Page 87 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 87
Thursday, April 19, 1979 Scrimshaw SGA.Candidate Requirements Do You Wear continued from page 1 office and have attended the student to vote for that can- GLASSES? WMC for two semesters. didate, stated Ralph -Pretsen- Recording Secretary-m- dorier. No limit has been set on the ust be of Sophomore, amount of candidates that may Junior or Senior status run. Here's an effective new eye-exercise program that, can when assumes office. According to Rick Roecker, last Corresponding SEcreta- year's Chairman of the Election produce astonishing results in a very short time _:',. ry-must be of Sophomore, Committee, SGA candidates must Junior or Senior status have a plurality, the -tergest The Bettervision Eye Clinic is ~l~ou~'-H'u~lh-Nobel Author when assumes office. number of votes cast, to win. ,If the now offering a program' of eye- "My vision was getting' steadily worse, Treasurer-must be of top two candidates are within three exercises that can safety correct even with greatly strengthened glasses. Sophomore or Junior votes or less of each other, a runoff most cases of poor eyesigtit c-so To my dismay 1 realized I was going status when' assumes between those two will be held. that glasses or' contact lenses blind. On the advice of my Doctor I office -Ballots will be available in the, are no longer needed. Originally .decided to try the Bates Method. There Dining Hall and also various spots To be nominated, SGA can- in the Student Center. Votes will be developed by Dr .. Willian) H. Bates ~:l~~~~i~~esd~~;:a~~bl~;~~eead\C!~i; didates must submit a petition tallied by the Election Committee of-the New York Eye Hospital, this without glasses. Better st.ill, the cataract signed by 50 students who support which will announce the results method has been widely used by the which had covered. part of one eye for clinics, that candidate: Signing the later that day. Armed Forces.rschools, individuals, and over 16 years was beginning to clear up.' for of private thousands Choristers the treatment of: Rev. Frederick A. Milos, M.S. Rescheduled • nearsightedness ;~Byt~~!low:~:.~~,siIP~~~e~~~~~fei~i~ for vision. I' can read recovereJ'my Now • farsightedness • astigmatism long periods without my glasses." The College Choristers of section features the spring num- • middle-age sight Ron Moore- Technician Western Maryland will present bers, with Julia Hitchcock, "I originally went to the Clinic to deliver their rescheduled spring concert assistant professor or : music, po!°~~~i:hr~r:s itj:S~s ~~~uf~:k~h~~ some equipment-and ended up trying . on Sunday afternoon, May 6, at singing the soprano solo in the final something you inherit from your parents. ;f;~ted.e-::th~~e p~~fna~~!s:~f;e~r5 2:30 p.m. in Baker Memorial selection. Scientists now know that most eyesiqht yrs. In just 3 weeks after starting Chapel. - Seniors problems are caused by accumulated the program, my-eyesight has already The Choristers, a chamber group stress and tension-which squeeze the improved to the point where I can now of eighteen voices, study and drive. do business, and watch T.V.-all perform choral music for treble Sent Off ~~~cl~s ~~!t d~:~:f~U=i~~. ~~~c;es~~ without my glasses!" voices. They are directed by is the eye cannot form a clear image, and Evelyn Hering and accompanied 1:~f:~ by Arleen Heggemeier in Style ~~~;4o;,I~h~~::~~a\Oa~;~U;Z~els~ Featured in this performance, an important factor. which had been originally The Undergraduate Relations scheduled to take place in April; Committee is sponsoring two No matter what are a number of selections cen- Senior Sendoff parties featuring your eyesight problem tered around a spring theme. Two Whiskey Sour Punch and mun- the Bates Method can help you, a cappella compositions will begin chies. _ This is a health care program, the program; "0 Sing Ye to the The first party was held April 9. and will benefit Lord" by Pitcni and "Alleluia" by -Apprnximately one ha.lf .of. the everyone who follows it- Randall