Page 135 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 135
May 15, 1980 Scrimshaw page 3 Creationists legislate From Blues to baby carriage and, since the team had an ample mile relay as well. Two weeks later Billy Crocker Case the he anchored for equal time Over the past four years at stable of 880 the men, switch. Coach Eliot's at the Penn squad Relays with a split of -49.-4 lap approved four WMC, it has not been unusual to "feeling" turned out to be right seconds. The record was inperil. occassionally hear strains of blues and the switch paid off. In '79 he The Terror's briet tour-week piano filtering u'p from the was never beaten over -4-40yards in season culminates every year with Bill Byrne to support that theory. I'll tell you basement of Big Baker or, more a dual meet and he placed second the. MAC Championships on the one thing: A man was always a recently, down from third floor at both the Messiah and the MAC tirst weekend in May. This year The infamous Scopes "monkey man, a dog was always a dog and a . Elderdice. The origin of these Championships. What's more, his the weather was perfect and Ur- trial" ended over half a century best time of 50.2 seconds was just sinus College's newly resurtaced mellow the nimble ago when a Tennessee biology cat York was Times always 6/3/79) a cat." (The New fingers rhythms some is not recital-bound 1110 of a second shy of the school track promised to be quick. With of teacher was convicted of violating record. 'Being so close and yel trials and semt-ttnets on Friday but, state law by teaching evolution. Two members of the Florida music major pclv.sct. rather, the hands missing the record only served 10 and the final Saturday, Eliot had, The debate over how man's origin Legislature have filed companion of a WMC major who is' give Eliot further incentive for his at most, three more chances to should be presented in the nation's bills that would order teachers to better known for the speed of his senior track season. Over the take down the record of 50.1 set in of scientific schools is once again a topic of instruct in the theory teach Darwin's legs. Eliot "Clear head" Runyon, summer- he joined a track club and 1962. heated controversy. But this time, creation when they in addition to playing some mean raced at distances from 400·5,000 Having only to place in the top it is the supporters of so-called theory of evolution. -(The New keyboards, is perhaps the most meters and then once again ran five of his trial heat to advance to versttue "scientific creationism" who are York Times, 10/24/79) runner ever to attend cross-country- fhis past· fall. Eliot the semi's, Eliot ran a relaxed 51.-4 fighting for the right to present A co-sponsor of the Florida Western Maryland. attributes his improved per. to qualify easily. Later that at their views. legislation, Representative Tom In four years on the Hill, Eliot tormence in the 4-40 to the strength ternoon. however, he turned it on According to the April issue of Bush maintains' ris proposal is has competed wit)"! distinction at that Gross-country has given him. In his semi to' come home second In Christianity Today, legislation neutral and secular. The Times distances ranging from 100 meters Again rest season he was the third 49.8, erasing the record of eighteen requiring the teaching of quoted him as explaining "We're to 6.2·miles and has completed a runner on the squad behind Doug years. The next day, despite a stiff creationism alongside of evolution not trying to teach Genesis in the marathon as well. His freshman Renner and Rotllns Briggs and he wind blowing across the in public schools has been tn- schools but rather an alternative and sophomore years Eliot played clocked a best of 35 minutes 8 backstretch and into the first turn, football trcduced in at least a dozen states, theory of creation ... Evolution Is defensive back on the the half- seconds for 6.2 mues . an average Eliot still managed a 50.3 to place including Georgia, Florida and being taught as an unquestioned team in the fall and ran Iowa. fact of science, and that's just not mile and mile relay for the track of 5:40 per mile fourth In the final. AI issue is "scientific trllp.." team in the spring. In both of those Then, following a conditioning Now that his collegiate track creationism," a theory which holds Most of the scientific creationist years he was a finalist at the program prescribed by Coach career is over, Eliot plans to the Biblical account of the creation legislation is wlthout direct conference championships in the Carpenter, Eliot was able to continue running, probably shU· of the universe to be supportable reference to God or the Bible. But 881land could boast a personal best maintain his fall endurance level ting his emphasis to the road by scientific evidence. Spokesmen these avoidances are not enough to of I :58.3, well under the tough 2 through the winter months and racing ctrcurt. He has already somewhat for scientific c-eettcostm were assure opponents taht some minute barrier. thus, was ready to roll when April established the' Betttmete of a said to assert that "all species educators would not