Page 134 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 134
~~~~~~~~ It's. been a great year, but I'd never do it ag-ain... It's all over. No more Scrimshaw. I thought that I there are too many of them to mention by name even if I did. would be tremendously relieved-it seems like this last could spell the names, which Ican't. Adam Wright and Vernon Roberts supplied us with month was spent counting down the days to this My friends with cars-Joan, Steve, Pellit, Bill, Bob, pictures aU year long, and I thank them for all the time moment. But now that it's finally here-all I can say is they put in. It seemed like every time something hap- that I learned a tremendous amount this year- :~~ ~~~; g::~~n~~~~e;:v~: o~~~e~~~~I;!~~ ~~~u~i~~ pened on campus I turned around to go get a knowledge that could not have been gained in a thousands of trips to the printers. Joan Hughes even got photographer-end there was Adam with his camera, classroom. up out of bed at the unheard of hour of 6:30 a.m. to pick snapping away. There is one thing I never did learn-why some people up the paper Thursday mornings. Joan was one of the Bill Byrne not only did a great job as News Editor-he work so nard.and so faithfully for Scrimshaw when they original team of those told to "stuff ltv-the folks that also produced quarters week after week so that we could don't get any money, rewards, credit, or recognition. I'd helped me insert the middle page into each .six page play pinball. He also wrote several fine articles, and like to take this last chance to thank some of the people issue. I cannot thank those people enough-especially helped in countless ways with the physical production of who kept Scrimshaw off of the extinction lists this year. people like Mark and Ken and Jim who got roped into it the paper. I'd like to thank Binky Bielefield for all of the typing only because they lived on Bill's floor, and never figured I still believe that the best thing I ever did as editor she has done, especially since we never gave her more out that if they all ganged up and punched him out, they was take on Dave Cleveland as Managing Editor. I than 5 minutes notice. I would like to give special thanks never would have had to do that. literally could not have done i.t without him. Without to the layout staff--they have one of the hardest jobs, and I'd like to thank the Yearbook for letting us steal all 'of Davf,scrimshaw would not have been anywhere as good practically nobody on campus can tell what a fabulous their pens and exacto knives-and incidentally, the chair as it is now. Dave patiently taught the entire staff the job they're doing. Sue, Mimi, Nina, Meredith, Diana, on wheels is OUTS. . details of the layout-and it is a credit to him that we Adam, Lee, Bill, and Dave spent endless hours planning Thanks to Billy Crocker for all his track articles. were able to survive a few issues without him. The and pasting up the layout for each week's paper. No one I'd also like to thank the administration-owe printed all m~naging editor's duties do not include listening to his committed murder with an exact-o knife, and Sue yelled sorts of things this year (including a few of 'the seven editor's personal problems, supporting his editor when at everyone to study, so we all passed this year. words you can't sayan television) and never received a she feels insecure and offering his friendship to someone Jim Wellman and Janet Trainor deserve awards for single work of reprimand. Such openess and freedom is who is working to death-but Dave did. He was always the excellent job they did with the advertising, Jim also an essential ingredient for the press, and I'm proud to willing to do his best above and beyond the call of duty-- understands the economics of Scrimshaw (a fact that say that it exists at Western Maryland. and I'm pleased to say that we worked well