Page 132 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 132
Page 6 Scrimshaw May 8, 1980 Fly the friendly skies over WMC maIntenance. Jack Poage Is .en teenth birthday on five different cost of gas authorIzed FAA inspector. All types of planes. Mrs. Poage said Two reporters from the airplanes used for the flight school that "Westalr employs three part Scrimshaw had an opportunity to are Inspected every 100 hours of time flight Instructors and one full enjoy these services on a stun. flight time. Westair Is a Piper and time instructor." The flight staff ningly clear Saturday afternoon Cessna dealer and uses either includes chief flight Instructor, The ride of a small prop plane may _ Pipers or Cessnas as trainIng Charles C. Bond who has in excess not be as smooth as that of a 747, -Eoaircraft. Mrs. Poage explained of 25,000hours of flight Instruction. but then TWA has yet to offer ~ that the "airport operates under Mr Bond is also a flight examiner charter flights over WMC at 1,000 E strict safety regulatIons based on which means that students can get feet .g FAA standards." their final flight test at the Carroll ~estair also off~rs full service 1-------------------, stnce 1943a~d served In the Air- County Airport. This saves maintenance, rental services, .and Mr Poage who has been flying scheduling on the students part. ~ne;t~~c~~~~~raPhy,as well as flight Jennifer Ulrey force and reserve for four and a Passenger rides. are offered OnJune21, 1980 they will havebe On many spring afternoons II under the name, weetetr. Inc. Mr. half years, instructs students in eve~yday, seven days a week having an Open House to dedicate seemsas if there is more traffic in Poage runs the flight and flying as well as aerobatics. His du':!ng daylight hours. Passenger the airport. the skies above WMC than on the mechanical side of the operation son Greg was his most reeent rides cost $5.00, but may soon be ~t~~~::ry ~~dPo~~~:~a~:I~ef,b~~~~~ ~r~:h~~~ ::g:SS~:~:II~h~u~~t~~ _..:'...:'"_d'_"_' _G_"_::__9'_0_'OO_d_0_"_h_"_,_,x_._90_'"_9_"_P_'o_"_.00_b'_"_"_"_0_'_'_h' --, numerous little private planes paper work end of It. According to I which buzz above the campus are Mrs. Poage, "the county built the not checking out the weather buildings but we finished the main conditions on Whiteford beach. office, carpeted, paneled, and More often than not, they are furnished it." ~~~s a:~o~~~~~g t~; ~:~~~~ They own and lease many of the Countv Ar gt planes. However, they have many O~~eYC~:r~~1. County Airport is ~~ngarsra~~ tie;~~wnslwhich ~~I~ O ~~~ka~:a~:~s;:r ~~e~;~t~~f~e:r:~ ar~ ~;n: hy bus~n~s:~e:n~r~~ eighteen years they have been the Carr~1lCountyarea.. ~~;en~~gc~~~~.erT~~:o~!a~neda~t~fO~es:~il:a~~~ra:~sma~!I~:i~~Ch~~~ ~;:ror;f~:~ ;~~ ~~~nz e~a::tli~ :~~m~~~t~.:t~~~~efll~~~hltns:~~~;~: y p Westalr, Inc. also has full service Hartwyk leads SGA Faculty delays review decision from page 1 from page 1 SGA, to be made up of SGA Senate Russ to what majority was needed number of the faculty when he reps and a chairman appointed by to pass an amendment in the argued that the idea only increased he noted, there is no way for the class. the Executive Council. The Senate. Bill Hearn replied that 2IJ the amount of bureaucracy the anyone to redress unfair or Dr. Bob Boner responded to committee would be responsible to of the Senatewas needed. Russell faculty must face. He felt that the mistaken grades at the present Palmer's statement that the the Senate and the SGA for its then noticed that there may not problem was not serious enoughto time. The thrust .of his argument, situation was not significant, hv functions and objectives, which have been a quorem and he then warrant the establishement of and that of Dr. Hartmann, who statir)g that "one incident is will be determined later by the made the call for a quorem. This also spoke, was that the Grade significant." Boner said that there Senate and the committee call seemed to be ignored until sucha structure Review Board was a structure that must be a way to correct unfair or cbeirmen. One specific function it Rick Roecker demanded.that the Dr. Don Jones defended the would be held ready for use in mistaken grades -wi II have is to approve letters of quorem be called. A quorem was proposal, which he helped write, "emergencies" rather than a The faculty meeting was ad- reprimand to be sent to depart- found not to exist, and the meeting by arguing that the system would regular hearing board that would journed before a vote could be I rnenj heads whose departments do was adjourned. provide a vehicle to redress gross be readily available for student taken on the proposal. Another errors or callousness [n grading. not follow the course scheduling The election of committee heads appeals. Dr. Jones and Hartmann meeting was called for next 1 found in the college catalogue. for next year was not brought up. An appeals process for students related an incident where a Tuesday, where, presumably, the Apparently some of the Executive who felt that their grades were action was another The final I amendment to the constitution that Council Heads called the meeting unfair is a natural result of the Philosophy professor got "mad" at Faculty will further discuss and possibly vote on the issue. would reinstate fhe extra Senate [ust Icr " that purpose. The system, according to Dr. Jones. As his class, and failed everyone in reps created by Mike Steinmetz. nominations process was never As soon as the amendment was brought up because of the hectic proposedthere was argument over eventsatfhemeeting. whether the motion should be an The meeting began with a strong amendment to the SGA con. Showing, but the people slowly stitution or Bylaws or both. The drifted way as the meeting went discussion then was turned by \ '~Heuoe,CiqaMa .' 113 W. Main St. COLD BEER "At the Forks" COLD BEER 14lJVlllage ShoPPing Center ,\0:\ Schmidts '5" a case e !;g bottles or cans RECORDS [ TAPES Off. ends 5115180 Come In and See our Great Selection 848·3466 Including: Many 57 98 List on Sale For Breakfast $499 ALBUM or TAPE Lunch 98 Dinner· . MANY 58 List on sale For $5 99 ALBUM OR TAPE Soft Ice Cream " .•.BRINGING YOU CLOSER TO THE MUSIC BECAUSE ... Sundaes A short walk THAT'S THE WAY IT. SHOULD BE" "from campus Banana Splits Bring This Ad and get a FREE CHINESE YO-YO ~n the purchase Rt~ 140 Westminster Open 6 AM til 12 PHONE: 848-3303 876-7168 848·9110 Saturday and Sundar OD90 MON-SAT 10am-9Drn
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