Page 41 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 41
Dining Porch Opens With a Few Problems Bill Byrne It appears that everything is opening behind schedule this year, and the new cafeteria dining porch was no exception. Last minute problems came up and the exact date when the pcrcn was to be opened to students remained doubtful Actually, if students are willing to make a few minor preparations, there is no real reason why they cannot enjoy the porch's scenic view for their next meal. Simply keep in mind the following recommendations: (I) Wear your heaviest winter coat for protection from the falling temperatures due to the broken heating system; (2) Carry an umbrella to keep the amount of water which drips from the ceiling onto your meal at a minimum, and (3) Bring your own table since the ones that arrived last week had tops which didn't fit their bases . Mr. Preston Yingling explained [the problemsand frustrations that the c?mpletion rave plagued In trying to have of the new porch. Football's Winning Season heating repaired and leaks received the system in the he has ceiling little more than promises to work contractors. They promise from the JjmTeramani continued to shine as Joe Stromberg culling across the defense put greater pressure on on it right away, but all the college The Western Maryland wound up Menendez and Ric Bonaccorsy middle for a fifty yard pass play Hopkins. They effectively cut down can do is sit, wait and complain their most successful season since were constant thorns in the sides of and a Jays score. With the Harris the Hopkins passing attack. The problem with the tables is ~ 1962, as they defeated the Blue the Jays offensive line. _, extra point, the game went into the Hopkins QB Margraff was gelling similar. Due to a misun- Jays of Johns Hopkins University, Sanders came up with another .halfwitha14-7score. a maximum of two seconds to drop derstanding between the school 27-13. The victory over the rivals interception with 2;19 left in the Throughout the first half, the back, see his receivers, and get the and the manufacturers, the tables increased the Terror's record to 7- first. Craig Walker continued to Terrors constantly complained pass off. Excellent playing by the which arrived last week could not H. excel in the kicking game as he put about the roughing the kicker defensive line, highlighted by a be used. The tables in the dining The game started out with the Jays back in the hole by pun- penalty. They insisted that punter Bob Upshaw batting down a pass, porch at the present time are only Hopkins utilizing strange for- ling the ball out of bounds at the Craig Walker was roughed several was kept the Terrors in control temporary substitutes mations, trick plays, and a eight yard line. times with no call. The debate throughout the game. Tom Still, there is no reason for nationally ranked passing attack. The scoring started with Eric became heated at several points, Knierem knocked down and almost students to be discouraged. If After some initial success by the Degross scoring from the 5 with and caused the referees 'to ap- intercepted a Margraff pass' that everything runs according to Jays, the Terrors combined an 3:03 left in the first quarter and proach the sidelines to discuss the had return for touchdown on in schedule (don't laugh, there is a excellent pass rush with some tight with· the extra point gave the matter with the coaches. The scoring continued as the Iirst time for everything> students pass coverage to force the Jays Terrors a 7-0 lead, going into the Following the style that they Terrors, who were grinding out the will be using the new dining area quarterback, Jim Margraff, to second quarter. have all season, the Green Terror Icontinuec:tpage 3 by late this week rush his passes and only look for SC~~~g ~~[~o;:e;:~\~nnUo~~ei~~~.r---------------------------.... his hacks run with 12,19 l,n in the Egypt, plTO D,·SCUSS ;tl,·deast Cornerback Mike Sanders was second. intended to be the Jays early yard The Walker extra point L l'~j victim, when they started running gave the Terrors a 14-0 lead. Just slants in his coverage. But with a when it looked like the Terrors little more pressure applied by the were going to run away with the Dave Clevelilnd D -H .. I' d J h' defensive line, Sanders had his score and hide, the Jays potent air Approximately 50 people ~~::~. a~~kthi~ t~~;eha~e ~: I pre;~nta~i~:I~~Oe~~ea~naelestli~ia~ first interception with 14;191eft in attack struck. With 6:27 left in the gathered to hear representatives minimum, the minimum of the are today. "There are almost 4 the first quarter. The defense half, Jim Margraff hit Bill of Egypt and the PLO discuss the minimum of the- basic human million of us," he said, "scattered no Absurdities of the Family I Middle East in Decker Auditorium rights. They have to stay food, no in camps with around 1ih the borders inside of in. They Israel, million no place 'Tuesday,NovemberI4,aspartofa shelter, Mideast Seminar sponsored by the need their human rights. under Israeli military occupation. say, Relations we will not have "The only concession Relationships on Stage Internalional Science Department, Club, make will be our principles. We The Israeli's occupation,' 'We but there Political benevolent and give to benevolent about is nothing {)C- "My ambition," Tina Howe says, they are, to find their center - their Pi Gamma Mu the 15th a are committed food and shelter. the eupaticn. It comes to oppress you, Palestinians We Wednesday "is to get a thousand people in a grounding. Their efforts are representative of the Israeli are committed to giving the to deny you your rights." dark room laughing themselves focused on being in control or embassy spoke in Decker at 7: 30 as Palestinians their own land. We He explained the Palestinian nearly to death, drenched in tears, relating to the environment in a a continuation of the seminar. His will never give up these prin- attitude about Zionism, saying, rolling In the aisles, ambulences way that gives them room to be views were not presented until ciples." "Zionism came as a colonial rushing to theatre doors." She and which will justify their having after press time. Mr. Mansour concluded with a movement from Europe, apparently wrote Birth and After been born. Their methods are often Tonight the Mideast Seminar statement that, "We must not try established a purely Jewish slate Birth with this in mind for it is a quite outlandish; clearly will reach its conclusion with an to build the future by avenging the on our land, and pushed us out funny play. It centers on the Apple emergency measures are in order open debate and discussion session -past. The other side must not from our homes. We are the family on the fourth birthday of for these all too familiar people. inDeckerat7:30. either. If we do not accept this; modern Jews. Weare living in the "' their son, Nicky. Ms. Howe went on On one hand we can laugh when Ali Mansour, from the Egyptian Peace will never come to the Diaspora." to say, "I wrote this play for the Nicky tries to find out where embassy was the first speaker. Dr. Middle East." suburban woman with no exit from babies come from and distinguish Hatiem El Husseini, from the Dr. Hatiem El Husseini ex- The PLO is like a government in her kitchen and a four year old between the "baby hole" and the Palestinian Information Center, plained that he was speaking here exile," he said. "It solves seven feet tall." "poopie hole." On the other there then gave his presentation, after because, "I think its important for problems of education, health, Laughter and thought don't is the side of the play Ms. Howe which both speakers answered the American public to hear the work permits, passports and always pal around together but in talks of when she says "As a questions from the audience. The Palestinian view. It is important anything else the Palestinians this weekend's production of the mother, you experience moments session ended with a 20 minute UN for any problem to hear all sides, need. It maintains representatives Western Maryland College of excruciating tenderness and film on the Palestinians. . but we don't have equal access to with most governments of the Department of Dramatic Art they love, but there is also great Ali Mansour opened the semmar media." world. Every two years the should both be alive in McDaniel savagery - family life has been with a brief history of the Middle Dr. Husseini briefly explained congress comes together and Lounge. The play points to the over-romanticized; the savagery East since World War Two, why the conflict is being waged in elects a new cabinet. We can't absurdities of the various has not been seen enough in the describing. the first Mideast war in the Middle East, saying "Zionists have free elections because we relationships in a family mother. theatre as in movies ... " 1948, mentioning t.he second war in want all of the land. They say God aren't a country, but we do and father - parent and child - and So Birth and Arter Birth has 1956, the Arab shin to Communist gave it to them, ana they have the represent the Palestinian people. it lets us laugh at how silly we have something for everyone willing to aid, the 1967 and 1973 wars, and military power to take it, so they We have an army, too, because we been. The games we play are those laugh at themselves and to then the current peace process think they can do what they want in are at war with Israel." we believe we need to play in order perhaps think about it a little, too Mr. Mansour, although he was the Mideast. ZioniSts took over our What is the PLO's solution to the to survive - and so we play them It will be performed Friday, from the Egyptian e.If.Ibassy, land by force and expelled us into problem? Dr. Husseini says it with full power Saturday, and Sunday nights, Nov. proved to be highly critical of the desert. We are fighting for our "would like to see a secular state The director. Max Dixon, says 17,18, and 19, at 8;15 in McDaniel Egypt's current.policy. national rights and our homeland. within the borders of Israel and that Birth .and After Birth shows Lounge. Free to on campus - $2.00 Mr. Mansour strongly supported When people know this historical Palestine. I think we could live five people trying desperately to to off campus. Tickets available at the Palestinians. He said, "The .lh fact, they will understand why the together with a new genera-on if define themselves, to find out who information desk. million refugees, Palestinian Paieslianiansfi ht." we don't destroy each other first."
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