Page 81 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 81
Thursday, April 12, 1979 Scrimshaw page 5 Hylton's Recording Pieno.Flute Recitals Slated Released Organist Brent E. Hylton, the Eastman School of Music and assistant professor of music at his M.M. at Syracuse University, is Linda Huffman will give her Weimer on Piano the aria" from Bach's "Passion Western Maryland College, has presently a candidate for the junior piano recital Tuesday, April According to St. John" for flute completed his first recording since DOCtor of 1....lusical Arts degree at 17 at4p.m. in Levine Hall. Janis Weimar will present her and soprano voice, and the first he joined the faculty \ from - the Eastman School of Music Her program will include Bach's senior piano recital on Friday, movement from Albisi's Syracuse University ill:! years ago Copies of the record are "Prelude and Fugue, E-flat April20at8 p.m. in Levine Hall "Miniature Suite 1/2 for flute and The album, which was made currently available and may be major;" Haydn's "'Arietta and twoclarinets possible by the William J. Baker purchased at the College Variations, A major;" Ltszr's Her program consists of Bach's Jr. Memorial Fund, was recorded Bookstore. "Gnomreigen," "Nocturne," and "Prelude and Fugue, WTC II, G Odell, a dean's list student, is major," Beethoven's "Sonata, Op. from Chestertown. She is director ~~m~~~eran~1e~~~~~~ C~~~ ~~ Gregory's 2 NO.3" and Chopin's "Nocturne" of the pep band, president of the and "Etudes, Op. 25, NOS: 2 and College band, and belongs to Delta ~~~f~:~SMJa~i¥:eg~;u(~~~3_~!~~~' America 12." . Both works are performed on a continued from page 1 Weimar majors in music and is three-manual classical organ Gregory told his audience, -rnc the student of Dr. Arleen housed in Western Maryland's number one problem in America is Heggemeier chapel. . not. racIsm ... not sexism the She is the daughter of Mr. and "Sonata "The 94th Psalm" by number one problem is that Mrs. Vernon H. Weimar of Reubke was first performed in America is morally and spiritually . Wheaton. 1857. The piece shows a strong bankrupt" However. he added influence -ay Liszt. Reubke, a that he doesn't believe that "we Odell on Flute and Recorder member of the Neo-German have gone beyond the point of no School, died at the age of 24. His return. We're fast getting there, Yvette Odell will present her repertoire also included lesser but we can turn it around." senior recital Sunday, April 22 at 4 known songs and a piano sonata in Gregory touched on many other p.m. in Levine Hall at Western B-flat minor varied topics, all of which seemed Maryland College. She will play "Toccata and Fugue' (opus 59 to hold a great deal for those various selections for flute and nos. 5 and 61 by Reger begins _ students that attended. recorder, assisted by other quietly and gradually crescendos Sadar musicians in the ensemble • to its climax. It is rhapsodical in "Ballade;" concluding with arrangements. character. Reger whose works Tomorrow "Castilla (Suite Espanola)" by include sonatas. suites, phan- Albeniz. Her program includes a suite of tasies, preludes and fugues both Ha Maccabim will hold a Huffman is a student of Dr. 15th century dances for recorder based on and not based on chorales Passover Sadar on Friday, April 13 Arleen Heggemeier, and majors in ensemble, Handel's "Sonata V" has been called a "modern at 4:45 p.m. in the President's music. for recorder and har-psichord, Omicron, the music honor society. Bach." His works show trends that Dining Room. Celebrating the She is the daugliter of Mr. and Guiliani's "Grobe Sonata Op. 85" A music/secondary education shaped the direction of 20th cen- Exodus out of Egypt, the Sadar Mrs. William E. Huffman of for flute and guitar, Boismortier's major; she also. belongs to the turymusic. would be comparable to the Bethesda. "Drei Konzerte" for flute choir, College Choir and the Choristers. Hylton, who received his B.M. at Christian'S Last Supper. All students are invited to come. Survey Results; Those Closer Go Home leave more frequenUy and spend Freshmen go home mainly for the Juniors and Seniors. by their responses of those surveyed that continued from page 4 Jess time ri.e. a few hours to one homesickness and girl/boyfriends survey answers go home more indeed a large majority of the 'curious as to how life here could be nightl than those who travelled the at home. (80% of the Freshmen frequently than the other classes, student body does leave so boring if people were par- greater ....distances. These students listed these as the main reason for the Seniors' go home less often than campus for partial or ticipating in the events they had would leave less frequently and leaving), and Seniors went off the years before. The S.G.A. and total weekends. The Junior class listed. Was it boring because these spend the entire weekend off campus mainly for girl/boyfriends the Lecture Concert Committee leaves more often than the other activities were seasonal (sports) campus and career interests. (52% of the have offered more in the way of classes, usually for the entire or tasted only a few hours? Did This hypothesis was tested by Seniors surveyed listed these entertainment this year. weekend, followed by the Senior they inhibit the students from asking the question "If you do reasons for leaving). However, it presenting movies fairly and Freshmen classes. The major leaving campus if they 'did-want leave, do you go for the entire disproved my theory that regularly, having lectures, reason for the three classes to? I had concluded before the weekend? one night? a few Freshmen and Seniors leave musicians and jointly sponsored leaving is for girl/boyfriends at survey that yes, people are hours?" Out of a possible campus more often than the other dance with other organizations on home, with the Freshmen also inhibited; especially those in-- 14 weekend semester, the Junior classes, since Juniors "leave ap- campus. The Juniors and Seniors being homesick and the Seniors volved in the sports activities; if class, of those respond- proximately one-half of the total both listed the movies and lectures also going for job interviews. The there wasn't a game, match, etc. ents surveyed, averaged 7 week- weekends, and the Freshmen and and "Cultural stuff" as being on frequency of students leaving and the practices still involved lime. encs leaving