Thompson. These will be Senior class received Invitations children, adults, and seniors, followed by Benjamin Britten's for this first event. The remainder "Psalm 150," written for women's of the Senior class will be invited to It is important to understand that voices and small instrumental the second party on Monday, April ensemble. Students selected from 23, from 7:00 to 8;00. Invitations ,~:;e:r~~i~~ry c:rceo~;~:aalit:d~~i~~ I the College Band will perform the will be sent through campus mail. -like crutches. In fact, glasses usually I instrumental score. The. second Those seniors who could not attend make the condition worse. Because they part of the program will include the April 9 party are invited to make the eyes weak and lazy, a minor two spirituals arranged by Jester attend the April 23 event. The April problem often develops into a lifetime of " :1~t~~:~h~~SCI~ • Hairston: "Elijah Rock" and 23 gendoff party will be held in wearing glasses. mOftmentof th.eyebili. "Poor Man Lazrus." The closing Harrison House. The Bates Method corrects poor This program has been specially Choir to Present ~~:~f;st an1rel~~~ft~:~;1a~~yo~~~ designed Written in simple non-technical for the individual to exercise at home. easy increase Final Coneert of Year simple your power, exercises back that eyestrain, your ;a:U~:!i~tr~~i~ a day: illustrated booklet, ;a~~r~~' h:itrri~~r~~ focusing eliminate and Y2 hour to normal. eyesight in just bring complete step-by-step instructions, plus Because the Bates Method deals with special charts and displays to ensure the basic cause of your eyesight The Western Maryland Choir has Joyf"u1 Noise Unto the Lord," by you make rapid progress. '_I'h? pro~am returned home after its 'southern Mechem; "Praise Him with the problem, you can expect to see a definite ~:~llk, rua;anteed a~d there s not ng states tour to give its final concert Timbrel," by Nelhyhel; "Dixie," Improvement in as little as 1 or 2 weeks. of the year at8 p.m., Sunday, April arr. by Lubofl; "Four Temperance Even if you. have worn glasses clearer ~all your will become' and life-things· 29 in Baker Memorial Chapel. Songs," an. by Hunter; and clearer, and you will heve flashes of good By following this program, VOU ",III The choir, directed by Brent E. various spirituals. . vision .. :as you go through the program, soon be able to see clearly without Hylton, wiJI perform the entire Selections by the College these flashes become lon~er and more glasses. ,I.t,'s up to you. Ordering -the concert a capella. Selections to be Singers-a group of 12 singers Bates ·Method can be one of the best performed by the whole choir are from the -Coltege . Cill!it"-include !;:~~!;.it!~!~:,~ht!a~r:~~~'~~~ ~g:1~%~~~~~~e~~:[d~:~~~~~J~fu~:et. "Cantate Domino," by Schutz; "If "Weep 0 Mine Eyes," by Bennet: necessary. Ye Love Me," by Tallis; "Ave "Songs of Innocence," by George, . the ~xerc~Se's' .~re-no longer Fill 'but (the order coupon, attach your Verum Corpus," by Byrd;. and various Morley pieces Wttri~~~ll/find that people whose ,check for $9.95 plus .$1 for postage and E!iz3bethan rn.adrigals;. "Make a. eyesight is not too bad can return to handlin~, .~nd mail it to us today! 20/20 vision in about a month. Even if If you han any questions repnnng cal us lit mOll; ~~~~~sh~~~ ~~fd b~~b:~i;u~ • tills pro .... m, pl.... Our QIIattfted ("15).7&3-1111, ape~,tor will be,,,d to "elp,you. ----------------_ ..---------------------------------,-,.----- :~~ Read and for all ~~ ~~~~~s~s~nce The Bates Method can mark a turning point In your life_, lenses. The better eyesight without Try It for 30 days, and If you Ire glasses or contact program Is guaranteed. Pacific Building, f return it for an immediate refund. W not fully satisfied, PLEASE PRINT'CLEARLY BeHervision Eye Clinic 16th & Jefferson, ..... .... N..ME ADORESS Oilkland, CA 9(6)2 ' CITY = Monday· Saturday 10-5 "llo-w J IQ].uk\!OI d.hIP', 0 Friday - 10-8 tA ,~,d"nl\ 11111\1~dd 1i~,C .....In I•• lIP
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