Page 136 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 136
May 15, 1980 Scrimshaw page 4 Hartwyck: "SGA is a voice" Kick up a storm Hard work to cheer from page 1 dormant Publicity committee SGA secretarIes. Finally, If the purchasing new unitorms for the chairman of the committee (or He said he wanted to increase will be active next year, and by Implication, any committee) Laurie Schleunes cheerleaders last year and three the number of SGAreps, that he that the policy wilt be to require did not do his or her job, that Cheerleaders have been around more this year. Consequently, the wasn't against the Idea, but that information to be distributed to person would befired. almost as long as the sports they girls felt obligated to cheer for all the constitution had to be be furnished live days In ad- cheer for. Western Maryland's football games, home and away. followed vance. Also, Publicity would ChriS also thought that the distinct row of green and yellow This led to comments by other Chris also said that the work mo~eclosely with the two Student's Rights and Freedoms clad spirited females can be seen guidelines, thcuqh-lntenttonatly at any football or men's basketball coachesconcerning the fairness of general, should be followed as game providing their own brand of attention paid teams by the closely as possible. Like"":ise he vocal support, and on less tor. cheerleaders. Dr. Clower has supported the student advocate tunate occasions, consolation. purchased three additional proposal, pointed out that it had Every spectator sees 1he final uniforms for next year's squad already Incorporated into next performance on the field, but few bringing the total to fourteen. year's student handbook, but know what goes on off the field Hopefully this addition will that It had to be properly added after time has run out, alleviate the problem by allowing to the constitution. As in any organization, there is the squad to split Into two smaller Finally, Chris said that he much hard work. For squadsand cover more sports "does not understand or con- W.M.C.'s ,own eleven this has The cheerleaders will be trying done the present alcohol meant problems. something new this year, policy.". Chris pointed out that The 1980·1981 schcet year will be recruiting. If a new student in. you can still drink a lot of beer the first veer the cheerleaders dicates on her W.M.C. application from twelve cases of beer, and have been included in any school high school cheer leading ex. that you can break the bottles, budget. Next year the girls will pertence, she will receive letters in but that you can get the same receive $1000.00 from the athletic the n:'ail encouraging her to tryout .! from a keg, "and you can't department. This means that the for the squad when she arrives in cheerleaders will not be fully the fall. Tryouts for next year's J ~~::~o~ ~e~;~~~ ~~~e~:i~i;V~~ responsible for away game squad will be held during the first ~ campus fraternities and traveling expenses, buying porn- few weeks of school in September. .!J sororities are necessary, buthe poms, and the cost of a summer All arewelcome . feels that any frat or sorority cheerleading camp which costs that violates a rule should have $70·80 per person. All had been revoked if the charter Admitting failures their In summation, Chris said he previously paid for by the girls violation is that serious. themselves. This past year the raffle and seat selling tickets from page 1 back the restrictions placed on was president because "I think girls have worked extra hard you want an elite?" Mike students' social life by the I can do the job." He said that cushions. The coshlcns can still be pointed out that his reforms of present alcohol policy. "Parties he planned to prepare and work purchased for $3.75 in the school the SGA were meant to bring are good for you," Mike this summer to revise the SGA store. more people into the process. prescribed, "and the SGA has Constitution and the present Football Coach Hyman has Mike commented that If the new yet to organize the pro-par-ty atcobc! policy hel ed the iris tremendously by officers didn't want to involve vote.." Mike said the final goal more people in the SGA, that of Administration policy was to HAVE A NICE SUMMER! was fine, "as long as you have a restrict parties' to only the ~ pian," he stressed, to benefit all College Center. Mike also students. mentioned that the Ad ~J{Me~ The second question was ministration "has plans" to get would the SGA deal next year rid alone of the fraternities on COLD BEER 113 W. Main St. COLD BEER with four problems 'fhat had not campus and would like to see "At the Forks" been resolved this year. The the others go as well. The fourth SPECIAL first of these was the need for and final Issue,whIch Mike said Budweiser $2.25 a six 12·02. cans I adequate' mental health the SGA "should do something Schmidt's $1.50 a siz 12-oz. cans or bottles counseling for students, which about Immediately," was the WI1\:S'11 I he said was of vital importance cafeteria food. See us in Sept. for more specials Showtimes 6:30 8:45 11:00 Mike concluded his remarks for all students. The secondwas with this ad 1 to gain adherance to the by stating, "I'm disappointed, 848·3466 CQllegeID required fndth:~~~u~·OO ~ the Administration's I've had problems all year. I strict guidelines of the Document of Basic Student Rights and know that the new officers are sincere... I just hope they' will Freedoms, which he has been consider the campus asa whole, emphasizing all year. no' just the preppies or the The third was the need to roll partiers, butevery~ne." Siluersmiths PUr1'f'YfJrJ of /-';111' ("r,'fa 140 Village Sho,op·ing Center WE NOW HWE WARD MEMORIAL ARCH CHARM STERUNG SILVER 520.00 RECORDS: [ TAPES 14·KGOLD 51~00 10% Discount with Student 1.0. Come In and See our Great Serection Men-Sat. 10·5 Fri. 10·9 phone 876·7606 Including: ' Many ·S7 List on Sale For 98 $499 ALBUM or TAPE Breakfast Lunch 98 Dinner MANY S8 List on sale For $5 99 ALBUM OR TAPE Soft Ice Cream ..... BRINGING YOU CLOSER TO THE MUSIC BECAUSE ... Sundaes A short walk THAT'S THE WAY IT SHOULD BE" .Banana Splits from campus Brin.g This Ad and geta FREE CHINESE'YO-YO in the purchase Rt. 140 Westminster Open 6 AM til 12 PHONE: 848-3303 876-711\8 848-911n Saturdev and Sunday ODetJ MON-SA T 10am·9Dm
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