campus, with 80% Seniors leave approximately one- the top of the list for their en- the amount of time they spend off The survey showed the sports of the Juniors spending the entire third. The Sophomores Jeft the tertainment interests. Many of campus did not depend on the activities to be definitely inhibiting weekend away, 20% varying least, averaging 4.6 of the 14. those who did leave said if more distance they had to travel, -as during the season for any entire between a few. hours and the entire ' The survey also included a quality entertainment was those with the greater distances weekend plan, since most of the weekend. The Seniors and section inquiring the majors and presented on campus more often, went off campus for the entire games, matches, etc. took place on Freshmen followed with 5.5% of G.P.A.'s of the respondents. I had they would stay more than they do. weekend as did those with only a Fridays and Saturdays. Most of the 14 away and 5.4% of the 14" hoped to correlate a relationship There were many requests to short drive. those in frats or sororities were not away, respectively. 90% of the betw~n the majors and the "OPEN THE PUB!" for getting kept from leaving, but would Seniors suveyed and 80% of the C.P.A. s of those who went home together with friends in a relaxing, Off Campus Interests rather stay by choice and par- Freshmen surveyed were away the and of those who remained on new atmosphere. The survey also Even thoughmuch of the student ticipate in the function their entire weekend. These results campus. "However, there seemed to leaned towards encouraging small - population does go off campus on organization was sponsoring. The disprove the hypothesis that be no major trend or differences concerts, performed by "cheap but weekends, the survey showed that respondents on work/study said distance is a factor in the length of between the two groups. I also good" bands from the area, to play they leave less frequently than the their jobs were flexible enough days spent off campus, as the surveyed to see if the respondents rather .than one. large, costly years. before, because campus that they could trade hours with majority of these polled went who left campus studied while they the Spr-ing. The parties activities have been offered more fellow workers if it were necessary within four hours of the school and were- away. There was a very on campus now are well attended, often and have been more varied, to leave campus. spent the entire weekend .away, small margin between those who but night-club type atmosphere interesting a greater portion of the Distance No Factor regardless if it took only ten did study (40%) and those who did parties were suggested. as well as students. Suggestions were crrered minutes of that four hours to gel to not (47.5%). The remaining 12.5% more closed parties where nice to improve the activities program, With this established, I won- their destinations or the total four studied sometimes dered about the distance (in hours) hours. To further examine the existence attire is required. Theater per- -but a student majority based on the with the respondents would have to of the "suitcase" trend, Iasked the forma~ces and visiting artis~ list ed survey does attend. the programs exhibits were also offered with the and are satisfied travel to their destinations if they Reasons Vary Sophomore, Junior and Senior frequently. quality of these programs did leave. The average amount of Since the majority of the class respondents if they leave By conducting this survey, I time spent on the road fell between students surveyed were away for more or less frequently than in the Leaving Less Frequently have gained a better insight to 1-2 hours, with the shortest the entire weekend when they did past yearts) and the reasons for Many people said that nothing why WMC is a "Suitcase School." distance being to downtown leave campus, [heir general the change if there was one. or the added or changed would keep them Whether or not the situation would Westminster, and the longest to a reasons for leaving were three classes totalled, 25% listed here, that they would leave change if the Pub were opened, destination five hours away. tabulajed. The overall reason, of I:f5~~~n\~~~e ~f~: due to interests off more activities could be budgeted anyway Generally, the distances travelled the four classes combined, was to . ~~t~~a~l~~ campus. All but 22% of those from the two farthest extreme see a girl/boyfriend at home Juniors, givin'g reasons of surveyed attended the activities by the Activities Office, or Fr~ts times by those surveyed are as (37.5% of the respondents sur- girl/boyfriend), and 32.5% went when they presented l:J!gmseJves were allowed to have open parues follows: Freshmen, 45 minutes - 3 veyedJ. 27.5% of those remaining home less often than the yearts r and would be willing to attend once again remains to be seen. For hours: Sophomores, 10 minutes - 5 went home to see family and/or before. Most of these (25% of the more of the same entertainment if those who do leave, I wish you safe hours: juniors, 10 minutes - 2 friends. Various other reasons 32.5%) were Juniors and Seniors, it was offered. For "boredom" to travel and a good time! Maybe hours; Seniors, 45 minutes - 4 listed were homesickness tin claiming there were more ac- be a general cry. at WMC, the next year you will change the hours. Since the majority of the Freshmen and Sophomore surveys tivities to become involved in, activities that are offered statistics even more and become students recruited to WMC appear only), Dr. appointments, jobs at other than sports events, to keep cure this "disease," at seem to > one who leaves less often because least to be from the Baltimore- home, more to do at other places, them on campus. temporarily, since the rate of at- th~ campus ~as improved even Metropolitim area, I formed the boredom and job interviews (in more, with their activity program. hypothesis that since most Senior class surveys only). These Quality Entertainment Needed !~~~:~~~is high, according to the students spent 1-2 hours on the results partially proves my first These results were un- In general conclusion to my OOOC Q 00 Q L)OO road as an average, they would general trend and observation that predictable for me .. Even though .survey, I have proved by the
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