Page 89 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 89
Thursday, April 19, 1979 Scrimshaw page 5 Class Officers State Platforms Class of 1982 CLASS OF 1980 CLASS OF 1981 ' CLoASS OF 1982 Class of 1981 President President President Nancy Casey President President MimiEby Mike Cantrell Sue Gilson Steve Richmond David Holland Rosemarie Mimi Eby Vice-President Vice-President Jay Wingate Walsh Nancy Casey , Gayle Annis BrettSchurmenn Vice-President Let me begin by introducing Secretary Every class needse President. myself. My name is Mimi Eby. Secretary Steve- Gersh I am willing and able. Some of you may know me as Ann Hackman Ralph Preisendorfer Rande~Windesheim So I'lltake this moment Mari. Either way I am one in the Treasurer Treasurer Secretary to put my cards on the table. same. Sorry for the mix-up. MelissaPruit I am running ...for Sophomore Kim Kost Russell Johnson Treasurer There are things to be done, Class President. From what I have Historian When Junior year rolls around. seen throughout .my Freshman Ron Antlitz We'll all want to look back year, class officers playa very Lisa Shipley CorjieSimmons at the good times' we found. insignificant rtle in the everyday Historian lives of the students. Iwould like to '- ...,..,. Laurie Mather ....1 So why am Irunning? change this. ., They asked me to state' to make Junior year great! re~::~n~~Jv~rs jt~br::r:s~~d:~ ~~~~~a:~~e~~:c~~e;; ~~~ David' 'Holland , I told them I wanted classmates. This involves being At the same time, we are equal to Now that we near the end of our that our class is just starting to aware of your needs and problems all the other students at WMC and first year of college we have all mold as a unit. 1 feel that we are There is Homecoming, Follies and making your voices heard. are a unifying element in their learned and gone through many capable of doing this in our and the Banquet to plan I would also like to see the lives new experiences. For everyone I sophomore year, but this can only With me as your President sophomore class display its own I think it's time to show everyone!twasanenjoya?le:y~r.Now be achieved with the supponor I'lldo the best that I can. personal Identity while still being else that we're special in our own' It IS time to elect the individuals to every member of the class of 1982. an integral factor at Western way. So how about haulin' in the lea.d us through our second year. David Holland, I've come to the end Maryland College. Because of the anchor, settin' our sails, facin' the This is an Important election In Presidential Candidate of this little rhyme To tell you to vote f~! elas S 0f 1980 ~::~ ;:'r:n~~t:h::lg:an:uat~~ ~~~h~~~~~da::t~~'in?r~~:i' Nancy Casey this time we have something different to captain of the '82 CREW! MimiEby President Steve Richmond Jay Wingate Class of 1981, I am running for Mike Cantrell President office of the Junior Class. With the comes this respon- Fellow Freshman Classmates, citizenship, leadership, and sibilities of coordinating Junior My name is Jay Wingate and I fellowship, I was selected to Class of 198Q, committee to name just two. Ihave Follies, the Junior-Senior Banquet. am running for the office of represent my school in Boys' State. On Tuesday, April 24, each one of also been involved in many student and helping out with Parent's Day. Pr.esident of the Sophomore class. I was the recipient of the Bausch you will have the opportunity to and administration sponsored The class president is also asked to This is my choice in doing a service and Lomb Science Award, elected vote for your class president. I activities and organizations. This serve on several College Com- for my fellow classmates. As to be a member of the National hope that all of you will take the involvement gives me a very good mtttee's such as the Awards President, I would be open to Honor Society, and selected to be a time to make your choice and when rapport with the students and the Committee. In addition, the class suggestions and opinions from member of Who's Who of you do, I want you to vote for the administrators. Experience such president is given an S.G.A. vote, candidate that you feel will be the everybody because I believe in American High School Students. I most beneficial to the class as a as this allows me to be familiar one which our class didn't exercise honesty and straighUorwardness. I was also involved and held office in whole. with students, administrators and this year would still be an active member of school organizations. Presently, I 1 am running for the office of college procedures. A president Over the past year, I have shown the class, so therefore, what I am the Freshman class Historian president not only because I feel with experience like this is very interest in the class and schgal by would be doing for the class, 1 I am not looking for votes from important to a class that hopes to attending S.G.A .. Action Com- would also be doing for myself. I my friends; I am looking for votes ~~~u!e ~:nis ~~~~it~~i t~U~a~~s~ gain the most out of life before and mittee, and Social Committee would also aim at getting more from my fellow classmates who leader who will not shy away from after graduation. I feel that with .meettngs. If elected my goal would student involvement. see me capable of doing a worthy responsibility. The responsibility this kind of diversified be to run this class smoothly and I have had the experience of job. that I am referring to not only background, I can serve the needs efficiently. To do this I would like t~~!o~~~. Thank You for of our class much more efficiently to get our class more involved in 1 :ro~~n~c~~~~~~~~e~~. Your Attention includes the duties while we are than someone without it. For these this school's social life by spon- determination, dedicalion, Jay Wingate still here at WMC, but also to reasons. I ask for your support in sortng activities such as parties. 