Page 42 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 42
SCRIMSHAW' Letters to the Editor Find a Better Time, Remember: the Roommates, too, Suffer a Lot Some of Us Did Die Dear Editor" aideration and recognition of this However, in terms of this year's "Hell Week" is over. All of the fact. concert, I feel that the Social It is amazing the way students are pushed to the limits to see exactly pledges have become sorority Name withheld by request Committee could not possibly have how much they can handle. 'rtirs weekend there was an excellent op- sisters as a reward for getting chosen a more talented and porlunily to see if a student could attend a bonfire, concert, parade. through the week. I would like to Missed Melba? dynamic artist. I truly regret the foolball game, and dance and euu pass a Physics, Chemistry or congratulate a few people who are fact that more WMC students did Economics test on Monday morning. There were interesting variations often forgotten during this week. , Missed a Lot not take advantage of the op- to these behavior patterns; like those students who had not one, but two Namely, the roommates" who are Dear Sir: portunity Melba Moore's fantastic major tests last Monday. There were also lesser examples of this independents. They have to put up I would like to take this op- performance last Friday night behavior, those students who merely had one or two quizzes to contend with a lot of things, and yet still portunity to extend my con- Sincerely, with. They were the lucky ones, they could sneak small blocks of time manage to understand and be dolences to those people who Ann L. Hackman (like the 4th quarter of the football game) and study. sympathetic. I would like to offer stayed away from the 1977 While it's fun to watch a student come dragging into class after the thanks to these people that Homecoming Concert featuring Melba Fabulous studying all night and try to take a test, one begins to wonder if this is the sometimes is never said Melba Moore. Dear Editor way Homecoming is meant to be celebrated. Aller all, aren't the students Some of the things they do are: Western Maryland College was The Melba Moore Concert was supposed to enjoy Homecoming? getting up early to get their privileged to be treated to as ex- absolutely fabulous last Friday Bonfires, parades, and pep rallies are supposed to spark our school roommates out of bed; staying up cellent performance by Melba night and for all the people who spirit. This is so we can all turn out at the game and cheer valiantly for late to get their roommates into Moore. Ms. Moore's sheer intentionally missed it, you hurt our Terrors. We ere not saying that massive amounts of tests after bed; locating various articles that dynamism radiated throughout the yourselves this time. Homecoming damage school spirit. Quite the contrary, it produces a very are needed for the' next days entire concert, filling the void left Chris Holmes intense do-or-die spirit. ("I'm gonna pass th test If it kills me!") Then even~s; doing the l~undry; by those who would not attend there Is a dance, where, since we are young and these are our golden cleaning the room; holding con- In closing, I would again like to years, etc. etc.. we are supposed to dance 'tll dawn on the gym floor of ventions of pledges at all hours of exted my regrets to all of those who Concert good ole WMC. the day and night; and, finding it were: "studying", "going to a Unfortunately, this is not possible for many students swamped with hard to study. They only see their party", working", or "couldn't Loses $6,000 tests on Monday. They must pick only a few acttvttres. (if any) to attend. roommates when she is sleeping find the money"-You are the Mary Cole And then these poor souls must cope with the guilt feelings: "I've got between classes, grouching about losers. On october 31 at 9 p.m., the SGA two chapters of Organic and Physics to study, and here I am at a football little irritations, or being non- Sincerely, held a regular meeting in the game." communicative. The other sisters Of course, we could make it easier. Homecoming Dance could be held treat them like a piece of furniture Eamonn McGeady ~~l~~p:;~:~~i~~~r::~~u~:; in the nbrerv. Then, during band breaks, students could get a few more or as a personal secretary. But, Choice Fine pages read. Enterprising male students would be sure to ask the smartest they don't complain. F;c:~t{o~~:~~~~il Concert was girl in the class to the dance. Department tutors could be picked not only I would like to remind the Dear Editors, $6,459.88 and only $610 worth of for their understanding of the subject, but also for th-eir ability to do the scrcrities that a pledge's room- I would like to commend the SGA tickets were sold. The loss of Hustle. mate is a person, too-Just because Social Committee and its chair- money on the concert indicates We realize that many things affect scheduling, like the amounts of she has no desire to be in a person, Linda Thomas, for the little hope for a single, large material covered, and when drop date occurs. But It seems like sorority, does not affect whether excellant choice of Melba Moore concert in the spring. professors could make some attempt to avoid scheduling major tests the she is human. She has gone for the homecoming concert. I Student directories are Monday after Homecoming, especially when these tests are set in Sep- through a personal "Hell Week." realize that there is a great deal of scheduled to be available next tember. We realize the difficulties a professor faces, no matter when you There is a bond between some controversy concerning the format week, costing 25 cents each. schedule a test, someone is going to be unhappy about it. But roommates that no amount of used in deciding upon performers Possibilities for a Ticketron Homecoming is an annual event which is scheduled in advance, and this "sisterhood" can or should change. for concerts, and perhaps a change outlet at WMC were also gives professors some flexibility to work with. Most tmportenttv.tthts is They live together. I think these in the current procedure should be represented. our weekend. This is our weekend, as students, to have fun as students. roommates deserve a little con- considered for the future. In addition, Paul Fulton an- We know the Importance of our studies, but this is one weekend we'd like nounced the purchase of a' ditto to learn about the