Page 40 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 40
Page 4 Scrimsh;w Spikers Takes Penn Mar CrownWomen Stickers Chalk Up Arm Diviney Phillis Menschner Coach does. They get along well sc~~~~.e ~~~~~,~s~or;::;~~~ls ~~~~ On Parents Day, October 22, our with the rest of the team. If they heat York last Saturday morning, womens field hockey team beat say to do something we do it, not capturing the Penn Mar Con- John Hopkins with a score of 2-0. because they are bossing us but it's good for us." because Ference Title, Both teams were Many parents and friends gathered evenly matched, and York had a to watch the game. Barb Brazis The girls record is now 5-2-1 with lerrific player in No. 14, who kept started the scoring in the Ilrst half. only 4 games left in the season. putting them back in the game Katie Dowd added the second goal B·ball Starts ~~~,~~~~;:~~~Y~;::;~,fi'~ The Women's Basketball team will start practicing 14 vicrorv. Said Coach Fritz, "It <, ~ .~:!~§,~~i;~:fr~~~~:!i:~~: November (who 1 : ~ since She year. last Anyone interested in playing was very was ar- excellent match. Both ~ f~~~:~eastpe~~:IlYw~~ J:~;e::d is not playing a fall sport) must get a physical today at 4:00 in the ~~:;~u~laJa~d v~7 :e~!' ;tg~:~~~ ~half. One of the J.V. onlookers training room of the gym. Please with a home crowd. That helped." ~~ :J!. stated that "WMC pretty much sign up outside of Miss Fritz's FirSI Loss in .\nti-Climax !~o~~n~t:~ t~~T~:o~~=:~e':eK~t:: office (Blanche basement) or see Kelly Dargan (McDaniel 207) In a match immediately '0 doing well is cause we work before 4:00 today. Anyone willing following their conference win, the of together as a team. There are no to help put it together for a winning Terrors suffered their first loss of Women in throes of first toss after clinching championship. outstanding individuals." and fun season is welcome to come the season to Navy. The Navy learn Tri-captains for the team are out for the team. was big, end they played strong prodded by a good-sized crowd, ot.he~ teams will participate: seniors Nancy Hess, Sally Stan- ~Z:ese~v~~~1Ca~l;n~?-~~~a~ ~fi~~ ~~~tO;~I~i~hg~y~~lte~:~~~t~~t~~~ ~~~:~~~~~' F~~~;g:~\~:i~~~~', ~=~~'a~e~;~ri~~~~:~ ~l:e:~~~ Turkeys Trot their victory. They also played to in the third game when UMBC Upsa~a, Albright, Juniata, and dously both on and off the field. The Intramual Turkey Trot (3.0 Navy's strength. The short balls began to play conservatively, and Washington. "They work us as hard as the miliX-country race) was held Sat. WMC unconsciously served to the WMC began to play aggressively. Oct. 15. Finishers and times: ~~;;s!~deT~~pe~e~~:~t u~o~av[~! :~ef;~~~,slc5~~~sa~~ t~5~I~ast three Victory Eludes Soccer Team ~:~~hc~t:eg~f~~~~;nt" ~~::~:~ ~~d~~t~~~~i~~i~g bt~e~f:;;:~~Play !\lAC Tourney Nov. 4-5 H;I ~chmulowjtz According to Coach Homer ~..BB~~~~:~:~~~~~~ttude~::05:1 third games (15.11, 15-7). Tonight at 7:00 the Terrors This past Saturday found the Earll, this was "the best ball 21:26:9 travel to Washington College. Last WMC Soccer team meeting (played) in three or four weeks." 5. Julie Vaughan- student 22:45:4 Last Thursday (20th) the Terrors year WMC beat Washington, but Dickenson College in a close He also stated that the midfield 6. faculty 23:12:8 beat UMBC under unusual cir- thatwasonhomecourt.Itmightbe match. Even with a capacity and line still had their punch but 7 B;~,,~';;::~i:~~UI~'ltin:e23:55:6 cumstances. WMC is used to a tough game away. After this crowd cheering them on, the the backfield was weak. 8 B~ playing the best out of three match, the only challenge tooters could not rally a victory 25:44:6 games, but UMBC's coach insisted remaining for the Terrors is to take a~ain~t Dickenson, who took the Upcoming games will find the ,..:::=-------=::.::..::_ upon