Page 25 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 25
WesternMarYland . Thursday, October 16, 1980 I Volume XII, Number 5 ~~~~~~~ . - - . ." WMC faces $4million Stonersuit Dave Cleveland adventure training weekend the other bank. Patti slipped from exercises over the weekend. All of Carolina does not use safety lines. Western Maryland Cot lege has contained inherently dangerous the grip rope and fell, seconds these were voluntary. The Army conducted its own been named in a $4 mitlion suit activities, and that the college after leaving the cliff II was the policy of the Rangers investigation of the accident and connected with the death of Patti should not have allowed her to qo, The reports differ on cetens. but at this time not to use a safety line concluded that there was no Ann Stoner on an ROTC outing two because she hadn't passed the agree that Patti was asked several in the snee.rcr.nte, A Military negligence by the WMC ROTC -, years ago. physical exam. The representative times if she wanted to wear a Science spokesperson explained program. The report admitted that The suit, brought by Rose M. also maintained that the super safety rope, but she had refused. that they did not because the for a novice "the site appeared Stoner, Patti's sister, charges the visors should not have given Patti Earlier in the day she had twice exercise often involved the cadet hazardous. To someone with college with negligence on an option in wearing the safety fallen ten feet in a different dropping off into the water. Other considerable past experience with allowing Ms. Stoner to participate line: she should have been forced exercise, a single rope traverse. ROTC departments in the area the suspension traverse, the site in this ROTC exercise, and in lack to wear it. The river crossing was . Just prior to the slide·for-life, which use the sude.tcr.ute exer- appeared normal." of supervision of tne exerctse. inherently dangerous, and the Patti had successfully crossed the cise all used safety lines. However, ThecasewlllbeheardlntheU.S. A similar suit has been brought supervisors showed negligence by river on a two rope bridge. She had the ROTC cadet summer training District court for the Northern against the Army tee $1 million providing students an option in also done well on other Ranger course at Fort Bragg, North District of West Virginia. Patti died on October 1, 1978, wearing a safety line. when she fell while attempting a Various newspaper articles here, Writing regulation advances from rope slide across the Cacapon the time of the accident reported River in Bloomery, West Virginia. that Patti Stoner was a junior The Rangers, a recognized college 19 years old, and on her first organization related to ROTC, had Ranger expedition. IIwas her first liz Siegenthaler department. Some suggested ':theor~!~!lJ_ ~t least, juniors topics for papers are a journal and seniors ought to be required to travelled to Bloomery for a year in ROTC, although she had wilderness adventure weekend. completed two years of classes The Policy and Curriculum review, a critique of an argument, write a paper in every course." The college had no comment over the summer. According to the Committee (UAPCC) unanimously or a narrative of the change of One faculty objection to the passed a new regulation which knowledge a student goes through policy stems from the belief that except that its liability is covered Washington Star, she passed the requires the completion of a du-ring the course of the semester. teachers have a right to do what by insurance. Army sources could ROTC physical over the summer, written paper in all courses Another point Rae makes is that they want in a course, and this not be reached at press time and the Physical Training test in numbered 200 and above. The it is not written into the rule regulation infringes upon the Rose Stoner is plaintiff in the the firs! few weeks of class. writing must consist of "at least exactly how much a professor has professors' rights. Rae, who spoke suit, as representative of Patti According to the reports, the Stoner's estate. Her only comment river crossing, known as the suoe. one complete unified essay," and to weigh the writing assignment with faculty members about this was that "I don't think its any of a for-life, was the last activity the recommended length is ap- toward the final grade. Mc- concern, said the atfitude was that newspaper's business." The scheduled for the weekend. Patti prcxtmetetv two pages. Cormick stated that "we're most "professors feel the need for the lawyers tor the estate, Praisner was one of the last students who The requirement will become concerned with the principle and writing is great enough that and Wilson of Charleston, West was to have attempted the official policy only when approved concept" of improving writing they're willing to sacrifice some Virginia, were less reticent. A crossing. The students held on to a by the full faculty. I twas in- skills," so he feels the professors freedom." representative claimed that the rope and metal ring combination trcduced by Dean McCormick, should use their own judgement in When the policy was first in- college owed Patti a duty to a safe which slid down the traverse rope who felt that WMC students were how they implement the new ttccuceo. questions were raised as habitat and across the river. The path not doing enough written work. policy. to whether Hoover Library could The representative further started at Ihe top of a 40 foot cliff, There was much debate con It was decided by thecommittee handle the increased work load. maintained that the college knew, passed over a shallow and rocky cerning what courses could ac- that introductory level courses will When asked to comment, Mc· out papers, excluded pointed or should have known, that the section of the river, and ended on tually require formal of the math be regulation. Two from~ the for new Cormick is being renovated, that so there the library this reasons on the part