Page 88 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 88
page 4 Scrimshaw Thursday. April 19, 1979 S.G.A'.Candidat~s Express Views President Vice-President .Jeff Epstein Lee ltIax",~n My name is Jeff Epstein, and of the SGA, all policy decisions are When I sat down to write this per-imental approach of Social could work I've been on Action I'm running for the office of SGA made outside of the actual statement, I dug up the Scrimshaw Committee towards campus en- Committee, the problem-solving President. My platform j's simple, meetings by the Committee from last year which contained the tertainment should provide a well- group for students to appeal to aed if elected, I will represent the Chairmen and the elected officers. statements of last year's can- diversified social life for next.year get satisfaction, so I have a good views of the students, something Anyone who has attended an SGA didates. I was hoping r could get an SGA should also fight strongly any. idea of what student needs are, I that was not done this year. meeting knows what a joke they idea or two from these statements attempts to push back the drop have past experience writing for I have been forced to sit back in really are. about what to say in mine. date or .otherwtse unfairly infringe Scrimshaw, which has helped me disgust while the administration If elected, my goals are to fir- I noticed that they all on student's academic freedom familiarize myself with the way has continually restricted our sUy, bring back the open section generalized the same thing: SGA is And the establishment of some this college as a whole works. I am never wonderful social life. This and mid-week parties. The con- not respected but ridiculed by reliable grade review process is also a member of Writer's Union year alone, I have seen the nection that the Administration .many students, and that to be necessary to ensure student's and am on the Editorial Board of disappearance of open section and has made between alcohol and effective SGA's image must rights. Contrast, Finally, I have worked mid-week parties. I have also vandalism is false. If someone is change. They also said the opening I believe in these goals, and as ve:'j hard to start a campus radio heard of the continuous debate determined to vandalize they'll do of the new "student center" would SGA Vice-President I will work station that atlittle cost to students among the administration and it drunk. or sober. Meanwhile, the have an important- effect on hard for them. The duties of Vice- will add, a lot to this campus's trustees about the possible Administration is successfully campus social life, and for the President are relatively light, so I social life and culture. Overall our elimination of alcohol totally from turning Western Maryland into a benefit of itself and the students it can carry out those responsibilities group has been successful in what campus. While all. this has been suitcase college. I believe that a represented, SGA would play an while achieving these goals. it has done and plans to see its going on, the SGA, the only compromise is needed to solve the important part in this change Although new issues will inevitably dream realized soon. I believe this organization recognized by the problem. The Administration does Unfortunately, the old political arise next year, the position will experience and these goals will administration as a representative not want to eliminate parties, but adage that "You can't trust a allow me to deal with these new make me an effective SGA Vice- of the students, has been silent. By they don't see the SGA as making candidate's promises" still holds issues and still handle my other President. their silence, they are condoning any attempt to help solve the true. SGA is still not respected but responsibilities. Finally, I believe I These are the reasons why 1 can the administrative restrictions. problem. If elected, solving the ridiculed by many students; it can work with the Administration beSGA Vice-President; they speak Dean Mowbray came to the SGA in vandalism problem will be my top seems as ineffective as ever effectively and level-headedly to for themselves. However, to October, after open section parties priority. Thus the Administration Granted, Social Committee has satisfy student-needs. conclude 1 will change stance and were taken away, and asked the will see that the students do want used the College Center ex- My experience in campus repeat what I am sure every other SGA to present an alternative to eliminate the problem, and the tensively for entertainment pur- organizations bear these candidate is repeating: vote, no solution to the alcohol and van- Administration will be more poses. However, SGA has 'done statements out. Over the last two matter who you support. It is your dalism problem. It is now April, willing to make concessions. very little concerning the tran- years I have been an active SGA SGA, you pay the money it uses, so and the SGA has still not con- This year's election is a critical sitional problems accompanying representative, and I have a good you have a stake in how it is spent. tributed any imput into solving the one. We've lost open section and the opening of Decker - the banning idea of how the SGA works. I've- Your money is wasted if it isn't put problem. They did set up a com- mid-week parties, alcohol of section parties and spent a lot of time working for to good use. mittee to specifically deal with the altogether will be our next loss. corresponding antipathy between Social Committee as it has Sincerely problem. After 5 months, since the Next year's SGA President must students and the Administration branched out jnto new areas, so I Lee Maxwell committee had not accomplished be able to work with the Ad- beyond Action Committee spon- have an idea of how it can and anything, it was disbanded. ministration, but not afraid to take soring an Alcohol Forum that Even though I am a represen- an opposing view, something that exposed the two sides to each Ralph Preisendorfer tative and a member of the Action the officers in the SGA have failed other's viewpoints. The special and Social Committees, I have felt to do this year. We need a change 'SGA Committee on Alcohol Abuse, This year has been one of in- be a responsible democraue powerless in trying to force the in the type of student who have designed to deal directly with the decision and apathy on most organization that evokes student SGA toacton the matter of parties .. been elected President over the problems ....of alcoholism ana levels. However, no one group on support and involves their interest. J have brought the matter up at past few years, that change is me vandalism on campus and in- this campus' is totally to blame, the If elected vice-president, J would countless Action Commitfee What happens next