1 devotion, and drive, scholarship, future obligations _- especially class reunions. the upcoming election. can also assure you that if I am like I'd In conclusion. to en- won't I am not going to go into a long courage all of you to vote for the elected our vote in theS.G.A. 1 have As again. ignored be concerning Recording Secretary rhetoric 1 consider relevant.' my to a candidate and qualified on April 24 mentioned this position requires a that you feel is the most but 1 will mention qualifications, dedicated few which responsible person, and concerned the position. I have been in Thank you for your lime and at- and I feel I am ready to fill this Paula Markley leadership positions throughout tenucn position. Show your concern by the past three years; these include voting for the person of your 1 am a candidate for the office of I have a sincere ooncern for the vice-president of the junior class Sincerely, choice, and let's make next year a recording secretary of the S.G.A. I students and believe that I could and chairman of an SGA sub- Mike Cantrell great one am presently a member of the efficiently- fulfill the respon- Stephen Richmond Senate and am interested in sibilities of the position and, in becoming more actively involved addition, aid in a better "The Ticket" in the student government on our representation of the Student campus. Presently serving on the Body. I sincerely hope that you will Honor Board as chairperson I not hesitate to contact me about Mike Steinmet% Sue Hobbs Mike O'Neill realize the, necessity of my position or any questions or ( organization and communication concerns you might have (ex- among students, faculty, and tension 3)3l. Lastly, I ask for your CONGRATULATIONS! If you major purpose: to represent \V.M.C. to realize that we have to administration and feel confident support and hope that you will are taking the time and trouble to equally the different interests of do something to make things and optimistic about my ability to seriously consider me at election read these columns, hoping to find the student body. Why do the same better. Complaining_ or wishing serve the position of recording time. something different or a'cnance to few people keep reappearing in the doesn't help. Avoiding it by letting secretary. Thank you, Paula Markley. get some things changed for the SGA? Because the great majority W.M.C. become a suitcase college are apathetic towards better, you are just the. person we of students tired of inaction on major doesn't help either. Our ticket theSGA, Treasurer are looking for that students issues, petty progress, and failure of to wants the and chance to unite strong the students instead interests. a It's not surprising provide are looking for a change. significant Over the voice for them th.e We are running as a ticket, and .Julia Logan past few years, one by one, the of represent anyone Only but about Ad- when you vote, please vote for us avenues 300 open for self-expression ministration. the students have been cut off or people elected the present SGA as a block. We take this stance I am running for re-election as qualified for this position. withered away. Many students feel administration. We want to change because we feel that the entire Treasurer of the Student Govern- Other than serving as SGA they have no real voice in the that trend. leadership of the SGA has to be ment Association. I feel that I have Treasurer, I have been Treasurer formation of policies that effect We plan to keep lines of com- revamped and renovated to get the done a good job in the past year, of the Class of 1980 for two years. their lives. The SGA is ineffective munication 'open with the Ad- kind of unity needed to begin to and I would like to continue in this Assistant Treasurer of Phi Alpha and the great majority of students ministration, but its about time the make progress for the students of position. Mu, and manger of the Men's have no idea what the SGA is communication flowed both ways W.M.C. The Treasurer of the SG A is Lacrosse Team. In addition, I have doing. The SGA has to be more We want to get as many students responsible both for keeping the been a member of various com- It's time for the students to aggressive in ensuring the rights of as possible directly involved in the financial records of the mittees connected with theSGA. recognize themselves and realize the students, working towards new SGA. So remember, if you're organization and f<:r preparing the I look forward to a profitable the power they have. Not through establishing a more desirable tired of the way things are around - budget of the SGA for the next year for the SGA, and would ap- vandalism or other outlets to which social atmosphere, and standing here, tired of ineffective, un- year. My previous experience in preciate your votes for m)' re- frustrated people have turned, but up for what the student body popular, weak leadership, vote for this office and ._9ther activities election. through existing channels of believes, wants and feels IS a change. Take the time to vote for demonstrates that I am most Thank you, Julia Logan organization - the SGA necessary. our ticket on April 24th and begin Somewhere along the line the It's time for us students of to see things change for the better SGA forgot what should be its
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