Page 80 - Scrimshaw1978-79
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page 4 Scrimshaw Thursday. April 12, 1979 Is WMC II Suitcase College? " Leslie Renshaw you too, John." Then there were in the solitude of our rooms, decisions those leave members For the three and one half years those who studied all the time and nursing our hurt prides. start" making what to dqwith the rest and Senior more class frequently than the concerning campus I have been on the campus of never seemed to leave except for Junior Unity of your life. True, many in my Sophomore and Junior classes for Western Maryland College, there holidays, as well as those who class are engaged and have been reasons of homesickness, has been the general myth that this seemed to do nothing but party The trend seemed to turn accepted to grad schools, but job girl/boyfriends and career in- institution has the reputation of This last category also seemed to drastically during my Junior year interviews keep opening up for terests, respectively, By con. being a "suitcase city" or "suit- know everyone on campus, thus Those who still had boyfriends still those who want to apply. Unless ducting this survey, I hope to see if case school," as it was referred to \ always having someone to. do seemed to go home or have them living conditions, sports, or parties my observations are correct. in the Editorial of October 16th things with which gave no Im- come up, but there seemed 'to be provide the opportunity, the Senior Ibegan the survey by asking the issue of Scrimshaw. October 16th. mediate desires to go home, or more unity in the class and a want- and Freshman classes tend to lose sex and class of the respondents, to Barely one month into the new away. to-stay attitude. Maybe this contact with each other. From determine, through the results of school year, already students were The homesickness of the happened because it was the last living conditions III my dorm this the. remaining questions on the packing up and going home. They Freshmen gradually ended as year to "relax" without t~e years Freshmen have adjusted survey, which sex and class leaves blamed it on something called faces began to fit names and pressure of "if I don't pass this remarkably fast to campus living more often, if indeed they leave at "boredom" according to the editor shyness was overcome. After the class I won't graduate." or grad Parties appear to be the many \ all. Since transportation, or the and months, many more ~~a~~eo~~p~;d the comments first few were seen on campus. school/job that applications to face the in- source of entertainment even with availability bf transportation is a seemed terviews Freshmen My curiosity concerning the The Boy Back Home still seemed Seniors. Or perhaps the ex- the restrictions on the Frats, and major factor in how often a stu?ent validity of this myth grew as I the major reason for the up- citement of Junior Follies pulled home is a place to go only for the may leave campus if he so desires, noticed more and more people perclassmen (as well as some of the class together. At any rate, the holidays, from what I hear _ I found that 40% of the resp~:mdents talking about going home, or away the Freshmen) if they weren't Juniors seemed to stay on campus The Sophomores are resU~ss as had their own transportation and on weekends from this highly- partying or "booking it." more and party together mo:e majors are changed or beco~e 37.5% had transportation that was rated liberal arts school. Sinc~ I Sophomore.Slump The contact that I had With undecided and the slump takes Its readily available if he needed it. had to do an in-depth investigative Freshmen still saw them as being loll [or another year, as far as A total of 77.5% of the students article for Journalism class, I Sophomore year seemed rather homesick and trying to adjust to social life is concerned. The Junior had a way of leaving campus if decided to solve my curiosity and difficult for many of last years' the· new-found freedom of college class is beginning to organize for they wanted to. I then wonder.ed fulfill a requirement at the same Freshmen, as the initial newness" life. The adjustment period for Follies; partying hard and getting what made them stay, if they did, ready for Senior year. heard (The rea~on comments since the general time. By conducting a survey of a of classes, Frat parties and them seemed much shorter to me I have not generalized which on campus were, "I'm so bored! representative proportion of the cafeteria food had worn off th.e and they left because they wanted to do up seem never anything campus by using the random- year before. The excitement o.f It too not for lack of better things to classes this year, to go off campus There's Upon being asked to list the without more using the here!" sample technique, I woul.d all just wasn't there aft~r the first dO.' The Sophomores had their data I collected with survey, is activities (such as sports, jobs, determine whether or not this few days of seeing old friends. The "Slump" period, trying to ma~e they really is a "suitc.ase school," But, "inale population we thought was so the decision if this school really did because I have been this on campus church, frat/sorority, etc.r 52.5% were involved in on campus, only one weekend semester allow me to begin from the very crazy about us last year s~med to offer them what they were looking and have not been here to observe responded as being active beginning when I first observed be just as crazy about this year's for academically and socially. And III some type of trend starting to Freshmen. The "Sophomore the Seniors. Maybe because I was the trend). sports, 30% were active III and sororities, and the ,form. Slump" had set in. If we left at all, for ~::r t~i\th:~t i~::;::ed ~~~~~~ Personal Female Viewpoint fraternities 17.5% were active in we went home to see boyfriends remaining Freshmen Homesick good home·cooked f~, or just to applying to graduate sc~ools, As stated before, these OD- various activities such as church, My first encounter with this "get away from It all." The becoming nostalgic about their last servauons thus far are based campus clubs, ana jobs. ~he phrase began my ~reshman year. Freshmen followed more or less days here, or counting the days 'til solely on personal experience and Sophomore, Junior and Senior Living in Whiteford, the the same pattern we had set the graduation. They still left my generalizations are 'seen from males seemed to be most active III predominantly Fr~shmen year \. before, with l.he to see boyfriend.s, and for .Job Ill- a female viewpoint. The survey the sports activities and the Junior women's dorm, and living in