Page 130 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 130
Scrimshaw Men's Tennis: 10-3 Joan Cloan The men's tennis team defeated beat his opponent 7·5, 6·2. Ward Fabian dazed the opposing Susquehanna 7·2 in the season Street battled a tough match out at Susquehanna duo 6·4, 6·3 in a finale last Monday. This win gave number 4, but finally succumbed 4. match characterized by clear and the Terrors a season 10·3 record, 6, 2·6. Fran McCullin's flying indisputable Terror domination. the best in Western Maryland backhand volleys and looping Dave lauche and Fran McCullin tennis history since 1957. Members topspin groundstrokes devastated played number 3 doubles winning a of this years tennis team, the most the flustered Susquehanna number 7·6, 7·6 nailbiter. As an exhibition successful In over twenty years,S, as Fran whipped him 6·3, 6·2. At match, leam mascot Albert deserve to be commended on an number 6 for 'the Terrors, Carl Schmaltz took on team managers outstanding season and their "Goose" McAloose played as if Wendy Sharretts and Robin remarkable achtevernent. inspired, blasting every shol you Robertson. The managers, Playing first sacrifice, Jim can name past his unfortunate overwhelming Schmaltz witn "Captain Slack" lost a grueling opponent in a 6·2, 6·2 wipeout. mediocrity, scored s.rcve. two hour marathon 6:3, 3·6, 4·6, At The number 1 doubles team 01 The Susquehanna match marked second singles, Tim "Hack" ~ Jim Slack and Tim Hacker-men the last college tennis appearances Hackerman defeated the made a comeback surge after of seniors Jim Sla'ck and Dave Susquehanna man 6·4, 6·4 in a show dropping the first set to overwhelm Zeuche {barring any unforeseen of superb ball control and their opponents with put away reasons lor their return next year) placement. Dave lauche, praying smashes and volleys 4·6, 6·4, 6.2. and the culmination of Coach Ron number 3, employed deceiving The freshman number 2 doubles Jones's efforts to revitalize the groundstrokes and a spin serve to teams of Ca~l McAloose and Mark men's tenniS coaching program. Women shake up MAC's The women's MAC Track and as Becky, after only a few practice relays, placed third in the 100 and Field Championships were held at sessions and no competitive recruit by coach Rick Carpenter, Franklin and Marshall College on jumping, was able to clear 5'0" in hasn't jumped since high school one ot those cold, rainy days last the rain to win at F & M! where she cleared 5'6". The touch week. The dismal weather, The other really outstanding is apparently still there, however, however, didn't dampen the spirits effort came in the 440 yard relay as fifth in the 220, is to be commended or the performances of Western Ann Royston, Alison Ward, and for her fine efforts in spite of an Maryland's nine-woman squad as Sherri Linkotf, and Phyllis Landry ankle injury jhat was aggravated Fred Smythe exhibits his baja style of stepping over they placed third out of ten teams! teamed to beat every other four. in the 100yard dash final. ran Other tape. Alison fences. ~ Becky Martin, recent winner of some to the strong leg to overtake a Royston, individual picked honors went to up a bronze who particularly Terrors finish with win the leader, thus setting the stage medal the for the second year hurdles, in a row in meter for the victory. 100 The mile relay of Berf t Killingstad, with a A40 bronze, and Killingsfad, Elaine lippy, and Ltnkctt. who look sixth in the 220. romp. John Kebler took the mile 440 yard dash, Rjp Jamison in the Cockerill Leaps Record Height Landry also ran an exceptional These women deserve much In a 118·26 ducking of York and the half, followed by Doug pole vault, Paul Wallin in the race to place second behind credit for perservering this season College last week, western. Renner in each, Mark Chadwick javelin, and Dane Colbert in the powerful Johns Hopkins. Phyllis, despite their lack of. members. Maryland'~ men's track and field broke t~e tape in the 100 and 220 shot pdf." Both the 440 and mile who, in addition to anchoring both T~eir hard work and great spirit of team dosed its dual meet season yard dashes, and Fred Smyth won relay teams took top honors as the Women's Alumnae Athletic togetherness paid off by making by winning 15 of 17 events, both hurdle races, notching a well. Runyon, Eric OeGross, Award, once again displayed Ihe them one 01 the best teams in the produclng records in two of them. "Baha" personal best ot 15.6 in the Mitchell, and Chadwick sprinted talent that won her such an honor MAC's. They're already looking Freshman Mark Cockerill cleared 120 hurdles. one lap in 45.3 and Smyth, Sam by taking the gold medal in the forward to next year! the high jump bar at 6'4" to better Knieriem and Sam Mitchell Hopkins, Kirby Light, and Runyon high jump. Martin, a late season the school record of 6'334" set in followed Chadwick to complete a turned four laps in3:34.4. 1970. Tom Knieriem, a junior who sweep in the 220; Harry Peoples, already holds the school records in Bruce McCallon, and John Dewees Sprinting to the the long and triple jumps, set a went 1·2·3 in the discus; and new Hoffa Field record in the Russell Johnson and Chadwick latter with a distance of 44'61/2". placed behind Knieriem in the hop, The Terrors also had three skip, and jump At the men's MAC Track and record of 49.8 seconds. While start this. season due to ankle in double winners and swept three Also posting' victories for the Field Championships held last smashing the old record of. 50.1 set juries, managed a long jump of events during the course of their Terrors were Eliot Runyon in the Friday and Saturday at Ursinus in 1962, Eliot became the first 21'5" to place fourth. Dane Colbert College, Western Maryland's WMC runner to dip under the fifty was the only other _field event squad made its best showing of second barrier, placer for the Terrors as he recent years by finishing ninth out Also going out in style was senior finished fifth in the shot put with a of nineteen teams. Five athletes co-cepte!n Fred Smyth who pleced > distance of 46'6" , scored in individual events, points fifth in both the high and in Placing fifth over 220 yards in a and medals being awarded to the termediate hurdle races. Sprinting personal best (If 22.7 seconds, Mark top six finishers, and the 400 meter to personal best times in both Chadwick also anchored the fifth relay team placed. events, Fred's clocking of 56.3 in finishing AAO relay. Joining him on Co-captafn Eliot Runyon capped the 440 intermediates equals the the sprint squad were Runyon, a fine career by placing fourth in school record set in 1975. Eric Oegross. and Sam Mitchel!. the 440 yard dash in a new school' Tom Knieriem, in spite of a late All of these athletes deserve ?~?~ 243-1456 Visit our Center unN(pwnl. SPEC'&llSnSllKlltll 3121 St.'"IIStrttt, Baltimore,Maryland 21211 FJ, 876-3550 Pizza, Centers In MllorUS Citleshronto. Puerto RicOlndtullno. 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