Page 86 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 86
SCRIMSHAW Letter to the Editor Weekend Happy Advice on Choosing Officers Hours Beneficial To the voting student body, par- the class of -'54 or the class of '29, check for copies at the main In- seen an issue, (In case you haven't ~~~sse~::fJ:~t i!~S~:Z t~~~:~~~~ ~~~Iarly members of the Class of carry out a reunion every rtve formation Desk.) This publication goes to all alumni. Even classes years. Andbelieve me, classmates have news columns about them- Once in a while, the A-lumni call the Alumni Office by the The Pub seems to be a success in its early goings. A Officefeels some opinionshouldbe dozensif they don't receive wordof selves in the July and December highly diversified group of students are present in this voiced in the Scrimshaw. This is reunionarrangements by a certain issues. And odd numbered classes The report in March and October. casual atmosphere. Students are not the only indulgers in ~~~ti! ~W:S:oo~i;:~~ldCaan~~~~:!~tf:~dt~':';:'O~~:~~~~~r~~~c::~~ class secretary with supplies Crom the Pub. There have been both administrators and faculty urge your participation. I'm location for some or all of the the Alumni Offlce seeks out in- and compiles members present in this recent addition to WMC. The Pub particularly interested in the c reunfons. The class vice president formation Again, class members the columns. as a meeting place between students and faculty members outcome of the upcoming senior is the logical second person to be are quick to complain if the could be beneficial in aiding and strenghthening student- class election, but I'm not backing called upon. And'class treasurers secretary's interest lags because faculty relations. :~~ =if~~~a;~:a~:~/ ~~:~!~~~i~~y~~':~e~::~:e ~~: r~~c~~~~ notalgia has a direct relationship to years of alumnihood. Scrimshaw suggests that the Pub opens for "Happy pr~:ro~o~~~:r:f~i~~~Shold office g~f~~~~~~:d~w;~en!ty~ s~!:r~~ In short, please consider electing Hours" on Fridays and Saturday from 4 o'clock to 6:30. for onlyoneyear on "The Hill" but but class personalities are needed class members who are respon- Many teachers could come to a "Happy Hour" ant get will hopefully shoulder years of to generate enthusiasm, make sible, responsive to others, en- better acquainted with students who are ready to relax responsibility as alumni of specific plans and to look out for thusiastic about WMC and who will likely develop a touch of nostalgia. after a hard week of classes. Neither the students nor the, WesternMaryland. Somehowclass the interests of fellow class teachers have classes the next day and many of the ~~~r~~~~~:tio~V~rt~~l:rl;~~~~ mr~:~~~s secretary will also be Most sincerely, teachers live close to campus, which aids to the posslbilitv youreach thosefive-year intervals asked to carryon for your class. In Carol A. Preston of success. The chance to meet the faculty on a personal, that make you especially Mayofthe senior year, he or she is Director of Alumni Af- non-academic level will lead to greater respect and un- nostalgic. ~Thismay sound corny asked to accept a two-yearterm as fairs derstanding of the faculty members. One of the ad- now, but it's true. Talk to almost the secretary for the class vantages of a small prtvetecoueqe is supposed to be, that any member of the class of '69 or reporting in The HILL magazine. classes are small and there is a chance to get to know your teachers well. The-concept of a "Happy Hour" would aid to Gainer Brings "Thebes" to WMC this advantage. The "Happy Hour" could serve beer at a discounted dramatists, and original sections price to attract people who normally would go to Patio, Helga Hein until onlyfive remain alive. These written by Gainer. Gainer com- men are the founders of Thebes. The Pit, Black Lantern or Maggies for "Happy Hour" to Joe Gainer, a WMC semor Joe Gainer stressed. the im- mented that the play will not be stay close totheir home base. majoring in English and portance of this myth because not complete until the final per- Many administrators may feel this idea would lead to Psychology, will see his play only does the play's name come formance because of the dynamic rowdy drunks going to the cafeteria for dinner and causing Thebes: Land of the Dragons' from it, but also the conflict bet- nature of the work. He noted that must. weenmen inthestory ofKadmosis adapted the script be trouble. If the "Happy Hour" ran from 4 to 6:30, then the ~~~~~~~~e:::ee~:~~e~1~~~~~~~3~ a recurring element in other sometimes so that the performer people who stay the full 21(2 hours and get real drunk would The play involves the myths which myths. and the lines fit together .har- miss dinner. Since dinner is served during the same time, surround the ancient Greek city of Bill Tribby, WMC Drama moniously. . Gainer also remarked that the some peop.le would go before dinner and some could go Thebes. ,._ department head and director of play is not based on any Thebes, suggested the Thebes after dinner. Most students can handle their alcohol well) ,. Thebes ~~Iales the well-known project to Joe last year. Gainer chronological time, but rather is and the Pub gives a social atmosphere, not just a get dr:unkJ:myths' of Oedipus"and Antigone, was excited about working with set in a mythological