Page 156 - Scrimshaw1977-78
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.Intelleet, Finally (Prineeton) PuDllCltY Office .. , "western Md. will confer some Western Maryland College in 1967. In 1954 Brown presented a paper 400 degrees during the l08th but was paralyzed in a swimming at the National Recreation commencement to be held on May accident before beginning studies Congress and exhibited models of 28. The ceremonies will be in- thatfall. "Play Communities," designed to terpreted by sign language for the Joe Brown coached boxing for 25 re-establish playas "a preparation deaf. years at Princeton University and for the responsibilities of Joseph Brown, professor of art his interst in athletics is expressed maturity." Since then full-sized and sculptor in residence at in many of his works. Some of his models have been installed in Princeton University, will be the works which are displayed at playgrounds in London, Tokyo, keynote speaker at Western universities, colleges, and "ln- Philadelphia, the New Jersey Maryland's Commencement to be' stitutions throughout the U.S. Neuro-Psychiatric Institute and held -at 3 p.m. on the campus include: "Runner and Discus many other public playgrounds. quadrangle. 'xpproxtmately 290 Thrower" at Johns Hopkins During W. W. II Brown was a Western Maryland graduates will University; "Swimming consultant to the-Secretary of War receive bachelor of arts degrees Monument" at Yale University; and a member of the Founding and another 120 students will "Jesse Owens" at Ohio State Faculty when the Army Ground receive master of education and University; and "Discus Thrower" .and Service Forces established the master of liberal arts degrees. at Kennedy Memorial Library. Trainers and Athletic Directors An exhibit of Brown's work will Brown also has done portraits of .....'School in Lexington, Va. Also be on display in the Hoover such notables as Robert Frost, during W. W. Il, Brown influenced Library on the Western Maryland John O'Hara, Odetta, Jimmy the Army to revamp its program of campus beginning May 18. Durante, Arthur Ashe, and John boxing instruction. r:e~:~~~~0~~~~7o!~~:~~~~ Steinbeck. 'J'he Fina. Frog arts degree. Other honorary degree recipients include: .l\lUDPIElS Clarence Bennett for doctor of We've always heard. that frat noticied all the Phi Dells out business administration; William guys are just little boys at heart, slgnging in the rain and playing in Joseph Brown, of art and sculptor in residence at Princeton A. Holmes for doctor of humane the mud, Keep trying Phi's, maybe University. will be the keynote speaker at the 10ath Western Maryland letters; and Richard W. Kiefer for but we never believed it' until you'll graduate from kindergarten .- Commencement on May 28th at 3 p.m. An exhibit of Brown's work doctor of civil law. An honorary Monday night. That's when we 'Nill be on display in the Hoover Library on the Western Maryland camp- bachelor of letters degree will be ONE LAST KISS us beginning May 18, presented to-Jon! Eareckson who Ah yes, 'tis spring-when a young For oM.les On I, was acce!,~ed for admission to frog's thoughts turn to tadpoles, and another school year draws to a what close. But couples who have to say happens to all campus b\:Oem'f:~I~:;~tt':'W'!'jH~e1rR!!~nd "See you in September"? those Will true long love prevail over received via Scrimshaw, We have A th~ee days outside Ion",pe~t s summer months? Or will the flesh someone be weak? be willing and the spirit reprintedjt as it was received... . /1\ wln.dow be.fore they. '!Iention. ed U.'. Only time will tell, but the Frog I read your last column in ~ Besides, those .rapellmg seats get Scrimsahw (even though I am - a~fully un.comfortable awfully sends best wishes to all who are Iemale.-I never follow directions quick, especially for us guys going to take time off from anyway!) and I have experienced • Break mto her room and hide studying for one of those "long some of those techniques. I have a • under her bprf. All girls ~lk to their goodbyes." ~~~~le~~ha~~t~~outh:r~OU g:~~~ .. :.~~;::~.~~~~~h~:a~.l!o~~~~g BYE BYE has it that the Frog will Rumor Situation: you had a two-week if you stay there long enough . 'S"'h=-a::"ik::-e=-=s"pC"e::-a-r-e--' ~:xgtr;~~~!~~~i~~~~~d~~~~~ ~~a~! absurb, totally everyone since A~:o~~~~e ~:~dg:l~~:o:e~~~~ this 7f ~~ pa~rC~~~~c~~~a;:.~~a~:ee;O:~:rb: on Finals knows that the Frog graduated last up, we With Exam week coming ,~~~~r~;;\~il~tl:e~~u p~O/~:tc~~;: - . ~nbl:.~~;e.~:~~~ h:~:;;~i~~~'l~.