Page 41 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 41
Trustees Want to Increase People Gym will have an annexed The Board of Trustees of the structure added to it. The structure college met in its regular Semi- will house two playing floors-for annual meeting last Friday af- male and female intercollegiate ternoon. sports-a laundry room, offices and The Admissions Committee of a new locker room the Board'ct Trustees emphasized The lowest bid, by contractors, of two distinct points. One is that they $1,018,000 was accepted by the are interested in increasing the Board with a 270 day duration amount of men attending WMC and period for the inner reconstruction the second point being a desire to of Alumni Hall. Alumni should be encourage more mature women to completed and ready for use re-enter the college. With $1,018,000 around August 1978. being alloted in the form of The last point of interest delt financial aiG last year and a desire with the Committee on Student to give financial assistance to Affair's idea. The committee students who are not "financially proposed the idea of a disco in the in need," an increase in these two community of Westminster. With types of students will be obtained, the residents of wastmtnster in- along with the typical WMC terested in the idea (to a certain student. extent), this 'idea might possibly The Board of Trustees approved become a reality very soon. The the document of the Long Range only means that the committee can Pia nning Committee for the fiscal use to determine the feasibility of year from 1977-82. The three the disco is through a survey. The stressed objectives were athletics, survey will ask, "Why do students student life and Alumni Hall. In the go home on weekends and why do way of athletics, the LRPC stated they remain on campus." In- that Hoffa Field will be improved. directly, from the answers to the The improvement will entail ad- answers to the previous questions, ditional seating and roads leading the CSA can determine the to the field. The west side of Gill potentials of the disco. Foreigners StudyH ere missions, "once a line of com- Unknown to many, Western rnunication is open, students write Maryland College has a few ex- to me constantly, and are very cepHonal students, in that English grateful and warm for the time and is not their first language and that effort spent in providing them with the United States of America is not information crucial to the ad- their home country. These In- mission process," ternational students show another This year, there were ap- interesting facet of WMC. proximately twenty-five students There are ten' students from from different countries that ap- other countries; six are graduate plied to WMC. Out of these, nine students, the others are un- were accepted. From these nine, dergraduates. Of the four un- four actually signed up to come to dergraduate students, two coun- our campus: and three came, The tries are represented-Jordan and fourth could not come, due to visa Iran. problems. According to Hugh The reason there are large Daw~ins, registrar, obtaining a representations of only certain visa IS probably the most difficult ~~~~ countries is because of the way thing for an international student VolumeVI, Number8 Friday,November4,1977' news and information spreads by to do in order to come to the school. no feels there is Craig A student word of mouth. will tell Ms. Western lVIaryland College his-her friends at home about the problem in "recruiting" students college he-she is attending, from abroad. Any letter she an- sparking interest in that part of the swers, she must answer clearly and it must be well-directed so that world for the college. "'les Mus:- Frat Another way students from other there is no confusion. This cuts Low Trou .., .,.... countr-ies is usually about by an agency or down,lolofw'iting school in an d e tot cr of hear western misunderstanding, Maryland terms ac- can like Student whether the Aid International . suppor~ the legislation and will do promise with the fraternity's Institute of International commodate the students' needs or .B~a~se . o~ . anti-sex everything necessary to live up to national leadership in order to save Education, or as previously not. The college receives many discrimination legislation pass~ the spirit, as well as the letter, of the local chapter. She did say that, mentioned, students already in inquiries from international by the U.S. Congress an Its the law. faced with the alternatives of college in America. The students students and Ms. Craig wishes that resultant impl~men!ation by the Delf:a ~micron ,was the only accepting males or becoming send the agencies their shehadtimetoanswereveryletter college administration, Omicron orga~zatlOn that IS mandated to defunct, a majority of the mem- background credentials, then the personally, however, many of the Eta~ the loca~ chapter. of Delta COfi;SlSt of one sex only by its bership was in favor of yielding to agencies write different colleges students tend to ask the same type Omicron m~lc fraternity, faces national bylaws. Certain groups the administration's demands. regarding facilities and majors, question in their letters, so often a the r~v.ocabon of. i~. campus whose membership were either all The administration plans to among other things. The college form letter is sent. recognition and prIVlh~es. The mal~orallfemalewerediscovered proceed immediately with its then answers the students directly There is work involved in action, although revocation procedure ~ be a but 10 each instance the occurence proposed :;l~:: ::a: the full if it feels it can be beneficial to enrolling an international student. :n~v:~~f ::::a~~at~~~gfr~~ ::so~o~:~tto ~tt~;~:u~a~;:n:: ~~~~~ elt until Sep- ~~g,:cs~~~:~r' ~r:~rB~~b~~~ ~~;;nt~ f:~~u:::~Jo have our the c?nvocatlon ceremorues, With any overt discnmmatory practices Sue Hevener to V· ·t I1h· g drawmg.accesstofac~lt.yadvisors, by an organization. Interestingly, I Ca and taking away offiCial College social fraternities and sororities I SI '-' 0 recognttton of the group as an were exempted from the lay by Andi Sahm - - .' extracurricular activity. congress and may still Sue Hevener, a Western Ma.ryla~d 4-H Office at the spertattcn, hotel_,lccommodaUons, Dean Mowbray, stated that the discriminate on the basis of sex. Maryland student, won a trip to Univer-sity of Maryland, on and food are pate for by 4-H. action was in the process of being Sari Liddell, President of the Chicago October 16. for out- community,. school, church, and An active member for ten years, Laken as a ~esult?f the findings of local Delta Omicron chapter, standing achievement through one the ?utstanding work done on each Sue has placed as one of the top ten the committee 10 charge of a described her position as one of of the branches of the 4-H Club of project completed. seamstresses at both the Howard campus wide ~ evaluation to being caught in the middle between Maryland, Ms. Hevener plans to leave for County and Maryland State Fairs determine if and where sex two opposing forces. Since Delta Usually a trip to Chicago is the the National 4-H Club Congress on and previously won a two-day trip discrimination exists. Since Delta Omicron's bylaws prohibit male ultimate goal of any 4-H member. November 26 and return December' touring Maryland Consumer In- 7e~t~~~:Sto fe~~~~e~~h;PbY i~ ~:rra~~~~~t;e~~~7~lt~~~~~i~~ ~e~:::~~r ~uo:ta':~~::~dsa~~ ~o:;~ o~:~nt~~leg~~:enfro~ ~~:;i~o:~~~c~~~i~o~on~~s~ national bylaws Dean Mowbray their charter. Non-compliance various projects such as represent the state in citizenship Upon completing the year in observed that the College is legally however, will lead to the action agriculture, sewing, and citizen- and arts and crafts, phn to ac- which .she reached the age of 19, obligated to take action to be threatened by the administration ship. Ms. Hevener's activities company her. Activities during the she Will no longer be a youth within the Federal Statute which having the effect of causing th~ include clothing, cooking, home period will include a National 4-H member of 4-H. "Since my record expressly provides that national organization to cease to exist in its furnishings, dog and small pet Style Revue and ceremonies book on Achievement was my last honorary societies comply with the present form. Sari said that she is care, junior leadership, and her aw~rding scholarships from the activity in Participation," states law. The Dea~ added that the currently that she is currently self-determined music project. All natIOnal judging of Record Books. J\.1;;. Hevener, "J was especially College admInistration fully attempting to work out a com- members are jud~ed by the All expenses, such as tran- thrilled to win this trip."
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