Page 85 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 85
What's in a Standard? admissions Bill Byrne In uns respect, than 10years ago are less fewer students predicted future, to attend it- is competitive college in the near Last weeks articles concerning The increasing number of becoming increasingly difficult to the new description of Western enrollments has also. had a meet this goal. Dean of Ad- Maryland College in the Barron's negative impact on the average missions, Mr. L. Leslie Bennett, Catalog described just one aspect SAT scores of recent freshman pointed out that "the admissions of. t~e changing natur.e of Ad- classes. With more space situation is becoming more rrussrons at WMC. With fewer available, the school has been able aggressive and we are trying'to numbers of High School students to admit students from the lower hold our own." He outlined a few applying to colleges, WMC and portion of their application pool things which should be considered s.chools throughout the nation must Therefore, the student who applied in light of this trend. First, it is [md?ewandbetterwaystoattr~ct 10 years ago and was within the important that we be aware thai quah~ied studen~. in an in- acceptance range of the school but fewer students will be applying to creasingly competitive market. was turned down due to a lack of colleges in the future. This means One of the r~sons: why WMC's space, is now being accepted. This that if Western Maryland'is to admissions rating slipped in the student might.not have test scores maintain its current standards, it recent Barron's Catalog might be as high as those admitted before must develop a more active ad- explained by the relationship him. Since Barron's uses the SAT missions and recruiting program. between the number. of ap- scores of incoming classes in its Secondly, while the future is not' plications the school receives each admissions rating process, this bright, Western Maryland is in year and the number of new factor might also explain WMC's better position than many other students that it enrolls. In the past lower rating. schools. A strong academic 10 years, W~C ~s received about The best way to keep admissions reputation, a stable financial 1,000 applications per year. competitive is to maintain a stable situation, and a positive image Throughout those 10 _years, the enrollment of qualified students. In spread by students and alumni are sch~l has been contmually ex- the past decade, Western all factors which will help WMC panding th~ space for stu~ents on Maryland bas been moderately maintain a healthy outlook in the ~~c'rtid~s.t~xaO~~~g o~f th~o tr:~! successful in this goal. But with years ahead. dorms in 1968 (creating 400 new residencies), the completion of ~e Use Your Vote Tuesday apartments in the 1973, and the renovation of houses on Penn- sylvania Avenue up until as Students will vote for three Debbie Wooden sophomores to fill positions on the ~~IIII""~~III~~"~:c~::~o:~tu:~~~~ c!~~~~ ~~ The Student Government Judicial Board. Honor Board been able to entoll has increased Association (SGA) will hold its members will also be chosen by the while the number of applications annual elections on Tuesday, April student body. "::!, "" ,WeStalJl;.Maryl'';''~O"''lI'' has remained relatively constant. 24. Along with the five SGA of- For an SGA candidate to be ficers, the student body will also eleigible, he/she must have at License Pro'" lems cast votes and for class Board mem- least a officers, WMC· cumwative in- and 2.1 officers, qualifications for average. Honor Judicial dividual according to the bers. are as follows: Freshmen, and Solved Juniors will elect Sophomores year. SGA Constitution, or Senior be status of President-must their own class officers Junior upcoming for the President, officers granted, it appeared that the ~nd that 'certain areas of the Pub . The five President, are Secretary, when assumes office and WMC for have Vice attended Bill Byrne school would have to wait until the (mostly service areas) not be used. Treasurer and Historian. Next two semesters. . Pub was completed. The school did The school agreed to these con- year's Freshmen class will hold Vice President-must be The questionable legal status not want to wait until early May ditions and went ahead with plans class elections during the Fall Junior or Sophomore I concerning at parties in the Forum (at the earliestl for the license to open the Pub for limited use for semester according to Ralph status when assumes the sale of alcoholic of the semester. beverages the remainder because that State Co-Chairman or'tne pretsendorrer, l was resolved earlier administrators month one be obtained Law requires event latest date for arrival of the long Elections Committee of the SGA. continued on page 3 In other the news, Pub related for any this when school and where beer or wine is served secured a compromise agreement some form of admission is awaited equipment for the Grille with local Health and Liquor charged. The license would cover was pushed back to April 20th. Where will Yon Livem Boards. the use of alcohol not only in the Allowing 10 days for installation, it The school had been trying to Pub, but in the Forum as well is hoped that hot food will be obtain a beer and light wine license Just before spring break, the served in the Pub by the first week Debbie Wooden all year but problems developed Health Department said it would of May. Dean Mowbray explained It's that time of year again, together to give