dr. Orenstein hopesto find that in Paris" and the "Three Preludes and maybehavea Rock-a-thenthis numerous hours spent studying. delayed, even for one second, "if there is something as this icon, for Piano" were among the pieces spring for the Senior Citizens, But what exactly is the memory performance drops considerably; where is it? Is it accurate? Canyou rendered. After an amusing ex- Similar to the one held last year. and how does it function? Dr. the image lasts and then fades assessit?" Motivated purely by hIs planation of what prompted his Circle K workshops are also Howard Orenstein, an Associate. away. He propopsed that this own isatiable quest for answers, works, the representive Gershwin planned and scheduled throughout Professor of WMC's Psychology image, the icon, lasts for only 1,4 Dr. Orenstein continues to In- sat down and played a melody of theyearatvariousothercolleges. Department, has been studying second. vestigate and test possible selections including everything Circle K cordially Invites anyone and investigating certain areas of Dr. Orenstein, however, feels theories. "I guess I'm sort of an from "Swanee" and "Nobody But to their meetings, which are held the memory. Specifically, Dr. that Sperling's proposal is "tn- iconoclast!" hereplied. You" to "I Got Rhythm" and Sunday nights at 6:30 by the Orenstein has focused upon the terpretation, not fact. After a "S'Wonderful." Delivered with a fireplace in DeckerCollegeCenter. theory of the iconic memory which persontooksat something and then is "almost likened to an after. there Is a delay, what does the Image in the mind." For the past person do during that interval. fifteen years, hehasquestionedthe What do they think about?" He validity of this theory and feels that the explanation for this' challenged the belief that this deterioration of memory is "not as 'after-Imaqe' deteriorates after a clear cut as Sperling would like us certain passageof time. to believe." But in the past fifteen Dr. Orenstein explained that in years, Orenstein has not beenable his testing procedure, the subject tofindanadequateexplanation. Is presented with a card with Now. Dr. Orenstein is working on twelve letters on It for 50 a type of fest involving dol pat- milliseconds. Whenasked to recall terns. He showsthe subject twelve the letters, the average subject dot patterns representing letters, may remember four or five of but with only 2/3 of the dots shown. them at best. "What doesthat tell After this pattern is flashed, the us?" Dr. Orenstein asks. It will us' other 1/30f the letters are shownto that the average person does not determine if the subject can have a photographic memory. It recognizethe full letter . tells us that there is a capacity or Dr. Orenstein is also testing the limitation on sight and that a effects of "visual noise" which is a person can physically see more technique where the useof a piece th~7sS~tht~~~~~~~:~t~;;"ember," ,,~f ~I:~~b:~~;~~:h~~t:~usa:~:u~~ says Orenstein, "or that you can't interference. He is trying to reveal see?" The majority of peoplein the whether or not the dot patterns are area of memory study claim that a being processedinto the memory personcan seemore than slhe can "The problem is conceptualizing if remember: it (loss of memory) is due to in- George Sperling, who has done terference or just decay-that's a extensive research and ex- toughproblem todeal with;" perimentatlon with memory, was Dr. Orenstein conducts most of the first to investigate what he his recent experimentation in the considered - to be a rapid new psychology labs, which he deterioration of memory. Through says provide more complete WITH A HAIRCUT ...WI1H THIS AD WHILE SUPPLY LAST! his "partial report" experiments, isolation and more room. The THE FINEST IN PERCISION HAJRCUTlINC CALL TODAY subjects were required to recall school equipment, specifically the FOR YOUR APPOINl MENl ~ only one randomly determined row tachioscope,makes it possible for . Carriage House Liquors : 113 W. Main Street :: • • "at the forks" .- HEHairport Miller bottles :1 .:. $2.33 a six-pack ., w/coupon expires 11/6 • • • UNISEX HAIR SALON • 18 JOHN STREET PHONE: 848-5969 11 .....................•............ ; ..
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