a homesickness gradually wear-ing tervtews. but enjoyed activities on includes both male and female and Senior males and females room directly beside the pay off as the routine of campus life campus when they could students, distributed evenly bet- seemed most active in the frat and phone, it was hard not to overhear became familiar, while the Seniors ween the four classes to establish sorority liCe the sobs asking Mom to "Please had Senior Class Parties or went Settled Seniors an objective perspective of the Is WMC. Boring? come get me- I'm homesick." The home to see ':John" or for job Now, this year] I can sympat.hize campus' view concerning the majority of Since upperclassmen on the hall said interviews. Wedidn'tpay too much with those Seniors I described "suitcasev myth. respondents the were involved in some the things more on the line of, "Yes, attention to anyone else, as we above. Even though it is still first The general trend I have wit· sort of activity on campus, I was I'll be home this weekend. I love were sympathizing with each other semester, it is an important time to nessed suggests that the Freshmen continued on page 5 l Sherlock and Dracula; Circle K Storts Recycling Characters Inconsistant Sherlock Holmes \'S. Dracula or Watson and Holmes to his choice of studio in Washington D.C. to Pam Owen ~fi~{~t~u~0~r7h~~~m the t1e hO:ti:~ record non-fiction books. After The Adventure of the Sanguinary victims, Dracula commits Few people on campus are student body. returning to Westminster, a small Count, by Loren D. Estieman, was grievous errors which a common aware of one of WMC's most Collection boxes will be placed in party will be held at Frisco's. a disappointment. Estleman does street criminal might be found ambitious service clubs . Circle K. dorms and other locations. The Other future events include a not do justice to either Brom Sliker Working in conjunction with the paper drive is scheduled to begin blood drive, collection of Easter OT! Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, gU~~r~es is constantly being foiled area Kiwanis organizations, after returning from Spring Break. seal donations, and the co- creators of the two main and never truly solves the WMC's Circle K hosts many ac- Another project for the near sponsoring of a party with SGA. characters. He lakes the mystery. His assistance on t~e tivities beneficial to the com-' future is the Recordings for the All interested are welcome to characters straight from the case is consistently refused. He IS munity, The club recently held Blind. This will involve club attend Circle K meetings at 8:00 Stoker and Doyle novels. However. continuously one step behind style inconsistent of cbarac- ~::::::. ci~wr!'iILu~~r:!fi~~ members going to a recording p.m. in iheLeidy Room, 'his terization fails and the tale loses Dracula, too to ignore. the If you are willing w.1ta~'P;~;d':::,~:~"~?~,' State Archives ( much of its plausibility. as a con· contradictions Holmes and have the Ilme, or is portrayed Sherlock ,'S, Dracula Dracula President, Pam Owen, Treasurer, fused and inept fool. From his The Adventure of the Sanguinary Debbie Stock, Secretary, and kidnapping of Dr. Watson's wife Counl can be an amusing novel, at KmnL<>v,.dubH;,'ocian. Offers Internships and the confrontation with both best Donna Peregoff DINNER AT FROCK'S Journalism Each Tuesday night two representatives of Circle K attend The Maryland Hall of Records program must be graduate at the Beach the weekly Kiwanis dinner and Commission has announced students or advanced un- meeting. openings for seven positiOns for its dergraduates who have received Oceana Magazine, a tabloid Betsy Wallace and Keith Pat- summer Archival Internship all or part of their education at summer will be May 25; its last terson attended the weekly event Program at the State Archives in Maryland institutions or who are publication providing an en- Sept. 15. guide to Held at Frock's, the regular oc- AnnapoliS. The nine-week in- Maryland residents attending an tertaining living, and informative students Students interested in writing, is seeking ocean casion featured a delicious home- ternships begin June 21 and end out-of-state college or university. 'interested in gaining valuable field photography, graphiCS, layou~ ~nd style meaL August 24 and carry a stipend of Participants in previous summer experience in journalism, with the design, marketing and advertlslllg $1,250. \ internship programs at the Hall of (or a combination of these) should The Club enabled a group of local The purpose of the internship Records are not eligible to reapply. added possibility of earning contact Oceana as soon as possible college credits at the same time. senior citizens to attend the program is to introduce persons Finalists will be interviewed in late The weekly and free publication, before May 2. Write to Mike Western Maryland College Band interested in archival work to April by the State Archivist and a beginning its second year, will Flanagan, 22 Laws Point Rd., Concert, on March 22. After basic problems and procedures of panel of distinguished scholars and focus its coverage on resort life in FenWIck Island, Del., 19944. Please driving the elderly people to the establishing archival control over community leaders. Ocean City, Md. and Reheboth indicate where your interest lies, College and giving them a bri.ef permanently valuable historical Information concerning ap- Beach, Del., with both markets along with any useful background tour of campus, Club member records. Interns work with the plication procedures are available being prime targets for ad- information Mimi Griffin returned the guests,to professional staff in th~ pu?lic at most college history depart- vertising revenue. As far as college credit goes, their homes. search room, inventory historical ments and vocational counsellors, Editorial content will reflect the several students on Oceana's staff records, and perform a variety of or by writing directly to The Hall of last summer arranged for and PAPER RECYCLING other tasks associated with the Records, P.O. Box 828, Annapolis, positive aspects of ocean living, received credits for their work daily operation of a modern state Maryland 21404, or by call~g .269-- with story topics ranging from The responsibility of arranging an A major project of the club .for archives, 3915. The deadline for applications business and fashion to recreation internship program rests with ~e this spring is a paper recycling Candidates for the internship is April 20. and entertainment. student, but Oceana will assist III Oceana's first issue of the anyway.
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