together all never ceases to impress me) and kept us running in the The countless friends who listened to me when I was year long. On the whole, I feel the staff worked well black upset and put up with incredibly bitchy moods have my together. The turnover was surprisingly small, and most Thanks are due to all of the writers-even though John undying gratitude. I never could have handled the people contributed fairly regularly throughout the year. Hines, Lee Maxwell and Keith Arnold never learned the responsibility without the compassionate shoulders to I think this year's staff was the best Iever worked on in meaning of the word deadline-without them the paper cry on. Spec1al thanks go to Apartment 2D--they not only all four years-and the only thing I have to say is that I'll simply would not have been possible. I am greatrut uiat listened, but they fed me more meals than the cafeteria miss you guys next year! Letters to the Editor Personal Viewpoint '<, Jeering at cowards Picnic defended presence won't be missed by Commandment is "LET IT anyone. ROCK!" There are a few points level of manners. He is a coward Dear Editor, 'rhank you. about the article, though, that I Ali Alzatari incarnation of all those who I would like to address this AnnL.Hackman feel should be brought to attention. criticize Nancy and Scrimshaw comment to the individual who (secretary, class of 1980) First of all, I agree with Steve that It was a Thursday morning, like without really knowing what goes :~~~~n~~ t:e~:::~;~'heO~ig~~~~~ A clash convert :~eumClao~h t~:s n;;:a:: e (~:I~~ ~~c~t~~~ ~I~~es~:s r;;,o;~~~o~~ ~:s~~nd~j~h~Sues:~~, ~~~r.%~~" had announced the senior class Dear Edilor: they've made the best album in the WMC cafeteria and the Studenl, or. morning in the Scrimshaw offi"ce'" picniC However, I'm sure there past 15 years), but I don't think it's College if you so prefer, Center. This work is in addition, of course, are ether-s .to whom it applies. . fO~:eg':~~h~ea:~:~ r~~;;s a!~~~ London Calling. While it is a great The students were hurrying up to to the work' during the week on QUite Simply, there was not k . h h d hl b record, the nod should go to the their classes and on their way they writIng and gathering intormation enough money in the class :ir~n~ner;ndre~:e~ In 7r~~~~r~0~t~ import version of their first album, stopped for a second to pick UPthe that will be printed and eventually treasury for beer, hamburgers, hot "The Clash," which is the most weekly issue of Scrimshaw. The read by the faculty and students. dogs. and the like. The class ~~~N~c;.;~D~~n~~sSse~·E~~~~Vi g s scene repeated itself every receives exactly $75 a semester CLASH FAN," they said, shud- sincere and ~Ite.ns~ wa;in h by any Thursdev morning without ex. What is important is tne quesrron from the school, all of which was dering at the sound of the words ~~~:~;::nd Vjl~in;:St~: a~~~ ~~ ce~~~~yone seemed to indicate ~:w~~:p:ri~S:;i~~~t~:nc~:t~e t:~ ~~~~ti~~~~~U~~~~ ~~:~o~~a;,'~~ le~~'~~~~~rt 'X~~,t believe a word th~~a~:~~~O:~e more thing. The hit ~~~~a~~eton~~:~a~~:t ~~;y S:oiu~d ~~~:~tth~~:e :~:!pao~n~:sP;r~~~ ~~~n~~~~~~~:ser~~~~'I:~~n~~~e ~~ of It. How could an ex Crosby, Stills ~~:~Ieit~~h~,;::~h:~ t~:i~~~ ~~!read it during the meals or on their student body. But most of us don't May Day and other fund·raising ~~:Sh~a:~t, ~n: ~i~~~i,b~~a I!~~d.~~~ recorded well before the new ;:~~ \~~I::~~~:s70~ss i~~e;he:tfi;~e!~ ~~~W~~r~g:~r~h:h~~~~~:~~t~h~~: aC;i~~~j:Sare roughly one dozen :~;~r~~~~~;t:eo;:id~itZ~fl t~eai~nS:~ ~~b~~~al:e~a:s o;iil:Xai~~S~o:~gt~~ ~~:~, WaOnU~ds~~ut~o~~;:h=u~~ :~uodu~n~sndw~~~e~~~::e:o ~ai~~;ir:. ~~~~~ ::~~in;e:~Vi;~:~ ;~:~: Joe Strummer, soaked with sweat !,~~ji~~1 E~~:~~S. magazine New expression at all, blank. The Scrimshaw staff puts at least are perhaps handful who showed ~:~i;!~:~n~~ia:Z ~~~~~e~~ ~oe~:~; So, Steve, it's good to see you've M;~~~~~::twaf:i~9 :hsrou~~~~~ !