time and atmosphere. There can be no definite predictions that" ~m6ng others. In addition, an Tribby and also by the idea space. Gainer wants the audience there will never be trouble in the cafeteria because of thls, ~mportant element of the work because of the "power of the to undergo a "mythological ex- myths" and their expression of perience." He explained this ex- l but Scrimshaw feels that the benefits of weekend "Happy ~~~~~e~o~h;'h~~~ f~~:d~~, "archetypal experiences." Gainer pression using Carl Jung's in the Pub far outweigh any sparse difficulties Zeus, intheshapeofa bull,charm~ that Hours" became "saturated in the plays," definition of a myth. According 19 may follow. It seems better to give the majority of and seduces Kadmos' sister. reading them many times. In Jung, a myth is the dream of a students the privilege and punish any individual who tries SubsequenUy, Kadmos and his addition, Joe studied various culture; it is as if all the people in to ruin this educational benefit for everyone! brothers begin a search for their aspects of Greece in the Bronze the culture wakeup having had the sister. While searching, Kadmos Age including pictures, vases and same dream. Gainer hopes that the We at the Scrimshaw hope the Administration looks at '~~~tsa~i~~~~~iIO~n~C~~~~ti:~~ frescoes. Thebes consists of ex- audience will wake up the morning this suggestion seriously and we hope it can be a reality. falls from fatigue and on that spot, cerpted and rearranged passages after experiencing Thebes and from the plays ofthe ancient Greek wonderwhether it was a dream. We also hope that if "Happy Hours" at the Pub become a to establish a city, the future reality that students and faculty will constructively use Thebes. Kadmos does this and Artistic Students and not abuse the benefit. while preparing for a sacrificial ceremony, sends some men for water. When they don't return, Display Work This. is Your Chance! Kadmos goes to find them and Students of Western Maryl.and Building. instead discovers a dragon who The exhibit represents the work has eaten the men. Under Athena's May beginning advice, Kadmos slays the dragon, Collegewill exhibit.their art works 5 of all art classes during the 1978-79 Saturday, takes its teeth and plants them In through May 18, in Gallery One academic year. Included will be " the ground. Armed men sprout and throughout the first and drawings, paintings, printmaking, The Student.Government Association has been criticized from the seeds and begin to fight second floors of the Fine Arts sculpture and various other art from an si_des during the past year for a variety of reasons .",~,_. _' _~"~_' ';_'-.L---;;-' "'--_~_---'- __ ~~_----, forms' A large majority of students are unhappy with the general ~., . ,<' ~ -','_,- < Gallery One will be reserved for attitude on-campus. They claimstudent apathy is sui- ~;,.;'_~'-.-~ " ;'~'" "~'-':~,': QM fl,'"\\,. the works of the graduating ~~"W focating the, social life on-campus. People don't like the ~;iO~~~~illr~~~p~~eo~ce~~~ way the major -problems of '.alcohol -and vandalism on nesday, May 9 from 7 p.m. to 9 campus have been handled. 'Complaints were frequently p.m., to which the public is in- aired during .the ~ear_ concerning parties: there were too Editor-in-Chief MegHoyle vited few, they were too restrictive, the .$ettihg wasn't conduciv~ 'News Editor ChrisBohaska Tim Windsor C""""" ~;b;;.k oot .. n.n ~t~ult~!y~ta~:~rfu~:~~~~a~~~:~~1u~~r:y~~~~ed Feature Editor Jim Teramani ":~o,.t>y.=,vf_. It's too' 'la"",~to do much more about many of these Sports Editor Sue Quinn .... ""';0,. (DoO.S2.50I_ ·s _ problems-thl~ryea'r. 'But soon every student on campus Business Manager Jim Wellman 2. __ S2W.I_"""""""'-""'"'_"""'" F,.."., I'-·HE!J has a chance to. do something about' the future of these Advertising Managers Pam Owen 2.~,:,-=~!~':::.~:~~9'i( problems_",Elections are being held all day today. Take a Distribution Manager BillSpring .-=.::.::=-~"!'~~~~: few minu~es after Sou get your mail or before lunch or CoverPhoto Glen Barlow ..~:~~",,"':,;~~.I,r:-.,:~;:,!'.!'~ dinner. Stop and vote. There are a wide variety of can- Staff: Teresa Baker, Karl Bugenhagen,Steve Bainbridge,Marie Borowski, didates for al1 major offices. By ch~sing the candidates BiII~yrne, MaryCole, Sue Frost, MimiGriffin, HelgaHein, Ron •.~~~':.,;o::::J";,!i..;~~~~~ who you feel have the proper qualifications and are best Jones, ManllyRosenberg,Jenifer Ulrey, DebbieWooden, Amanda 1'~='o."r..~.:~""'~50I ...e able to do the job and do it right, the Western Maryland Walker,Judy Wa1ker Barb Forrey SteveTimchalla MjmiEby I.HG .. ,.F,."e.y"",S ..... n.$"5IA""""''''...... Student Government can be more of what you want it to be. PublishedbyandforthestudentsofWesternMd.College.Theopinionsexpressed 9.=E~~~-=·,:·(l=:X~ Complaining about problems does no good wha tsoever. If you ~n't help to correct it yourself, the least you can do is ; in thispublicationdo notnecessarilyreneetthoseof thestaffor administration.. , 10.=~.",~':"~':::~:=;;'$=1 F.""", to elect someone to office that is capable of bettering the Wewelcomecommentsand/orsuggestions.PleaseaddressaUmailto SCRIMSHAW, student life on campus. BoxI, WesternMarylandCollege,Westminster,Md.21157. ~:?~::...",,=....~~~
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