Page 4 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 4
, Page 4 Scrimshaw Wednesday, September 10, 1975 For over 130 years we've been using the word "quality" in our advertising. Once again, we'd like to tell you what we mean by it. Blue Ribbon quality means the best tasting beer you can get. A quality achieved only by using the finest ingredients and by adhering to the most rigid of brewing standards. In Milwaukee, the beer capital of the world, Pabst Blue Ribbon continues to be the overwhelming best seller year after year. Blue Ribbon outsells its nearest competitor nearly five to one. That's why we feel we've earned the right to challenge any beer: So here's the Pabst challenge: Taste and compare the flavor of Blue Ribbon with the beer. you're drinking and learn what Pabst quality in beer is all about. But don't take our word for it. Taste our word for it. Pabst. Since 1844. The quality has always come through. !'IIH~T HRtWI~I; COMPANY Mll\"/ilIIKff WIS PfORIA H[IGfHS III NfWARK IV J LOS AN(HIS CAL PABST GA
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