Page 23 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 23
October 9, 1980 Scrimshaw pagp 5 Homecoming 1980 Andi vob the pam-pam squad and "The first requisite of a good cheerleaders, the sports teams citizen in this Republic of ours is lending themselves to a day of true that he shell be able and willing to dedication and hard work, the King pull his welghf'--so said Theodore and Queen's horse and buggy Roosevelt many years ago. made possible by Mary Lee Fones, Western Maryland Is IndlcJtive of and all the individuals and clubs this type of citizen. Students' scrambling to prepare floats, initiative and hard work display decorate dance halls, sell the well oranized outcome of inter- refreshments, provide en campus events. tertainmenf and organize all other This year's HomecomIng is a traditions of HomecomIng are prime example of Inspiration on evIdenceof "good citizens." the part of campus organizations The smooth running festivities of and individuals ..... The spirited Homecoming weekend are svm- parade down Main Street-the bolic of an enthusiastic student handiwork of the SGA, the stun- body and a fine running of our ning hatt.Hrne performances by Republic here at WMC. First Minuteman down lands just a few feet off the mark in the pre-game show, After last minute preparations the Freshmen ride their float into second place. "The agony of defeat"
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