~:rOyu::e~~.W;~:yi~r~h:enr~W:~::~~ ~t~o~t~~ars~I::~~~~::~r~.assisted to "our biggest fan, Steve Saln- ~~:~ell~on~::edbe to m~he pe~:~~:1 _. quad, an Unidentified Crying Voice present different and controversial It yo-u have contributed nothing :~~~i:d ~~~d~~:~s~~ ::Yhe~r ~~: favorite, but if he ever went head· ~~:~~~, C~fi~9 ~:~Cy:i~~~.itch~~ ~~:~~~~:~~ t~~~e ~ithisnati:~~ :0 t=:~~:~:r(e~~~Pt;~:~ou~:~~~ ~:~ ~~~S;,,~fc~~~;:~t ~~a~\~::~ ~:~:~~ h7~:hu~::r ~~s:~v~~~ J~t~~ after addressing her as "Nasty limitations of the budget. the time, received from the SGAl. you have EI Clash Combo during the nine I heard the sound of crunching Menopause." an:se~~:d t~~~~i:: of the work nothing to complain about. And months that Steve and I roomed glasses. Then I'd know~it was all That Unidentitied Crying Voice pr l have kn"lwn N~ncy Menefee for :~~i~~eh:~~ ~~O~~~fa~~ :~f~r~af~~ ~~:;:~~:~~ir:~:70~~:~:~:part in ov~~. the way, have you ever heard ~~t~: :I~, ~~p~;~~~: i;~autts~~v~~: t~o years ~ow.-We have our very the class do not want to hear if T S . I ? dication of his low level of in strong differences of opinions, and I would also like to recommend No! only was that good news, but he pecla s. Tim Windsor telligence coupled with a sub·zero :;r~~r;~t~l~o~:e~f ~hhea7iSa~~~~te~ that you skip class reunions, since it was also great to see a decent you'll probably be disappointed article about one of the few bands The following was printed in the Carroll County Times. in the newspaper and disagree ,--------------.....:-----.,1 Protection member of the Anim~1 :~~UI~e:;~p .:~rt~I~:~on~a;~::~~ who ~~~~t sOh~~~ ~:d :ik~ea~~:r~~~tn~ that the nth ~~j:r~ that still remembrs me, believe your And anyway. in the paper. of America printed to read a little Schopenhaver I tell that to Institute SCRIMSHAW' and was very It appears that you intimately connected for animals is the above mentioned language. It in your said, "Compassion interested Nancy and the staff without using April v.:ith good. ~B story. and It may ~e a real in such a cowardly way. paper run confjpently asserted that he who IS facts but received NdllCY Menefe.e Editor-In-Chief made every attempt to uncover the ness of character; cannot be a good is just not fair to cuss and curse the One cruel to animals Why do think they have a Letters to around staff. by the college l)dve Cleveland_ Managing Editor point that didn't appear in your man." the Editor section in the paper? .ob Ilill Byrne' News Editor story was what if anything was the I've asked th~ Presi~ent of the And now, as the year is J.. Sports Editor. states attorney or Westminster Animal Protection Institute to use folding, it is only fair and ap- ,JIm Wellman Business Manager Police aoing about the allegations his influence to bring. ~efore a propriate to thank Nancy Menefee' college judge any Adam Wright Photography Editor of Mr. WhIte? may have knowledge offiCials who and the staff of the paper for the of cri.minal work they h.ave done. And if you Crueltyloanimalsisacrimeand Photographers Vernon Roberts I will offer a $200 reward to the misconduct and covered It up. don't like thiS ~rticle please write lypists Mimi Griffin Jane Bielefield ~:;;~~Sib~; f~~r~~:s a;;:~t :~~ ~!:~i~:t~~~~: ~i~~ ~a;np:i~~r t~~~ so tothe papefln next year's issue. Layout Sue Frost Lee Maxwell Diana Pa\aynes .-w Mimi Griffin Janet Trainor convictions of any of the students letter in your "Ietter!o the edi!or '~JII"n AnieI'lllllLb.. if you think I~ may ~rI~g W S[lPcial Assistant Joan Hughes . who may have been involved in the at column" who Will testify If"! ", """tlenl forth witnesses mutilation or killing of animals Graphics Ralph Preisendorfer Western Maryland College. court. RichardT. O'Toole J Perhaps all of the members of Sykesville Paid lor by John HInes
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