Page 133 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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Honors and GPA's: unexplained non correlation? Bill Byrne there was confusion surrounding Dawkins, student attrition may When the faculty voted to In. the explanation of this dramatic % Seniors also- contribute to higher per- crease the cut off level for honors increase in seniors graduating Year Fall Spring %·A %·B %-c %·DI.F Graduallng centages of seniors graduating GPA GPA honors with last spring, "grade inflation" was with honors. McCormick said that 1967-68 2.54 2.74 21 41.6 31.6 5.' 15 with honors. Dawkins explained thought by many members of the he did not believe the increase 1971·72 2.7S 2.88 26.0 44.0 26.0 4.0 14.4 that since students with very low college community to be the could be solely attributed 10 the 1974-75 2.75 2.87 28.1 GPA's often drop out or trenster primary motive behind the action. gradual increase in the all-campus 1976-77 2.83 2.94 32.9 41.2 20.2 5.7 28.8 before their senioryear, graduates Figures which show that the all GPA. 1971·78 2.83 2.92 32.4 42.1 19.5 '.0 31.6 tend to have higher averages than campus GPA has increased only One theory McCormick did thecollegeasawhole. slightly since 1972have generated suggest was that the college grade Figure~ from the Office of the Registrar and the Ofllce 01 stu- The affect of the withdrawal debate over how the percentage of distribution was flattening out. dent Aff.'rs F.II.nd Spring GPA's are lor the entire college. option on the situation could no! be seniorsgraduating with honorshas "Perhaps we are giving relatively determined becauseno record has doubled in that same period of more A's and B's and D's and F's Office seem to support this ex- and 1978.During that time period, been kept of this situation. Mc· time. than C's, but r don't know that as a planation. According to records of the percentage of C's decreased Cormick discountedthe posSibility WlIliam McCormick, Dean of fact." spring GPA's, the percentage of 6.5%. that this was an important con Academic Affairs, agreed that Figures from the Registrar's A's increased by 6.4%between1972 According to Registrar Hugh sideration. New motion stalls Review Board in Faculty meeting Steve Bainbridge The ongoing Grade Review followed a considerable period of Board controversy was left debate. Unfortunatly, the debate unresolved by the Faculty at their quickly degenerated into a last meeting of the year. Any of dithering quarrel I over semantic ficial action on this proposal has phrasing. It quickly became ob- beenpostponedunti I next fall. vlcus that Palmer's substitute Discussionbeganon fhe proposal motion was unacceptable, and that had been discussed the would require substantial previous week, but Del Palmer rewriting. Harry Rosensweigsoon. introduced a substitute motion moved that the motion be tabled. which he hoped would clarify the He stated that he hated to see the situation. Palmer's motion, while faculty meeting used as a forum similar to the motion approved by for rewriting, and that it was the Faculty Council two weeksago, neither the time nor the place for had several diffE!rent fine points. suchaction. He wanted to: establiSh that The faculty voted to table the students had "reason to believe" motion, and Dr. Palmer's sub- that they had been subjected to a stitute motion was tabled. prejudiced, capricious, or in- Presumably they also tabled, in so correct grade when they appealed, doing, the original motion. rather than "just had a feeling;" 0: ...ugh that was not done by establish that students or the motion or vote. It was then moved review board could not call into that an Ad Hoc committee be question the competency of the established to investigate the proffessor to be teaching the possible ways a Grade Review course, and establish that the Board could be set up. This, in the rights of "both students and words of Dr. Rosensweig,"should faculty" would beprotected. be a faculty committee." They did After Palmer presented his agree that some student input An unattended running motor was as the cause motion, and gave a brief speech should be made, although there mishap. By the time fire fighters arrived on the scene, student Kenny Her- explaining why he made and was no discussion of how such I man's car was already severely damaged. supported this alternative, there Input could beachieved. l SGA names important committee positions Lee Maxwell significant boneof contention next the point was made that the rule and Jeff Thompson. The merits of of any nole. Action said its tood The last SGAmeeting of the year year; the Collegeplans to institute would allow only the wearing of both Jeff ~nd Lee were.discus.sed questionaire would be out by was highlighted by the official a new prohibition on hazing by any pledge pins or ribbons, but would and then In the vote (the writer yesterday. Social will Show transfer of the presidency from fraternity or sorority. not allow any sort of public doesn't know how close) Lee was "M*A*S*H" tonight at special Mike Steinmetz to Chris Hartwyck