~~ of Scrimshaw felt a little ancient year. However, if everyone insists etc., you realize person read lips, smce watching her wave wisdom of the greatest of play upon it, we'll be glad to do it once doesn't want to have anything to do . her arms as she speaks docs not again for old times' sake. If you're with you - but its bugging the ( ') ~ suffice ~o convey messages with Shakespeare, might help brighten really interested in finding out who SHIT out of you as to the reason I . an; c~~nty. an otherwise gloomy day, . we are, watch for us at graduation- why. What would be the next line of F inally, if none of t_he above -we'll be the ones wearing the action? -;:::y- methods work, try speaking 10her webbed shoes. "Come bitber, Sirrab, 1 must IIOLY MENSTHIKF: AG'\IN~ Dear ~.P Pitifully Paranoid ~ \ . ~;t:C~~r ~o~~ep~~~~tc~7~~:~ ie~~~exam.inethee." The other week it was singing You are correct in stating that letter. We will treat it as if it were you can speak directly to her by -2 HenTlJ VI, IV, 2, 105. chickens. Ihis week it's flying you donotfollow directions. As you written by a guy. Otherwise, our meeting her somewhere on "Bring me to the test" chairs. From what we hear, last had no right reading this column. I consciences will suffer. So here campus. Thursday night in the Preacher feel under no obligation to answer goes: Jerry and r hope we have been of '- Hamlet, III, 4, 142. section, a chair sprouted wings your letter. You are hearby in- Have you tried some of the some help. If you still require more "Let me ask you a question," Now this chair, being a rather structed, along with all other methods mentioned in earlier methods, OF would like a slightly -AU's WeUThat Ends WeU, flighty type, was frightened byalJ females to turn to some other articles. f1~or instance. try hiring more serious answer to your letter, the Preacher commotion and tried article, preferably on some other an upperclassman to investigate. write us again. Leave a place 1,1,123, to escape--right through a window page. And try to follow in- Or talk to her roommate, or a where we can leave our answer Poor baby, it-never had a chance. structions! mutual friend. Maybe they can (for example, the hollow stump on "Let me question more in par. Count on that Preacher holy water It's just like a female to not find out what it is she won't tell the fourth green or in a coke bottle ticular_" and incense to produce such -Hamlet,1I, 2, 244, miracles. ~~~~; ~:;;S~~~~~O~~'ey~ehe;tic~~~ YOI~these methods don't work, try ~~J':e~:~ldg!~~~c~~~~o~an, etc.) their noses where they don't some of the following: (Maybe Jerry and I can start a "I trill answer it straight." - The Wives oj belong! Always remember, "A .. Borrow some rope from the full-time letter answering service, woman's place is reading some ROTC department, if there is a demand for it. Or Windsor, I, I, 11~. other article, or some other page." the roof of her dorm. If you hang maybe we can use the new com~ Free For the benefit df any guys who outside her window long enough puter to start a lull-time dating "nIDOtfail.,_. -As have faced similar difficulties, she may mention you in a .con- service. I can see it now--Tom & You Like It, Y, 2, 132, Preglarcy however, we will answer this veTSation with a friend. Be patIent, Jerry's Compute·a-DateJ "Your answer, sir, is enigmat- Sqirrels Have Company ical" Test -Muc-h Ado about Nothing, Y,4.27. This summer at WMC will not be purpose of the conference is "to "Mart. how sI:ort his aDSwer without its happenings, though discover common and unique is." Prompl. ((mfIJ",rllidl students won't be involved. education needs in the humanities -Much Ado About Nothing, hdn. IIldudins niT1h Western Maryland will be the host for local leaders of the following f0nrrql and ah'!I1lon of a conference designed to aquaint interest groups: Women's 1,1,215. public interest groups with the Organizations, Consumer's humanities and to help them in- Organizations, Labor "A mad!- 0, mark but that corporate the humanities into their Organizations, Minorities mark.!" programs. Organizations, and Environmental -Looe's Labours' Lost, ~r;J( This conference. which was Organizations. Through the ex- IV,I.133_ proposed by project director Dr. change of ideas among delegates ~;-. Alein!' Austin of the History Dept. from these groups, and scholars in "What .. ere his marts'!" along with Drs. Melvin Palmer the humanities, it is the aim of the -As You LikeIt,m,2,39L - tComp. Lil.J, William Tribby Conference to produce a Baltimore, Maryland Wramatic Arts) and Ira Zepp framework for developing a "You may DOt~ .. 13(1)788-440() 'Phil./Rel.l. will be held from Summer Convocation of -Cqriolanus, Y, 2, 5, June9-llatWMC. Workshops in the Humanities for As stated in the brochure, the public interest groups in 1979, and
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