a nnat Iot number. when the Pub was not completed approve the unfinished Pub (and that due to the late date at which folks. The time when we fran- The group with the lowest number on schedule. The Health Depart- thereby pave the way for the liquor the Grille would be completed, it tically search for a roommate and gets their lirst choice, etc. If all of ment refused to approve the Pub license for the entire Decker would not be opened for day ser- "the perfect room" for next year. your choices are taken by the time until it was finished. Since Health Center) under certain conditions. vice this year. But if everything "It's a complicated process and your number comes up, you have Department approval was needed Those conditions were that there goes well, the Grille facilities will scary .... but not as traumatic and the option to pick another apart- before the liquor license would be be no open food served in the Pub be used during regular Pub hours. complicated as it seems.''' ment. However, the apartments remarked Jeff Palkovitz, Chair- must be 50% males .... and 50% female. of the SGA Housing Trustees Plan For Property man Students will receive their Com- lot low According to Jeff Palkovitz, year a mittee. each of men number numbers along with a booklet apply for the garden apartments explaining . the room draw He claims that men must be Project was discussed. This en- chitecture totally 10,555.76. These procedure on Thursday, May 10. "recruited practically" to fill the I'he following is a report. from tailed the renewal of the Union reached. A capital campaign to Those who turned in the housing' 50% occupancy allotted to them. the student representatives to the Street properties that are owned raise one million to cover the cost questionnaires late or not at all, Mr. Palkovitz believes many WMC Board of Trustees, Carol by the college. Twenty-five of the renovation of Alumni Hall, and/or failed to pay their $50.00 people do not apply for they think James, Mitchel Alexander, and dwellings will be rebuilt into the Winslow Center, and Hoover room deposit on time will get the their numbers are too high. He Regan Smith town house style with off-street Library to cover the cost of lower numbers for their particular encourages anyone to apply. If you parking. _ property acquisition. class. Those who did both of the are rejected, there is still time to The Development Committee The Executive Committee met preceding will get the higher pick another room. The various committees of the gathered next. The main points of The just of the previous two numbers for their class .• Board of Trustee had met during this gathering were that the committees was reiterated. Along On Friday, May 11, garden Als-;;-during the day on Monday !.he month of March with the college had over 600 new alumni with a change in the requirements apartment applications are due in are next year's Seniors squatters Buildings and Grounds Committee donors with each receiving an for early retirement was made the Student Affairs Office by noon. rights. Squatting means to keep being first. Dr. John said that the alumni dictory. The goal for the with the employees being allowed On the application should be listed the same room you have now for student morale was a problem Trustee Fund is 30,000 with 5,000 to work to age 70; along with early the names of the four proposed next "year. If so, you do not go because of delays in the Grille and being donated by an anonymous figures all stem from the fact the occupants along with their top through the regular room drawing Pub with a loss of students' trustee, when the mark of 25,000 is construction company declared three choices of apartments. procedure, but merely declare that you are squatting. creditability in the administration. retirement being if he employee that t.he 565 day period of con- Regardless of class, anyone may Squatting rIghts go by seniority Mr Christie tarchitecn said that it apply for an apartment with the is better to continue working with f~I~~~~~:~/:~~i~sU~U:;~~;~:! ~~~ct:~n ;:~i~~ ~~~~:g~~~;~ exception of fraternity members. If you decide to squat, your room the present contractors instead of The only requirements for the may be taken by an up- bringing in a new one, becausea ~m:i~~~l~;~:n~~ ~~~t:~::, ~!~-~~~~I~~S s~~~ft!!d1:;;1?~e ~~~~ apartments are to be full-time perclassman before you even get a new contractor would not stand made and then passed. struction schedule not being students who have paid the $50.00 chance to squat. All classes have behind the. previous one's work- The Decker status report was prepared promptly, updated room deposit. squatters rights directly before the without an added expense. It was given. The main points here being consistently and adhered to, with The selection of occupants for rest of the class draw their-rooms motioned and approved that the that the total amount owned to the the many promises and assurances the apartments goes strictly by Once you squat, you may not pick school refrain from reimbursing contractors to date (3/79) is that the completion date would be numbers. The two lowest numbers another room when your number the contractor over 5% of total 123,070.36 with damage due to met even as late as three months out of the four peopl~. are added comes up. Squatters rights pertain on campus with the cost. The Hope Union Street delay because of additional ar- prior toJuly 1979. to all rooms continued on page 8
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