The announcement was made humiliation, as well as no physical elected. showtimesof6:30,8:45,andll:00 and with the selection of new informally by Chris Hartwyck abuse of pledges, or such actions The problem of whether the Finance reported through Mike committee chairpersons. But an near the end of the meeting. as kidnapping, a "nude run." or poaltlcn of floor reps provision Steinmetzthat the SGAbudget was important development was Details concerning the proposal the alleged mutilation of animals. make to the Bylaws was valid is still being examined by Dean brought up later on that could be a were not made formally clear, but The implication was thai the new still up In the air. Chris admitted Mowbray Finally, Mike Steinmetz thanked Steinmetz: rule would be strictly enforced that he thought that only an work for me" Ihis year committee Six SGA standing amendment to the Bylaws was everybody "who has done bullshit necessary. chairmanships were filled under a chance to 'ook back new bustness.Bart Stocksdale and Three committees made reports ones) applied together for Social Lee Maxwell student rights" without raising Tom Stinton (they were the only Hartwyk: Mike Steinmetz spoke some some sort of cbjectton. "If you Committee and were unanimously last words tc the SGA Senate want to call it conflict, go approved."George Gressman, the not a' puppet before heofficially handedover ahead. But 'conflict' is a only applicant for Action Com- the gavel to Chris Har-twvck, legitimate process,especially if mittee, was also unanimously Lee Maxwell not dance to their tune. I will some harsh words from an no other avenueis available." Chris Hartwyck accepted the represent all the students." unsuccessfulleader. Mike went on to say he was ap~~~~~:ity committee was gavel from retiring president Chris went on with more Mike began by asserting that "disappointed with the support reapplied for by its past co- Mike Steinmetz with a hearty tempered remarks: "I think we he had gotten more votes than he had beengiven this year. He chairpersons, Beth Robertson and ha'ndshakethat seemedto belie must follow the rules set down," anyone In the last election, and singled out the Action Com- ConnieThompson. Somemembers any tension that might have and that hewould work with the more than 50% of the student mittee, which he said "did not of the Senate found the 'both, but existed between the two. Chris' Administration and within the body voted for "the ticket." He realize its potential," and that especially Connie, objectionable remarks after accepting the SGA Constitution. Later he stated that from this total he "maybe I should have been a because their performance this gavel were meant to and to a amplified: "My view of the SGA assumedthat he had a mandate babysitter for it. but I didn't year was evidently unsatisfactory. certain extent cleared up the is that nowwe are a voice, not a from students to try a different want to have to do that rnysel]." In the only floor nomination of the tension' present from last power. There is little we can do approach..more "laid .,.back," He said he was also disap· meeting Keith Arnold's name was week's disastrous meeting. except usethat voice. The most and no great emphasis placed pointed at the lack of effort the put against that of Connie and Chris beganby thanking Mike effective way to influence on parliamentary procedure chairmen of the Assembly and Beth, After some discussion of for his remarks, saying that his policy is to have a voice that is because it was cumbersome the Office Committee had put Keith's willingness to take on the remarks were, at least to him, informed andpowerful .. and net tetany necessary. into their duties. "These people job Keith was elected with a heavy very informative. Chris also Chris said he thought that Mike went on to say his major didn't work for me," he con majority. apologized for the confusion many of the changes Mike objective was "to get people eluded. Housing Committee was applied causedat the last meeting. Steinmetz had brought about involved," because he believed Mike then directed his at for by sophomore Jeff Thompson Chris then began by ed- were good ones that should be the administration would at- tention to the new SGAofficers and freshman Carol Conner. The dressing his thoughts to what used. if they could be made to tempt to exclude students from by asking of them two Senate debated the merits of both Mike had said just then and work. He thought the Office the pottcy.rnaktnq process. He questions: the first one was, applicants and then in a close vote what this reporter had said in Committee could be useful. but said further that "I may be a "Do you want more people Carol was elected. Scrimshaw: "I am not an first it had to beformally added radical, but I won" allow this involved in the process? Or do Finally, Elections Committee Administrative puppet," he to the Constitution properly Administration to walk over continued page 4 was applied for by Lee Maxwell stated emphaticJy. "and I will continued page 4
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