playing the best out of five. In the Middle Atlantic Conference Will With a score of 3-2. Tbe game, Terrors meeting Franklin and will go against "Tomorrow the first two games, WMC played Title. The tournament will begin played on Parents day, was the Marshall October 29. On November slow. Two of their offensive hits November 4th at 2:00 at first played on Hoffa Field since 5th, the booters College. These are the were blocked, and they backed off Washington College. The final 1946. last games of the year and both are and tomorrow, Washington offensively. They lost the first two game of the tournament will be on The end of the first half found ~:~ 1:8---"""---_ and tomorrow» 15-4, 15-9, but went on to win the the next day at3:oo. Besides WMC, WM~ ahead 1-0. With a goal by away. final three. Again the Terrors were the defending MAC champs, nine ~~r;::~s~~~r:~~!Sif~~e~y JV Terrors Drop Close One Second quarter saw another goal Macbeth Joe Dell; Badi; . by Dave Zauche. scoring on a The WMC JV football team that the offensive output will have direct .kick, he was assisted by co- dropped its second game in as to improve in the future, he was captain Ron Rhodes. Un- many tries last Monday, losing to especially pleased with the team's fortunately the game. turned ::p~~~ sg~:::~ur3e~:~~~~3~~' ~~t::~Vt~::~!~~i~ea:~:ds ~:!~::~~n:~:~~~~~y ~~th~lc!enf~~~ Prepare for il. The earlier you \ fort. second half. Elliot Runyon and I"?mut_e span. Dickenson shot the begin a life insurance program, the The junior Terrors shut out their Leon Brooke led the secondary tie breaking goal with 11:27 left to Ins you pay. Find out about the Pennsylvania opponent in the while Jim Laneve, Taylor Beattie, play. (l[o(kep'~ milber CollegeMaster plan. ~~~::::~d~~:i~~~::I~!~U~~~ :ens~:ro~e~~~sf:a:f~:t~ed the Wanna Bu~ a (-.nlh~rid,Ii'.' t n;,'nC"II.,~.'h"~.r' ~i.ld.\".....·i."· in.'" Missile Silo? ;,:~g~n !~!e~~rdt~:~geq~r~~ "P~:~:d C~,~~ ~~:~V~~~~lh~e7e~~ ~~n ~nc~:pe~~fr;~y~:d f:-;: :1~:~;~:~7,t:;!~i~~~: ;r:;~If you're wor~ied ~bout a nuclear Steak Lobster which incll!ded several key runs by against a school such as Ship- attack, a ~ahforma. real estate freshman Sam Mitchell. Another pensburg, whose enrollment is ~:rmpany might have Just the thing ~ 216 E. Main St. freshman, Greg Paranto, provided three times that of Western E t rou·c The Rare Earth R.eal I Westminster,Md.21151 the blocking for Mitchell while Maryland. s ~ e. om~any, of Saus.alIto, filling in for starting fullback Lou The JV team next goes into ~hf. bIS :erm g a fully. eq~lpped 848-4202 ; Boone, who was out with an ankle action on Monday, when the ut~ an ned ICBM ~Ilo m the injury. Gettysburg Bullets will travel here sou ~aster~ N~w ~exlco desert. Your host: CDllegeMaster. While Coach Pete Clark feels for a 3 p.m. kick off. The Silo, whlc? IS bwlt on 90 acres /h .sCR/JD'.lIlAJ b( <'-1,1T:".,J~..... _ _ _ of land an~ IS surroun~ed by a L=mbas T~b~""da''''QI';a'I ..·~ ,,(r f~·~""~~M~\ we serve", ' _"1'"~•.' ~I ::; I ~~ silo "'.'ould cost at least ~3.5 millIOn it for a to bUild but IS now offenng _ J .. J '-/ A > ~~ ~~~r $i~04~~~32_~~~e Earth's LUNCH DINNER I Carroll Pla.a Shopping Center I Heagy's Sport HOUSE OF LIQUORS Shop r--------.. FULL LINE OF SPORTING I Special of the Week! I 16 W. Main StreDt 848-5515 848·1314 GOODS I In Town ...... "'" 0., -w.rtelldft- 8ring this ad with you for: I Budweiser 12 oz. ca ns I....."....,:-:---:---::::-:-:---, Of.- DISTANCE W11111N WALKING I / 6 pack $1.59 Bobby's Hobby Opa ,....__..,. nupl s....,. 7.... Lobby I Sale ends Thursday, Nov 4 I ArtSupp(ies, Crafts, Models NEWLY REMODELED Route 140 65 East Ma;n Street d WMC Westminster .________ stu enl$ only .. <.;8;.;.48;,...4"'3.:,;50 ---' EXPANDED SEA11NG Westmi,,'er 1411-91J0
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