year is up to directly with the parties issue, students, faculty, SGA, and ad- sincerely strive towards this goal meetings only to be told that you, the students. Exercise your disappeared after only a month of ministration are all at fault in For the past 2 years I have held some way. All of us are very quick vote for the candidate option, -, parties were unimportant and thus Do your choice, but vote. of uncertain existance. have done to put or person. Many claim other the such positions as, being elections the blame on some co-chairperson, SGA could should be dropped. I think the matter committee group I to the present set-up and ~tructure Jeff Epstein more than it has about the section administration's reaction has been member of the SGA Executive parties/alcoholism/vandalism p- council, member of the novelty roblem, more about faculty efforts too harsh. What can be expected acts sub-committee of the Social Rick Roecker to push back the drop date towards when damage was running way Committee, and a member of this the beginning of each semester, into the thousands except [or years Homecoming committee. I and more about the lack .of a strong r e a c tinnis m and have also been involved in my Okay, so why am I running for planning social events and dealing. authoritarianism. Where does the class activities, Chapel Com- SGA President? Let's get my with agents from the Lee- reliable grade review process, SGA come into this? They are to mittee, Writers Union and other qualifications out of the way. My ture/Concert Committee affords among other important student serve as the voice of the students campus activities. I feel as though campus involvement includes the opportunity to work with the issues. It's regretable that the and as mediator between the I have been involved in a sufficient membership on the Lee- Social Committee and make the generalizations of last year's students and the administration amount of campus activities and lure/Concert Committee, former Social Committee more responsive candidates served only as There has been, however, a organizations to qualify me to membership on the Calendar and to student needs. I feel this campus predictions of the mediocre per- breakdown between the SGA and serve as vice-president Schedule Committee, former is suffering socially without open formance of this year's SGA the students, more so than between To be realistic, I cannot promise Chairperson of Writer's Union, section parties. Somewhere we SGA needs some real goals to the administration and the SGA. any kind of drastic improvements membership' in Lambda Iota Tau, ought to be able to reach a happy work for next year. I believe that be What it comes down to is the in the SGA's authority or can and should parties section and participation in two Drama medium with the Dean. As allowed again under ad- same old problem of anSGA that is reputation. I do intend that, if Department plays. I was the only President I will be as open as unable to work without the support elected, I will focus my fuJi at- junior nominated to Who's Who in possible to student concerns. Let's ministrative guidelines. These and enthusiasm of the students. tention to the responsibilities of the American <, Colleges and Univer- face it, we are being fed a line on along with the expanded, ex- especially those directly involved office of vice-president. Which stues this year. My SGA in- some things. Two examples in- with the SGA. Without constructive inelude, officially, such duties as volvement- stems from my elude the desire of the Calendar STUDENT GOVERNMENT support the SGA cannot stand up being able to step in for the Freshman year. I have been active and Schedule Committee to stop ASSOCIATION for student rights or involve president and organize and run the on the Social Committee, was v self-scheduled final exams. themselves with the decisions Homecoming celebration. None of Election's Committee Chairperson . Recently the requirements for cum President made on higher levels. A major this can be done without student my sophomore year, have planned laude at graduation were raised necessity for an effective SGA support and I intend to do my best a Leadership Conference, and from a 3.2 to 3A. We as students Jeff Epnein would have to be common sense, in bringing forward the demands have served as Vice-President this simply cannot afford to sit by and Rick Roecker without this it turns into a student- and interests of the majority of the year. I have worked closely with take this arbitrary dictation. As Mike Steinmetz made comedy hour. students. Thank you the past three Presidents. I realize President I would immediately Vice-President All in all the SGA should ideally Ralph Preisendorfer that the SGA has several inherent deal with "these issues through problems. I've worked with the measures such as petitions, Lee Ma)(well Corresponding Ralph Prelsendorfer problems in this system. One of the meeting with the Deans and first things I would do as President. faculty, and others. I am willing to is to initiate work on a new Con- stand up for student rights and Corresponding Secretary Secretary stitution that would be more ac- freedoms. According to the Con- eessible to students. It would be stitution the duties of the President very easy to sit here and write include chairing meetings, ap- JUison Ward flowery promises about all the nice pointing". a Parliamentarian, Recording Secretary I am running for the office of . The corresponding secretary is and wonderful things I would do as organizing the incoming Fresh- corresponding secretary of the responsible for maintaining President. But that's a cop out. I man class, among other dutes. I Sue Hobbs Student Government Association. I records of SGA committees and won't back myself into a lie. I will, view these only as the foundation Paula Markley feel I have the experience for this corresponding with people and however, put forth an honest ef- of Presidential duties. I will build Claire Morris office because of my activities in organizations outside the SGA. I fort. This office should be an from this foundation so that we can Treasurer other organizations. I am active in believe I would doa good job in this organic process, by. taking each prevent arbitrary action by the the College Choir and have been a position and would enjoy working issue as it arises, dealing with it, administration. Please don't forget Julia Logan member of the basketball and with the SGA Senate and and learning from it. There are to vote, and thank you for con- Mike O'Neill track teams, Currently, I am Executive council. I would ap- several areas that need attention, sidering me. serving as fund raiser of Phi Alpha preciate your support. Thank you. though. My experience with Sincerely, Rick Roecker. Mu, Alison Ward
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