use such Junior year was a turning point came around. By the second meet reputation in area legislation to teach Christianity In for Eliot, one that proved to be a of the 1980 season, the Messiah as, early in April, he and Kathy were' created separately according Jhe schools. favorable one. Feeling that he was College Invitational, the biggest Benson teamed to win the Sixth to an orderly plan, and by an in Although efforts to pass not going anywhere in football, meet besides the MAC Chern- Annual Essex Baby-buggy Race telli,gent creator. They believe the earth is young-somewhere be- creationist legislation this year Eltot decided to direct his energies pionships, Eliot knew he was an for charity. With Kathy directing failed in Iowa, Georgia and of his wiry, 5'8", 138 pound body record pace as he clocked 50.2 for from the buggy and Eliot providing tween 10,000 and 20,000 years old. They dispute evolutionists, who Florida, promoters are optimistic Into running full-time and ac- second place in the 400 meters. He the horsepower, they churned the" say the earth is several billion "abouttttetr chances for 1980-81. cordingly, went out for cross also added the 100 meters to his> 3110 of a mile course in 1 minute, 19 country in the fall. By the end of repertoire as he led off the fourth- seconds 10 establish a new record years old and that creation The Const1lutionality of such resulted from a random process." is that season he had worked himself placing 400 meter relay and en- and upset the z.trrne defending legislation another debatable into the number three position on chored the gold medat.wtnnlnq champions in the process! (Christianity Today 41 180) issue. Christianity Today reported the team, quite an achievement for "These are "not fly-by nights," AliAI·Zatari that at a meeting of opponents to a novice "middle distance" run quoted Richard Bliss, the director Poem of The Week and those who bow will die creationist' legislation in the ner. but thereat fruits of his efforts of curriculum development at fhe Georgia state legislature, a lawyer became evident on the track that surrender my unnoticed dear father, is n way, Institute of Creation Research, an representing the American Civil spring the lordwiU answer surrender arm of Christion Heritage College liberties Union promised that'"his Though he had performed well in bread outweighs freedom i'm sick and tired cif San Diego. "You'll never see one, organization would seek to have the nert.mue his first two seasons: that was my father's wisdom of this endurance organism becoming another the Act nullified on First Amend· why keep fighting over my people's organism, and there is no evidence mentgrounds this season Eliot had a feellng fhat you'll end up dying he could do better in the quarter the old rules will go untouched non·endingmisery ivowtofight still be surrounded Whiteford men evicted be content my and father and life i have to prove to shed and we'll my blood live your the way wisdom Barb Ri~out lived your r lvays dead war The 1980·81 year will see the dorm, while at the same time liberal campus." Many others, that was my father's tife the smell of freedom demise of the co-ed dorm here af converting a women's dorm to however, expressed no opinion at but i insisted and he persisted alfhoughnottouched WMC. Next year, Whiteford Hall men. The latter was the least all. seeing this as the best possible my-way. i said, is dedicated is better for me will beall female popularofallfhesuggestions. solution to the situation. The ad. those who fight will win at the than all your bread The AdmiSSion Committee has Most students expressed ministration sees the switch as informed Dean Laidlaw that displeasure at losing the only co-ed necessary, but regretable. Stated sixteen more spaces wilt be needed dorm on campus. One freshman Dean laidlaw, "I'm never in favor; for women, and sixteen less for commented, "This isn't a very of displacing envcne."; House 0/ Liquor men. Dean Laidlaw and the Housing committee considered several options, and finally chose Carroll Plaza, Westminster closing Whiteford to men as the SpeCiafof the Week most logical plan. Other options were discussed, however'. These included allQcating four more STROHS apartments to women, eliminating '3_99 from men from co-ed houses and P"" 876-3550 Pizza, a O;~~fe~~~ I Beer ~tr~e;~~e~,~n~o~~;~~n~ 12-pack Carroll Plaza Shopping Center Salad Bar with this coupon 848·1314 AIxrtion Call Ahead for Takeout Orders Sandwiches services. Frl'e j1H'qllnllf'· 11'~1 1 MUSIC STILL r Bill!,· "CIm'I,,1 ~l'I\I\l''''' Pr,·mlpl { "We handle what goes between the ears" c"II1'd"llllil11ll'lp Fairqround Villaqe~H" ~ ~tj( T-SHIRT EXPLOSION 7I!J;1I/''- Ladies Tank Tops $5.49 $5.99 243-1456 French Cut Low Necks p~l' 'IIe fnr inform,,!], J!l Regular Tee's $4.99 Visit our Center II.·llll"ut c)hhgdIL()11 Hundreds of decalS and letters (Greek too) TESTI'I("UTIDII Baltimore. Maryland SI'[CIAUSTSSlIC(lUI Maryland 21218 "1(1) 788-4400 Get f Dollar off with this ad Centers 3121 St. "IIiIStnH, Blltimore, "ndlUianc,Swltlerland CitiesTcrcnto,PuertcRioo '" MliorUS
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