importance of enjoying ourselves. Maybe next year this Whit~ Lectures on Monies machine by the SGA. Those in- will be possible for those students who were uneote to do sothis year. terested to in USing the machine are become urged thoroughly Dr. David Did a "Voice" Matter? . communications, Manning white, an on Boston University, graduated from avoid costly with problems operation to familiar the of all authority. of mass forms College Cornell in and 1938' with, the will Jecture degrees honorary from the "Hfstoiy of Motion Pictures received College in 1964 and Saints . equipment. Cornell Melba Moore, natfcnalty.known singing artist, performed in Gill Gym and Mass ccmmunicauons in the Two new organizations were last Friday night for the. WMC Homecoming Concert. And what a per. United States" at 8 p.m., Tuesday, College in 1970. He is presently voted into existence at the formance she qave-fha lady had a range and a voice to go along with her November 8, in Decker Auditorium professor of mass communications meeting. The Deaf Club and the Ski flash_ing, vibrant personality that frequently brough~ the audience to their at Western Maryland College. at Virginia Commonwealth Club were recognized by the SGA feet throughout the night. Dr. White, former chairman of University. as worthwhile organizations and A classy little act was what she brought on steee-ene that began with the Division of Journalism at Tracing the roots of film, are now eligible for school funds. the sight of six professional musicians dressed In elaborate tuxedos television, and comic beoks, Dr. The Rifle Team asked SGA support providing the opening number for Ms. Moore's part of the show. It was Prints Open White will show the changes that in their attempt to gain recognition one that continued through the Broadway hit songs, the beautlfully have been made in these, media as a varsity sport. mellow love ballads, and the pop tunes familiar to everyone's ears. And It and their effec.t on the industry as The next meeting is scheduled was an act that ended when Melba moved toward the crowd, shaking and An exhibition of prints by Jack well as' the American public. The for 9 p.m., November 14, at Dr. holding all hands that 'were thrust toward her. Orman will be displayed 10 a.m.-4 lecture is free and open to the John's house. All are encouraged Here's where the major disappointment of the night came In, though. p.m., November 1-18 in Gallery public. to attend. "The crowd" forgot to show up. Cavernous Gill Gym seemed almost to One of the Fine Arts Building at R:lln......" ,- __ echo with loneliness as only two to three hundred persons showed up to Western Maryland College. LVCI"'I4U"" witness a concert that was meant to entertain many, many more. One of Orman's work has appeared in the fIrst moves Melba Moore made upon entering the stage was to cali the many of the major print and This week we present the work of fiction), remember to include an \ audience up closer, to the vacant space In front, giving eneryone the drawing exhibitions in the United Andrew Darlington, an English envelope and enough International opportunity tc stt almost with in touching range of a true artist. States, including displays at the poet. Mr. Darlington edits Ludd's Reply Coupons to cover return However, many excuses were overheard for not attending the concert. postage. One reason commonly given was the non-Involvement of the general ~~~~~~~n of GCaol~::i~~s ~~d ~~: ~il~p: ~~0~~1K~~s:,~:;l~zk~~~e~~ student body in the selection process that brought Ms. Moore here Smith~onian. His work has also Ossett, we-t Yorksbore WF5 ORE, SCRIMSHAW would like to point out that for at least the past two Fall ~en In shows sponson:d by the UK. Those interested in submitting Concerts. time has not allowed the SGA secret Committee to utilize large ~;:!~II~~partt~~~~h:~:Ch S~~l~~ thcir work (poetry, graphics, EIGHT THIRTY ~.M. surveying techniques prior to singing a performer's contract. The street is blurred autumn And yet, last year's concert, featuring Atlanta Rhythm Section and America and Western Europe with the softness that twighhght Rusty Wier, was heavily attended with nary a word of complaint over ~ gives even to angular cities. who brought them here. Also, at thai time ARS was a relative unknown in The factory melts into the sky, comparison to Ms. Moore today, having released no hit singles beside windows of light cut sharply Melba's two. Jeff Robinson into shades and shadows of This is not to say that'evervcne would have enjoyed last Friday night's ,l'I1anngingEditor darkness. performance. We recognize that different persons have differing musical Meg HoyJe He waits within the pool tastes. Stili, we have reservations whether All of the reasons given for News Editor Typist Jigsaw Artist of street-light NOT seeing Melba Moore can be taken at full face value. Nancy Menefee DaveClevela!ld for the factory girl. But beyond those reasons and their concomitant missing bodies, we Bu.siness /I-1aWlger NaneySaxion Photography Editor should like to state that the evening came off far above even our own Ann Hackman Scott Dahne expectations. We feel that we should complement the artist on her style, Joe Della Badia Joan Humes EGO BREAKER. her voice, and her overall act. It was a concert-no, it was an expertence-. Sports Editors Entertainment Director Feoture Editcr Outside the supermarket Mark Katz that should not be soon forgotten. Jim Teramani Arts Editor PhillaPadula digging yourself ~ -$- -$-' I JimWoesland Thea Braver Chance meeting with your own Staff smile Cake Looks, Tastes Fabulous Doug Bowman MarkC. Bayer An" Vlviney reflected amongst the Yon Makino dancing Steve Bainbridge Tim Windsor Students who walked into the made by Mr. Gale, our school Bill Weeks David Zinck Scott DeMaris special offers on Denise Giangola Mike D'Andrea cafeteria for dinner Saturday were baker. Scrimshaw has only one Phyllis Menschner Chris Bohaska BeckyCassilly darkened plate glass. Mark Mylin greeted with a fabulous sight. Up comment to make: it tasted every Anita Crousc Jeff Smith He Ornery Digging the hair, on stage, decorated with a football bit as good as it looked! Thanks! Sally Stebbins Dave Langley Joan Hughes digging the smile. field and WMC players, was a huge -TbeEditors Jay Hohzman' MaryCoJe SergioZarbin When this sparrow, Homecoming cake. The cake was directly above you.
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