especially "Too bad!" and science departments. feel Some of are that familiar with should first be will be plenty of extra added, space with in the a freshman future. near professors those writingskills made didn't that He Beth PiskOfa required writing should be through IDS, and that professors smile, "I'd like to see the situation Many students have asked why the grille isn't open on necessary in their departments, wouldn't have time for the extra where so many students need the Saturdays and Sundays during the day. One of the con- although they did see the need for work load. McCormick reflected library that there isn't enough siderations that must be taken into mind is the fact that there improved writing skills among the general consensus of the roomforeveryone." are more visitors on campus on weekends. Mrs. MacDonald, students this I faculty when he pointed out that Director of Food Services, says that the problem has been One basic argument for Attention! solved by opening the grille on the days that there are home regulation is that it has worked in other colleges. The system has footbaUgames. been "throughly investigated" Scrimshaw will not be published next week due to Fall Break. For those students who complain that they sleep through The next issue will appear October 3(), 1980 be ef- I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::::::::::~ brunch on Sundays, Dean Mowbray had only one thing to say, before it was introduced to WMC, "Too bad!" When the grille first opened two years ago, it was and the findings prove to for t open every day including weekends. However, there was very tecuve. "There is no substitute Httle business and the college lost money. It was decided that steady practice," said Mc· Winslow opens psych rather than raise the prices to make up for the deficit, the grille Cormick Rae, student member of Craig would be closed during the days on the weekends and be open UAPCC, pointed out that the rule is, only at night. When asked if the decision could be reversed if the not strict or formal, and it can students indicated interest once again, Dean Mowbray replied eeeuv be applied to courses in any opportunities that he was unsure but the situation could be discussed SGA meets: elections reviewed Andi Yob additions to the school have been installed for the purpose New campus appear in varying degrees of studying behavioral exploration Jeff Trice thet was previously' alloted for the sororities. After the each year. This year, due to the with children and reactions toward The SGA held their second ncn-exlstent Office Committee. nouncements, the meeting rededication of the Wirlslow counseling. stressed that, "the Dr. Miller meeting of the year in the Mc· Lee Maxwell, head of the adjourned. Center, the Psychology depart- Psych department is not looking to Daniel Lounge on October 9. Chris, Election Committee, reported that ment is the recipient of an array of expand its curriculum, but rather, Hartwyk, President of the SGA, Freshman Class elections were Freshman renovations. Under the directIon of intensify and nurture the already remarked that he was happy to see held by with a limited voter fur Dr. William Miller, the center, Although, such a large turnout for the second nout. Ken Schaefer defeated Jeff located behtnd the Lewis Hall of existing the one." department may in the be future, meeting. In his opening remarks, Reichlinbyavoteof53t033. elections Science, boasts of new facilities looking toward its curriculum, he also said that in the future an George Gressman of the Action and more room for advancement of the Psychology Department. they are going to concentrate their attempt would be made to make Committee reported that they are The new equipment affords efforts on the state of things as parts of Homecoming a bit more meeting with Mrs. MacDonald of Ken Schaefer was elected organIzed due to some complaints the cafeteria to discuss Freshman ctess president by a many new techniques to be they stand now, and to look toward exercised. Exploration into animal their improvement. There have that he had received. He also suggestions and comments on the margin of 20 voles over opponent behavior is now possible for there been newly added areas in which to expressed some dissappointment food. Jeff Reichlin. The results of the major, however. The newly in. that the SGA dinner was so poorly The Social Committee stated first mailed ballot election held exists the facilities to house ex- stalled computer lab _has made attended. they made $1,000 on the this year was Schaefer 53, Reichlin perimental specimens. A newly possible the formation of two new The treasurer's report was filed Homecoming Dance. They also 33 affixed Vivarium and aquatic and majors: A Psychology-Computer by Hartwyk for John Hines who took a loss on the movie "Grease" Lee Maxwell, chairman of the animal labs will allow the study of Science Major and the Psychology was absent. The SGA has received and said that "Dirty Harry" and SGA Elections Committee, said he these specimens under close ob Manual Computer Major. The their $20,000 allotment from the "The Enforcer" are coming to the was "disappointed by the elections serveuon. center, now having access to the college. A good portion of his Forum on October 16. results. I had hoped more people The newly added perception and centra! computer on campus money, $8,000, isgoingtotheSocial . Following the Committee would come out to vote for both psychophysiology labs, as well as through Its newly founded com- Committee. It was also voted, after Reports, there was brief discussion candidates." Maxwell noted that the nine small instructional labs puter lab, was originated for the some debate, to give the ~ocial on the hazing policy and its im he would not use this kind of will be used for student ex- purpose of these designed majors Work Club $150 from the budget puceuons and meanings to the election again. perimentation. One way mirrors 11 ..
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