Page 37 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 37
Actors Lacking for Dramatic Needs Anita Crouse of production and the progress of Unfortunately, most of the the cast, and cast members' students on the W.M.C. campus are schedules not aware of a serious problem 'J'heplays are held at various faced by the seniors of the drama locations on campus. such as department. And they are even Harrison House, and everyone is less aware that they, the student invited to attend. Admission is body, can alleviate this problem-- free. Check posters around campus ali while having a great time! tor times, dates, and places of One of the requirements of t auditions and performances. .One of the requirements of drama majors is directing a full- Homecoming length theater production. These students usually choose either one act plays or segments of larger Finally productions to direct, although sometimes do full-length plays. Arrives A major problem lies in the fact that no matter how small the cast of the play they choose, they never Cathy Fratino have enough actors to fill the roles. Homecoming has always been an So to help one another out, each eventful week-end at Western senior winds up acting, or direct- Maryland College. This year will ing, or being involved in some way be no exception. Many activities with two and sometimes have been planned for the both the three plays at -a time. This current student body and the overinvolvement is a strain on the alumni. students, because they must at the Beginning the week-end will be a same time keep up with their pep rally and bonfire, at 6:30 PM studies. Friday night. It will be held behind The drama students feel that the football stands and marsh- interest can and should be spurred mallows and apple cider will be in the student body for these up for grabs. projects. The need for actors is so Next, starting at 8 PM, is the great that the possibility of getting Homecoming Concert. Opening the a part is very good. show will be the "Double F Band" Auditions for these productions from New York. The main at- are open to the entire campus traction of the concert is Melba population, contrary to popular Moore. This event will be held in belief. What the student directors Gill Gym. Tickets are $3.00 for look for in an actor is mainly en- students, $4.00 for faculty, staff, thusiam and interest in the play. Of and administration, and the course, ability to read and physical student price includes students appearance with respect to the role from other colleges with I.D. must be considered somewhat. The Admission for the public is $5.00. drama students stress that Saturday the 29th is the official everyone interested should try out- day of Homecoming. The annual -even if you have had little or no parade will form at the East experience acting, they will teach Middle School parking lot at 12: 15 you. They understand that PM. Included in the parade are the potential actors-actresses must go ~r~~~~ through a learning process since ~~i~:m~nagn;,°U:~r:~~s they are also learning to direct produced by different classes of along with improving their acting WMC, porn poms, and the Phi Delt ~ skills. Kazoo Band. In keeping with the o Rehearsals for the plays are theme of this Homecoming beauty, ] flexibly scheduled. !he rehearsals' the Court will be driven in horse- Q.. spans vary depending on the type drawn carriages and surreys, rather than cars. The Bate Smokey Diseu.sses Past History fraternity members will operate the as keep to "pcoper-scoopers" streets W.M.C. The clean. football team is Betsy Lesher character, and started by asking by a bug which caused a disease that his doctor:-ton't let him work. playing Dickinson at 1:30 PM. At Finding Lewis Lee Sadler at his age. Smokey proudly an- sixteen years later. The operations were paid for by the halftime the Marine Band will Western Maryland's student swered, "I'm fifty-three years This disease only shows in the Army, and he still receives a perform. Then the Alumni of the center is not unusual. The name old." With Smokey's Older-looking middle-aged, and it can be con- pension from the service. Year award will be presented, most people know him by is appearance most people wouldn't tracted from a certain bug, or one Smokey resides in Westminster, followed by the selection of the Smokey. He plays pool almost believe that, but it's true and can be born with it. The disease is but spends an average of ten hours prize-winning floats. Lastly is the every morning, giving most people there's a reason why. - called Crohn's disease, or Regional a day on campus. If you ever want presentation of the Homecoming a lesson. Back in 1941, Smokey was a Ileitis. Basically, it is the disease of to talk to an interesting, funny, and Court. junior at WMC majoring in ac- the intestines and causes intestinal enjoyable man, talk to Smokey. He The climax of this Homecoming During one of our games (I play counting. He quit school to join the obstruction. According to Smokey, loves to speak to anyone and week-end is the dance which will be a lot with Smokey), I decided to Army, and he served in World War "Only 125 people in the United everyone, and he sincerely held in Gill Gym from nine to one. find out more about this interesting II. While in the army, he was stung States have it, and out of those, I'm remarked, "The people and the Playing at the dance will be the one of the eight standing." I campus of Western Maryland are band "Patch." Tickets are $6.00 why there are only eight Melba in Concert Tonight wondered walking;' Smokey ex- my home." per couple. people Ms. Moore, who was the first plained, "I'm one of the eight Tony Award winner Melba black actress to play the lead in people who decided to have the Moore will perform for the WMC "Hair," starred in her Tony operations. The others didn't want HO?leco.min~ Concert at 8 p.m., Award-winning performance of to fool with it. They're awful risky, tonight m Gill Gym. "Puriie" in 1970. She was the first you know." black artist to be featured in a one- You have to have a series of eight Attention woman concert at the Metropolitan operations in which six organs are Lin- House in New York's artificial Artistic Persons Opera Center in December, 1976. replaced said. with "I only have ones. four Smokey coin Also in 1976 she received a organs in my body that are mine -- WOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE Grammy Award nomination for rest are plastic." He went on to list $25 IN YOUR SPARE TIME??? her single "Lean On Me." Ms. the organs that were replaced. "I For its 1978 cover the WMC Moore's a.lbums include Peach had my appendix. upper and lower Yearbook needs pen and ink Melba, nns Is It, and her most bowels, prostate, part of my kid- sketches of th_efollowing buildings: rec~nt release. Melba. . neys, and my saliva gland all carpe diem, big Baker chapel and T ~ c?ncert I.S open to the public. removed." Ward memorial arch. The sketches Adm.lsslon fee IS $5 f.or the general Eight operations can be awfully'''' must be 8lf4 inches high by 6 inches public, $4 for alumni, facult)_', and dangerous. After hearing me state wide. All entires must be sub- staff, and $3 for students. Tickets that, a gentle smile came across miUed by 6 p.m. on Sunday, rna)_'~. purcha~ed a~ the ~tudent his face,' and he said, "They are November 6 1917 to Bob Heer Activities Office m Wmslow dangerous, and I'm plenty lucky!" Sm~k~y r~laxe5 at a home toctbatl game Rouzer 401. • , Student Center or at the door. Because of this disease, he says -Phctc by Scott O..hne
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