Page 38 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 38
SCRIMSHAW Letters to the Editor Charge Unjustified- Versatile Terror Unique Once aqaln, the controversial S95-0verload Charge is beco~ing an issue on this campus. Two concerns that make the issue controversial are professor's child by the stands. There seems to be no more interest the handling of the charge and the administrative attitude toward student Letter to the Editor .Jeff Robinson Aggressive or retiring __you name or enthusiasm in the coming opinion. Re: your October 14 issue -- Get it and the Terror will comply. weekend than that of the weekly The Charge was introduced to the student body during a Freshman rid of the Terror? No way! Sure Can you say that about a terrapin showing of "Roots." I have seen Advisory Council meeting last ~ring. Despite end of the year pressures enough the Green Terror is a bit of or a cougar, a dolphin or a biro, or nothing but a few trivial attempts from papers and exams, students did manage to convey some of their an enigma, but the Terror is even a colt? Not so easy to match to instill school spirit in the feelings to the administration. There was evidence that more than just a unique, a rare quality these days, the versatility of a Terror, is it? students. No one seems to give a few students were concerned with the charge. A petition against the and the Terror has survived which What do you say -- let's keep our damn, charge was circulated throughout the 'student body. This petition had IS even rarer old and beloved friend the Green I ask that if you have any school over 800 signatures, It was shown to Dr. John and given to Dean Mc Now what is a mascot anyway? Terror. spirit or pride, show it this Cormick. in addition to the petition there was an SGA meeting where According to Webster. -- "a person, Phil Uhrig, weekend. Yell, scream, shout, many students voiced their feelings against the charge. The petition was animal or object supposed to bring Alumni Secretary jump up and down, party, streak, largely ignored, and the students who did speak out were given pat en- good luck." Doesn't the Terror fit Noise is Selfish roll a car, paint a wall, but do swers that contained little in the way of reasonable explanations for the that description pretty well? something to help make this a overload charges. West~rn Maryland alumni have WHOMEVER IT MAY CON- spirited weekend. The only concrete response to the student opinion was the delaying of lived With the idea of a Terror for CERN: Ann the Charge. However, it appears that the charge will go into effect, years without complaint. I believe In reference to last week's ar- Terror Worthy anyway. most. WOUld.join me in support ?f ticle, On Defending Decibel Perhaps the students could ignore the patronizing attitude of the ed-. keeping this symbol of athletic Delight, I sincerely reply to the Dear Editor: ministration if they understood the concrete reasons for the charge, If the prowess. In fact, Green Terror ~as author; it's those self-rejecting, If Northern California can have Charge is supposed to be a deterrent, why use just a monetary deterrent? bec?me almost synono~ous With selfish, non-sensible people like Bigfoot, Scotland have Nessie, It would seem to be a relatively simple step for the administration to the Idea of W.M.C. alumm ..And for you who help to make this world as "Star Wars" have Chewbacca, tighten up their existing overload policy. If many of the overloads are that matter, the ~thlebc con- rotten as it is You don't have any why can't we have a Green Terror'? unnecessary. then why were they approved in the first place? The feeling notation matters httle to the love for ethers because you don't Rumor has it that our Boisterous of the administration seems to be that the faculty is strained by too many Terror, who responds to almost even know how to love yourself in Beast has either been lost or unnecessary overloads. Yet. every single one of these overloads must any call. . . . the first place. Think about it, swiped, and somehow I cannot have been approved by either an advisor or an administrator, and ap Now take a hon or tiger f.or In- because Ihate to see your potential picture a giant postcard dancing on parently this approval was not difficult to obtain stance. Not nearly· as versatile. In going down the drain. the field or court. Can anything be This raises the point, how necessary is the overload charge? What fact, they are pretty limited, Signed done? Could we by any chance get alternative methods have been looked into? What contact hi!.Sthere been wouldn't you say'! Yo.u know I A FELLOW HUMAN BEING between the administration and the students this year? mean one usually associates these a new suit so in future years we something have to show for our There is an SGA Committee cc-cberrec by Linda Erikson and Chuck Up And Down school and not just a description of Barbour set up to investigate the Overload Charge. We, at Scrtrnshew, :rf:~li~e~~tho.i~r~;t~ea~~e~~~ our mascot? If it is lost .• then we can only hope that the ettttude of the administration will be more open field, but pretty restricted To the student body: should find it. If it has been stolen, than it has been. Ideally the delaying of the Charge would provide elsewhere. Not so the Terror, who This is the beginning of everyone with an opportunity to check out all the alternatives, and the can assume almost any per- homecoming weekend, a weekend then' we should buy a new one. situation that necessitated the charge. "this time should not be used sonality. Ferocious and spirited ~hich has many deep roots and After all, if we can afford a new simply for the administration to marshall it's defenses of the Charge galloping along the track after a traditions. The student body is Student Center, why can't we af- If a good analysis Is mede . and it does show that a 595 fee Is the best touchdown. Docile and retiring the supposed to be at the height of its ford a new Terror? way to handle the situation, then no defense of the charge will be very next second talking with a school spirit. What is the problem? Sincerely, necessary. Until that point, however, our flrst.priorlty must be to make Wendy Gross- sure that proper consideration has been, and is being given to, the overall How's That Again? situation. So You Still Don't Have a Halloween Cosfume Parking Needs Board Dave Zinck you're thinking - several in Blanche Ward Hall, but in front to serve as lid. Finish by I know what you promised yourself that you please ask Iirst.) Fill to brim with drawing dials, knobs, etc. For real Parking tlckets-heve you paid one lately? Chances are that you have If wouldn't procrastinate in getting a ,_'·!j:lot::{~c:: ~tt~e?~ in.whol~ effecti,!~_l\~, you've parked beside any of those red or yellow lines marked on verteos costuriie ~for-:-ihai:, big"Halloween hot water-Pour bubble baUi: LIe III could make some' money at the peach-scented' curbs Ides around the campus ' party. But alas, only a few days left tub for seven hours or until well- party.I Go as a lost dryer from "But what If I have a good excuse?" you may ask. Well according to to the party and you still don't have shriveled. Go to your party as a Rouzer, college regulations, as they now exist, you have two opl1ons. You may any idea what you will go as. Well, peach pit. take your body, your ticket, and your excuse to the Director of Physical let me put an end to your Plant, Preston Ylngllng··or you can pay the fine. . frustrationl Listed below are a-few ch~~r~~~:wj~~":n:~~:~ Club Opens Now, don't get the Idea that we-don" think Mr. Yingling 15 a nice guy· last minute ideas for the perennial every time you say something he smiles as much as almost any other administrator. In fact, if you can procrastinator. Stephen Erickson explain your story well enough, with big tears in your eyes, he may let and I have come up with some '~::;;~ynrOV~I~~ ti~ ~~~~fInf:;~~~i!~~lrek~~;~i~~~~I~~ you off with lust a stern reprimand and a cold stare. But your excuse suggc stions which we know you'll moving your lips. You can now go please see Carl Gold iT' Apt l-F, No. must be reasonable (and pretty close to the truth). like. See you at the party. to the party as Dr. Ray Stevens. 502. The I.R.C. is a non-partisan But we at SCRIMSHAW feel that there should be a more equitable i: Find a friend. Even someone 6: Moisten your left index finger. can:tpus-wide or g a ni aa tt on manner of dealing with the "fairness" or "unfairness" of parking tickets. in YOUf Chemistry Lab will do. Insert it into a wall socket long dedicated to expanding un- That's why we are proposing the use of a Board to appeal tickets in· Find two cardboard boxes big enough to give your hair a real lift. derstanding among all peoples volving situations which probably couldn't be avoided. Such a board enough for both of you to fit into. (See No.2). Next, unbutton your through knowledge. We also raise could be composed of students, faculty, and administration (as usual) Cut out holes for head and arms. shirt, gargle with gravel, sing a lot and donate money to certain and could make the decisions that, up until now, have been made by only Now, copy the dots off any pair of ana go as-Rod Stewart. causes (relief agencies, disaster a single arbiter. dice. Voila! You and your friend or 7: Find a large cardboard box funds) each year. We are open to . The benefits of such a system would be small but appreciated. A big enough to fit into. CUt opening any ideas and new members. specific judicial organ, taking care of transgressions of th_!!parking code lab partner are a giant pair of dice! on a cese- by-case basis, would give us the same types of decisions that ~~~~i~~~le~~rselves loaded, place r-----~------------_., come out of the real world's traffic courts. The board would also remove 2: Find a way to make yourself River Run is part of the opening lines of Finnegan's Wake by .James Joyce. some of the decislon·maklng burden from the Director of Physical six feet tall. If you are taller than river is one of the traditional symbols for creativity. River Run is a1Wa weekly Plant's lap. this, stoop over a little. Next, place column devoted to contemporary poetics. We are open to on campus and of SCRIMSHAW has other concerns about the overall parking situation your finger in wall socket. Allow campus submissions {no more than SO lines longl. which we will voice at a later date. But for now, we feel that a good first step in improving the parking situation would come in the form of the :o~. ti~~ f~~ ~o:rA~ t~a~~~~ This week we introduce the WO::eo:t~:::g~a~tt~er of Quebec, Canada. peoposedeppeets board. field jacket. Ta-dah! You can now the strange stra:~~n~l~i~~ ~:r:~:~es VoJ}eyball Team Excells ~o:e:~ryone's favorite - Chris i hear a que:~~o~lmost answer The Women's Volleyball team defeated York College last Saturday to al~rn~ f~fI~de::I~~i;~~/~~v: but the same voice quickly answers itself win the Pen Mar Conference Championship. The edifors and staff, speaking for the whole student body wish to congratulate the 'earn on the :~blr:t~~~~:e~irhai~~~rMI~~~ on~n~~~~tsmUmbles Riller Run accomplishment. It caps off a fine season for the women. It is their first Walk around taking short, choppy, one cries championship in the brief Pen Mar history and the women worked hard steps. Go as a Vega one stares aloud at nothing again. Once again, congratulations. 4: Find a bathtub, (There's others ro·1I their eyes wildly about other build high walls around themselves like thin thoughts not all the inhabitants are terminal some escape others build high walls arund themselves and keep out even their families a few grow cocoons with secret passages to go in and ou and they share space with roaches the brave ones blow their brains out in public streets or dim private rooms and hope their children understand
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